Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 493

Chapter 493

Bao Zixuan's words caused the two of them to fall into contemplation. It seems that Americans are not real friends. Although I have known it for a long time, sometimes there is really no way to take other people. It is clear that the United States will stand on the side of Israel in every Middle East war, but it cannot get rid of the control of the United States. Although God has given the Arabs the most precious wealth, it has not given them the ability to protect their wealth.

Said passed Bao Zixuan's words to His Majesty the King, and he needed to make a choice at this time. Hussain Ibn Talal also knew that Bao Zixuan's concerns were justified. Now he can only try it in Jordan, and then promote it to the Arab world when the time is right.

Early the next morning, Saeed took Bao Zixuan to visit the famous sites in Jordan, and the first stop came to the Dead Sea. This is the first time for Bao Zixuan to come here. He is very longing for this world-famous tourist attraction.

The Dead Sea is located in the Jordan Rift Valley, the Great Rift Valley between Israel and Palestine. It is 86 kilometers long from north to south, 5 to 16 kilometers wide from east to west, and its deepest point is 380.29 meters. The shore of the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth that has exposed land, and is known as the "navel of the world". From a distance, the Dead Sea looks like a two-tailed fish. Under the sunlight, the sea surface is like an ancient bronze mirror. After the 1967 Israeli-Arab war, Israeli forces have been occupying the entire West Bank.

The Dead Sea contains a high concentration of salt, which is 8.6 times that of ordinary sea water, so that no organisms can survive in the water. This is one of the reasons why people named it the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea, a saltwater lake on the border between Israel and Jordan, is disappearing. According to the relevant data of the World Environmental Protection Organization, the level of the Dead Sea is dropping at a rate of 3.3 feet (about 1 meter) per year. With the decreasing water volume, the salt concentration of the Dead Sea has greatly increased.

Bao Zixuan and the others took a bath in the Dead Sea, which was exactly what people said. Even people who can't swim here can easily float up and see the Israelis playing on the opposite side. Said is very unconvinced. The other side was also their Jordanian land. I really want to kill all the Jews on the other side with a gun. Light.

While resting on the shore, Bao Zixuan saw a lot of people selling dirt from the Dead Sea. At this time, I suddenly thought that the cosmetics developed by many companies in later generations using Dead Sea sediments would be very expensive as long as they really contain Dead Sea mud materials, but seeing that these people are not well-dressed, and the price of Dead Sea mud is similar to that of cabbage. It's really a riot.

Seeing that Bao Zixuan was interested, Syed hurriedly asked someone to buy some. Although he didn't understand what this young man meant, he knew that he must have found something.

Bao Zixuan: "How can the price of Dead Sea mud be so cheap, it shouldn't be!"

Said: "Isn't this just ordinary dirt! It may have some effect, but it has no important value."

Bao Zixuan is also speechless. These Middle Eastern people are really cute and silly. God has given them too many gifts, but they just don't know how to use them.

Bao Zixuan thought for a while and said, "I read a survey report on the Dead Sea when I was studying at Oxford University. It explained the function and mineral composition of Dead Sea mud in great detail."

"The black mud on the bottom of the Dead Sea is rich in minerals, and skin care and beauty products with high content of Dead Sea mud can brighten skin tone, improve dullness, deep cleanse, and lighten texture."

They were both very excited to hear that the Dead Sea silt had such an effect. Said said excitedly: "You mean this thing can be used to produce high-end cosmetics."

Bao Zixuan knew that a few years later, the Israelis opened dozens of beauty sanatoriums on the Dead Sea, where they covered their bodies with black mud, leaving only their eyes and lips exposed. The mineral-rich Dead Sea black mud, due to the special effects of fitness and beauty, makes the Jews a lot of money. It is no wonder that people can become developed countries, but ordinary people cannot learn this business.

Bao Zixuan: "It's far more than that. We can build the largest resort and the most luxurious beauty salon here. It has become a holiday and shopping paradise for women all over the world. Seeing you like this now is like begging for a golden rice bowl."

