Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 370

Chapter 370

Bao Zixuan did not expect that a photo could have such a big impact, which was mainly because he had not fully adapted to his identity and lacked knowledge of the surname Morgan.

An unintentional move of the two young people caused many countries and institutions in the world to begin to interpret this photo, the first of which must be that the Morgan family wanted to give shareholders a statement. Although the stock price is rising rapidly now, if there is any unfavorable news of the situation, everyone will suffer heavy losses. If there is no such thing, then you can cash out part of it now. If the thing is real, it's another story.

At this time, the housekeeper of the Morgan family had brought Rachel Morgan back to the Morgan Manor in New York. W-Morgan gave him a death order to bring the young lady back, and immediately. He wanted to know his daughter's thoughts as soon as possible. It would be best if he was just an ordinary friend; if he had any intention of being with Bao Zixuan, he would cancel it as soon as possible. Even as the patriarch of the Morgan family, it is difficult to refuse the proposal of the Presbyterian Church in this matter.

Rachel Morgan, who originally wanted to go shopping with Li Yulin, reluctantly followed the person back to New York. She had already guessed what she was facing. It's just a pity that I can't go shopping with Li Yulin, and I feel a little embarrassed.

In fact, her worries were superfluous, as the Boston Post and Wall Street Journal reported. All the media in the United States are rushing towards the direction of Cambridge, even Bao Zixuan does not dare to go out for shopping easily. All media reporters should be handed over to the company's spokesperson, and all the matters in the photos will be answered mechanically, "I don't know, this is the boss's private matter, and there is no reason to explain it to the subordinates." At the same time, he also said that everyone should pay more attention to the Heiyun products themselves. Don't pay too much attention to your boss's private life.

Of course, the media refused to give up, and they were doing everything possible to find the whereabouts of the parties, and they had the momentum of never giving up until they found out. Li Yulin also knew how things were going, and it was hard to control at this time. So I asked Bao Zixuan to quickly arrange for her to go back to Xiangjiang, and face the media every day without being annoyed to death. And she already understands her son's thoughts, if Rachel Morgan is willing to return to Hong Kong, it is not unacceptable.

Li Yulin had seen some things in the world and knew how unrealistic her son's thoughts were, but this also showed that her son would not leave her alone in Xiangjiang, and would soon be able to reunite for a long time.

Rachel Morgan, who returned to Morgan Manor, saw her father smoking a cigarette in the study, which was unprecedented for a father who has not been in good health in recent years. She knows what kind of person her father is. Could it be that a photo of herself can cause so many things. She is also a little girl with a mentality and doesn't understand what it means if she really combines with Bao Zixuan.

Rachel Morgan: "Dad, why are you smoking; didn't the doctor advise you not to smoke!"

w-Morgan: "You still know how to come back. Do you know how much trouble you have caused this time!"

Rachel Morgan: "What's the trouble, isn't it just a photo! Says something!"

w-Morgan: "Is this about a photo! If Bao Zixuan is a man without mentioning his nationality, he can be said to be very qualified to be my son-in-law. I can't find anything wrong with him. Whether it is ability, education, person Pin is the best. At least I haven't found a young man who is better than him. But it is this Chinese identity that is the most deadly, and the Presbyterian Church has issued a warning to me. "

"And do you know what it means when you combine! That has the power to control the economies of most countries in the world, and everyone will be on our guard. The Wall Street Journal is just a picture of the wind, which makes the share price of the family-owned holding company rise. No less than 10 percentage points, many directors have come to inquire whether this is corporate promotion or you are already together."

"A lot of people are thinking of making a fortune while the stock price goes up, as long as the photo is not what it looks like in the report."

