Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Just as Bao Zixuan was preparing to go to Poland, a statement issued by the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce sent the whole world into a frenzy.

Not only fell into madness, but also made people around the world incomprehensible. In fact, it is not only people from other countries in the world who don't understand it, but even many important officials in the Soviet Union express their incomprehension.

At first, when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce of the Soviet Union received the notice, they felt that the person was playing a prank, but after seeing the document jointly issued by Brezhnev and Andropov, they immediately took it seriously. After all, this shows that there is no disagreement at the top level on this matter, and they are not resolute in implementing it. Is it a long life.

Once the news that the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce jointly held a press conference was leaked, it was positively responded by the media of various countries. After all, not a few times in the entire history of the Soviet Union, and just before the largest military exercise ever held.

Not only media reporters from various countries, but even leaders of various countries are paying attention to the dynamics of the Soviet Union. This is a sensitive time, at the height of the Cold War. Every resolution and every directive of the United States and the Soviet Union can have a huge impact on the world.

Everyone is watching how the situation develops, as it stands now. The Soviet Union is likely to take advantage of this opportunity to occupy Europe. After all, where is the strength of others. This is what everyone is worried about. In that case, it will definitely trigger a third world war and bring the threat of destruction to human beings. Everyone has to pay attention.

At 9:00 a.m. Moscow time, a press conference jointly organized by the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce was held in the press hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as scheduled. Journalists from various countries stationed in the Soviet Union basically came here, and everyone wanted to know the thoughts and trends of the Soviet people as soon as possible.

The press conference was very high-level. The Foreign Ministry was attended by First Deputy Minister Solsdorf, while the Commerce Ministry was personally attended by Minister Sergei Brenko. The Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs has always been known for its toughness internationally, as well as domestically. Relatively speaking, the Ministry of Commerce of the Soviet Union is much more low-key domestically and internationally. After all, its own economic development is not very complete, and it is far from its military strength.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs acted as the host of the meeting and said: "Hello, friends from the media! It is a great pleasure for you to attend the press conference jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce."

"The great Soviet Union decided to hold the West-81 military exercise on September 4. Everyone already knows that the content of this press conference is a supplement and improvement to the West-81 military exercise."

"In order to let the world know more about the powerful military power of the Soviet Union, we decided to invite military attachs from various countries to observe the military exercises. We have also prepared 100 more viewing opportunities. Anyone can sign up for these 100 places without any restrictions. The premise is that each person has to prepare a fee of 1 million rubles for transportation, accommodation and other expenses during the observation."

Hearing that the Soviets were going to sell packages during military exercises, the reporters below broke the pot. When did Lao Maozi become so good at doing business, and he was so ruthless.

The exchange rate between the ruble and the dollar at this time is 1 dollar = 0.9 rubles, although it is the official price. Dollars are much more valuable than rubles on the black market and are more sought after by the market. But this time, the money is to be handed over directly to the Soviet Union's commercial department, and no one dares to buy it on the black market. Isn't that not just looking for trouble and making trouble for oneself!

If that person wants to participate, he must prepare 1.1111 million US dollars, which means that the income of the Soviets buying tickets this time exceeds 100 million US dollars. Although it is much lower than the cost of military exercises, it will cost so much without tickets. Money is not. The most important thing is to prove his strength in front of the world, which is definitely a genius idea.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs went on to say: "The next step is the reporter's questioning session. If you have any questions, you can ask the two ministers next to me."

At this time, the reporter from the Associated Press stood up and said, "Hello, Mr. Sosdorf, may I ask who are the 100 quotas for this time?"

The reporter from the Associated Press has a relatively good understanding of the first deputy minister of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it is not the first time he has dealt with the other party. This time, the Soviet Union can show that the official attaches great importance to this matter.

Solsdorf: "This time, it is mainly aimed at entrepreneurs who have cooperation with the Soviet Union. Through observation, we can bring our relationship closer. However, each place costs 1 million rubles, and the threshold itself is very high. It is mainly aimed at the wealthy class. As for the specific person, it is up to Minister Sergey to decide. If you want to buy tickets, you must be approved by the Commerce Department. Only in this way can you have the opportunity to observe the exercise.