"Do you know nylon! When the DuPont family produced nylon socks that swept the United States, the price of a pair of nylon socks was equivalent to a year's salary in the United States. But there are still many women competing to buy them; women's money is the best in the world. of."

Said: "But it is against the teachings to let women come here. It can be said that the Dead Sea is the world's earliest sanctuary. We also know that the large amount of minerals in the lake has a certain soothing and pain-relieving effect. The chest is bare, for fear of causing disgust in other Arab countries."

Bao Zixuan: "Other Arab countries have a lot of oil and natural gas resources. What does Jordan have. If the Dead Sea can make good use of the 1 billion US dollars a year, it should not be a problem. It depends on how you choose."

Syed: "It could really be a billion dollars."

Bao Zixuan: "Don't underestimate women's pursuit of beauty. It doesn't matter how much money you spend to make yourself more beautiful. Just imagine, a middle-aged woman is rejected by her husband because of poor maintenance. The husband will definitely look for young people outside. Beautiful girls, the money spent is the joint property of both husband and wife, it is better to spend the money on self-maintenance than this, and smart women will calculate this account."

Said is also weighing what Bao Zixuan said, if he really let go, would he invite a backlash from domestic forces. After all, women can't show their faces here. How can I explain to the Chinese when I see European and American women wearing only swimsuits.

Said: "I will report to the king to see if you have any good ideas. Seriously, if you are a Jordanian, I definitely recommend you to be the prime minister. In a few years, Jordan will definitely It will become rich. How to think about it, it is legal to marry a few more here. My sister is a few years younger than you, you can think about it. "

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Let's talk about this! But you can follow the example of Huaxia and set up a special economic zone here in the Dead Sea, which means that the system here is a bit different from other parts of the country, and you can appropriately relax some policies. I There is a lot of investment in the Huaxia Deep Sea Special Economic Zone. Isn't His Majesty the King going to visit Huaxia! Where can you go to take a look, if you want to develop, you must make changes, otherwise, who will come to invest here.

Bao Zixuan didn't know whether it was right or wrong to help Jordan make plans, but since he wanted to get real benefits from others, he had to pay, which might be money or methods.

Hussain said with a smile: "Bao, it's not surprising that you can achieve the wealth and status you have today. When you come back from Israel, can you go to the UAE with me and provide us with the economic construction there? A little opinion; rest assured that it will not delay you too long. UU reading"

Bao Zixuan: "I will definitely go when you are in power; whether to invest, build factories, or even buy oil; I will definitely support you, but the time is not yet ripe."

At this time, the UAE is not an exaggeration to describe it as being torn apart. Bao Zixuan did not want to lie in this muddy water. Seeing that Bao Zixuan didn't want to go there now, and he knew what was going on in the country, Hussein could only give up.

After that, several people went to the ancient city of Sarthe, the desert castle and other scenic spots with different styles. It can be said that after visiting all the famous tourist attractions in Amman, Bao Zixuan is also preparing to leave Jordan temporarily for the next stop.

Said did not let him rest that night, knowing that it is difficult to have such an opportunity without asking now. Therefore, he took Bao Zixuan to plan a feasible plan for establishing a special economic zone in the Dead Sea.

After all, he is a person who often goes to European and American countries, and there is no problem with Said in this area of vision. It's just that some places are not bold enough, so under the touch of Bao Zixuan, a report on the establishment of the Dead Sea Special Economic Zone has finally taken shape.

The report was sent to the palace overnight, and it was a relief to see Saeed's masterpiece, King Hussein ibn Talal. My younger brother has finally grown up and can share his worries and solve problems for himself.

But now he doesn't dare to approve the project immediately, after all, there are too many interests involved, and he doesn't know what the actual effect will be. Since it is mentioned in the report that Huaxia Deep Sea has established a special economic zone, is there a place to look to decide domestic matters?

When King Hussein Ibn Talal visited Huaxia, he really proposed to visit and study in the Deep Sea Special Economic Zone. Although Huaxia did not understand it very well, he still met the request of the King of Jordan. What he saw and heard in the deep sea gave him the idea of setting up a special economic zone in Jordan. Bao Zixuan didn't know if this was an act of capitalizing on the enemy.