Rachel Morgan: "You said that Bao Zixuan is the best young man, is it wrong for us to be together!"

w-Morgan: "Of course it's right for you to be together, but the fault is that you are not ordinary people. If you are forced to be together, you won't get happiness, and you will be in a dilemma when you start a war with the Morgan family. The Ministry of Commerce has prepared Investigate Heiyun. If Bao Zixuan becomes my son-in-law at this time, the Morgan family will also be unlucky. This is not the era of my grandfather 100 years ago, and the monopoly economy can no longer be maintained for a long time. Sooner or later, some cakes will be distributed. Originally The family can also get some benefits this time, but you won't necessarily involve the Morgan family in such a mess with the Commerce Department."

Bao Zixuan originally thought that the Morgan family would be able to block some attacks, but W-Morgan was bent on taking advantage of him. In the end is too young, too idealistic when thinking about problems.

Hearing her father's analysis, Rachel Morgan became a little silent, she was just a little girl. In the emotional life, it is also a blank sheet of paper, and the love is too romantic. But now she also knows that she is wrong. Her background is destined to make marriage not a combination of two people, which includes the development of two communities of interests, and even the distribution of rights at the national level.

Seeing her daughter's slightly painful expression, W-Morgan felt uneasy. My daughter has been sensible since she was a child, and it can be said that she has always been the most favored little princess in the family.

w-Morgan: "You don't have to be sad. Nothing happened now! Just treat it as a partner, and I'll arrange for a professional manager to take care of it in the future."

The bodyguards of the Morgan family would report the situation of the eldest miss to the family at any time. W-Morgan also knew that the time between her daughter and Bao Zixuan had been very short recently, and she had not stayed overnight.

Hearing this, Rachel Morgan reacted somewhat, so he said: "I will take care of these things, and as for the company, I can take care of it! In addition, I am still young and have not thought about marriage, and I will not take care of this matter. I will explain. I hope you can understand. As for the elders of the family, you should be able to help me block some time. As for the future, who knows!"

Listening to his daughter's answer made w-Morgan not know what to say, but he believed that his daughter had heard it. It is very likely that the little girl wants to make a last-ditch effort, so let her suffer a little and accept a lesson. Flowers in the greenhouse will never grow up without experiencing frost, so consider it an experience!

Rachel Morgan said this because she wanted to see what Bao Zixuan's attitude was, and she wanted to pass on the US Department of Commerce's preparation to investigate Heiyun to Bao let her prepare as early as possible, no As for being so passive. It's a good idea to dare to talk to W-Morgan in this way. There are so few people in the family; they are so few that they can drive out their daughter and leave a son who can take over.

In addition, Rachel Morgan was so confident that his father could hold off the Presbyterian Church for a while because of the Morgan family's system. The Morgan family had very few direct descendants, so the power basically rested with the patriarch. As for the Council of Presbyterians, it is more of an organization that raises collaterals of a family. To put it mildly, it is the Council of Presbyterians, and at worst, it is people who don't work for money.

At this time, Bao Zixuan just took his mother on the plane back to Xiangjiang, and Li Yulin did not expect to face so many media when she came to the United States. It's really annoying, I'd better go back to Xiangjiang earlier to feel at ease. And the son will go back immediately after finishing the matter, so there is no need to stay here to cause trouble for the son.

On the way back, Bao Zixuan received a call from Rachel Morgan. Rachel Morgan was very sorry to learn that Li Yulin had left the United States so soon, and said that she would definitely take her to various places in the United States to have fun when she had time. Her thought at this time was to say that it would not hurt if Bao Zixuan and Li Yulin had a good relationship. At least Bao Zixuan would still listen to his mother's opinions on many things.

At the same time, he revealed to Bao Zixuan that the Ministry of Commerce was planning to launch an anti-monopoly investigation on Heiyun, so he must be careful. Finally, I asked a question about the two of them, what did they think, and whether it was necessary to continue.

Bao Zixuan replied: "If you can go back to Xiangjiang with me, I will definitely marry you, at least that's what I think now."

This sentence made Rachel Morgan very happy, and she got the promise she wanted. Now it takes two people to work hard. When you are strong enough that everyone has to take into account your feelings, who will dare to stop what you want to do. The two are very young now, and this is the capital and opportunity.