Hearing that it was mainly aimed at entrepreneurs who had cooperation with the Soviet Union, many reporters felt that what the Soviets were doing. Killing chickens to warn monkeys! Let you see the strength of my military, and give me some attention when cooperating in the future. Don't always try to take advantage of the country and let those businessmen do their thing.

But not like it! After all, this was announced at a global press conference. If anyone would dare to cooperate with you in the future, wouldn't this be digging one's own grave!

A reporter from Reuters asked: "Hello, Minister Sergei Brenko! I would like to ask you on what basis the Soviet Commerce Department determines who is eligible to participate and who is not eligible to participate, and what are the criteria for measuring."

Sergey Blenk said: "This time I mainly invite entrepreneurs who have maintained friendly business relations with the Soviet Union. You may think that 1 million rubles is a high price. But in my opinion, some things cannot be measured by money. Few have had the opportunity to see hundreds of thousands of people charging together, and just thinking about it, you can see how shocking it was."

And this is a picture that a movie will never be able to shoot. No film company dares to shoot such a movie, and the most important thing is that they simply do not have the ability. You can imagine what kind of visual impact the scene of ten thousand cannons will bring to the viewers; what kind of thrilling scene it will be when the magic weapon falls; what kind of experience it will be when the armored group sweeps across the battlefield.

This is not something you can watch if you have money, and you miss when the next time you want to watch it will be. After all, the cost of the exercise is not low, and it is impossible for the Soviet Union to organize such a large-scale military exercise frequently.

At this time, an AFP reporter asked: "Minister Sergey Blenk, our boss asked me to ask you. Can he come and observe!"

After receiving a text message from the boss, AFP reporters confirmed it repeatedly. I feel that the boss really wants to come and experience it on the spot, after all, this is a once-in-lifetime opportunity. AFP came here not only to observe, but also to find an important news material. The people who come to watch are the richest people in the world, and everyone can communicate with each other, and maybe there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future.

Sergey Blenk: "Of course, we do not exclude any guest who wants to come and watch. As long as he can abide by the rules of the exercise and does not steal Soviet military secrets, we welcome him, provided he prepares 1 million rubles."

Sergey Blink's words were broadcast around the world on television, and the meaning was clear. There is no problem in going to watch the military exercise this time, as long as you have the money ready, you will have a chance.

When did the Soviets do business like this, this is the idea of many people. However, this operation is in line with the values of the Western business society. It is only natural to appreciate performances and spend money on tickets, so no one rejects them. Even everyone is welcome. If you know that you will be able to see the military performance if you give you money, you should have said it earlier! It's better to spend more money than to hear every day that you want to attack you with a nuke!

A reporter from the Asahi Shimbun asked: "Hello, Minister Sergei Blenk! I would like to ask, can our Japanese entrepreneurs participate! Is the Soviet Ministry of Commerce going to send them an invitation?"

Sergey Blink: "Of course The Ministry of Commerce of the Soviet Union has cooperated with many Japanese companies. For example, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Sony, Panasonic and other companies will send invitations to them and send them to Japan. Entrepreneurs send out the most invitations, and the most people plan to come and watch; the premise is that they are interested in coming and watching.

Hearing this made the Japanese reporters present very excited. At this time, the whole of Japan was a little swollen, thinking that the world's largest trading body would sooner or later be Japan. This time, I heard the most Japanese entrepreneurs invited to the Soviet military exercise. Isn't this a manifestation of the strength of the enterprise!

Next, the reporter asked a few more details, mainly about who wants to sign up at present. After all, the Soviets could not have come up with such an idea for no reason. Either someone made a move, or someone proposed an idea to come and watch.

In a word, the world still does not believe that the Soviet people's ideas are so advanced, after all, this matter is too commercialized. With Lao Maozi's consistent character, it's impossible to design it so perfectly. If you let them make some black technology and weapons, it's fine. From a business perspective, they're not even worse.

The reporters are all thinking about how to report, after all, the country is waiting for their news. You may not be able to ask for much useful information at the press conference. After you go back, you must find a good relationship and ask who gave them the idea.