Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 363

Chapter 363

John Chambers knew it was a stubborn donkey, and it was hard to impress him with money. Thinking of the information given by the boss, it seems that it is time to use the killer.

John Chambers took out an information bag from his briefcase and said, "This is what the boss asked me to pass on to you. Many of them have been demonstrated in the laboratory. Although they have applied for a patent, I hope you can keep it confidential. Look at these things, and I'll come over to you tomorrow."

The meaning of this is already obvious, just to tell you. We have already laid out the things you developed in advance. If you don't participate, you won't even be able to drink soup. Chambers left in a dashing manner after putting down the materials. He reckoned that he must have a heart attack while chatting with such a person.

Leonard Possack didn't take the data to heart, but Santi Lerner as a woman had a strong curiosity. When I opened it and saw the content of the information, I was very uneasy.

Seeing his fiance dumbfounded, Leonard felt something was wrong. Hurry up to check, when he also sees that the content of the information is basically the same as that of his fiancee.

I see the concept, function, design principle and operability of multi-protocol routers clearly written above. Later, there are a series of technical details such as what kind of technical indicators to achieve, what materials to use, etc., and the details are so detailed that he can develop the product without needing, it may just be slower.

After the unmarried couple read the information left by Chambers word by word, the man was the first to react and said, "Santi, it seems that our research and development is destined to stop, Black Cloud is already ahead of us too much, just The patent developed is also in Bao Zixuan's hands, and there is no way to market it."

Santi-Lerner: "Yeah! It seems that Bao Zixuan must have encountered a technical bottleneck and wanted to invite you to jointly develop it."

At this time, Leonard Posac's heart has begun to shake. After all, it has always been his dream to develop the most advanced large-scale network switches and multi-protocol routers. Now he sees that Heiyun is already doing research and development in this area, and The development progress is so much ahead of itself. He also thought that Heiyun wanted money for money and things for things during research and development; but in addition to relying on his meager salary, the school was only willing to provide a little equipment and venues.

With his own strength, he can fight against the entire Heiyun R&D system, even if the soul possessed by God is estimated to be unable to complete such a difficult task.

Leonard Posac: "Honey, what are we going to do."

Santi Lerner: "It seems that Heiyun is still very sincere to invite you to join, otherwise John Chambers would not be able to come forward. He is a person who can rank in the top three in the entire Heiyun group, but he can't. Just give up your job at Stanford. You have a contract with the school, and it's not good for us to be separated for a long time. But you can take a look this weekend and see that multi-protocol routers are not your dream!

Leonard Posack: "I'll call John Chambers right now and say I agree to go to Black Cloud this weekend."

Santi Lerner: "Are you stupid? Didn't he say that he would come over tomorrow! And he said that his salary is twice your current salary. I think it is far from the bottom line of the black cloud, and you are what Bao Zixuan wants. For those who are recruited, the salary, benefits, and treatment are also indispensable, and even part-time jobs must be paid to match your talents and abilities.

Santi-Lerner is worthy of being a business school teacher, and he considers problems more comprehensively than an engineer who is a pure science and engineering man.

John Chambers was also reporting to Bao Zixuan about his meeting with the Leonard-Bosac couple. He has no confidence to take them away, but Bao Zixuan knows. As long as they want to continue to make a difference on multi-protocol routers, it must be impossible to ignore that document. Finally, I explained that if the other party agrees, Chambers will immediately contact the chartered plane and get back as soon as possible. At this time, the time for the defense of the electronic technology major is getting closer and closer. If he cannot complete it on time, it will even affect his thesis defense.

Unlike the handyman who majored in computer science, Bao Zixuan's level in electronic technology is much lower. Otherwise, it is impossible that a multi-protocol router has not been developed for such a long time when the principle is fully known.

When John Chambers first came to Leonard Posack's laboratory, the other party's attitude was much better. After all, even if it was a part-time job at Heiyun, it was impossible for Chambers, the head of the U.S. headquarters, to have a face of rejection.

Even a person with a low EQ knows the importance of a good relationship between a company and colleagues, not to mention that this person may become your immediate boss, even if it is a temporary one, you can't offend me!

Seeing that Leonard-Bosac's attitude towards himself is completely different from yesterday, I thought about it overnight, or the boss said that some people can only conquer him by the charm of technology.

Knowing that negotiation is not his forte, Leonard Bosak chose to shut up after greeting him warmly. At this time, he had already handed over the right to negotiate treatment with Chambers to his fiance.

John Chambers: "Mr. Posac, I believe you have read the information. You should have felt the sincerity of Black Cloud. You can ask for anything else, and we will try our best to meet it."

When Bao Zixuan recruited top engineers, he didn't think about saving costs, and Heiyun would make more money. And you don't need money to impress the other party who can work hard for you, and you are not his biological father.

Santi-Lerner: "Mr. Chambers, Leonard can consider working as a part-time technical consultant in Heiyun, but in terms of treatment, we hope that the salary cannot be lower than 50% of the standard of Heiyun's top engineers, and we Ask for a cut of the profits from the products developed.

Chambers knew that Santi-Lerner was working in business school, although he was also studying computer science. However, he has definitely made great efforts in negotiating and striving for interests. Unexpectedly, he has already figured out the salary standard of Heiyun's top engineers. The salary he proposed is twice the current salary, which is much lower than half of the salary of Heiyun's top engineers.

In fact, Chambers really thought too much. How could Santi-Lerner know about the benefits of Heiyun employees? He just thought that part-time workers could get half of their wages, otherwise it would disrupt the entire Heiyun salary system. She is not a woman who does not know what to do, let alone a person who is insatiable.

John Chambers thought for a moment and said: "There is no problem with half the salary of top engineers, but there is no actual case reference for product sales commission. After all, the router has basically been developed Who is this project? I believe The two of you also understand that we have invested heavily in MIT for this project, and now you will get a sales commission if you join halfway through. I can assure you that the products you developed yourself must have Sales commission, but in order to show sincerity, Heiyun will offer a bonus of 2 million US dollars, which means that after the successful development of the multi-protocol router, the two of you can get a bonus of 2 million US dollars.

Hearing that after the success of the research and development will be able to get a bonus of 2 million US dollars, Leonard Bosack feels that this money is the same as picking up the money for nothing. After all, Heiyun's research and development has come to an end, and he was not a helper in the past, but at best it was just an added bonus.

And Santi-Lerner hears us, don't he have a share. Before they could react, John Chambers offered two contracts. When they saw that the salary amount was all 1.8 million US dollars, the two were immediately pleasantly surprised. They did not expect that the salary of Heiyun's top engineers was so high. It is no wonder that almost no companies can dig people from Heiyun.

This contract, which excited them at the time, made them regret a few years later. Especially when I saw the details of this negotiation written in John Chambers' memoirs, when Bao Zixuan authorized Chambers to have no more than 3% of the multi-protocol router sales profits With $2 million easy, they all had the idea of beating up Chambers.

Many economists in later generations have calculated for the Leonard-Bosac couple that if they take a 3% commission on sales profits, they can get at least a wealth of more than 2 billion US dollars. It is precisely because they did not persevere that they have provided classic textbooks to countless business schools.