Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 332

Chapter 332

Swire Pacific is an old-fashioned British-owned foreign firm that has been engaged in trade with China since the Qing Dynasty. Today Swire is a multinational company with roots in Asia. Its business in Greater China mostly uses the Swire name. Swire Pacific Limited, a subsidiary of Swire Pacific, is a conglomerate listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Swire Pacific is the most influential business organization in modern China after Jardine Matheson. Its predecessor was John Swell, founded in 1816. Taikoo Yangxing is mainly engaged in the shipping industry. In 1867, it organized the China Shipping Company with an rated capital of one million pounds. In 1872, the Taikoo Shipping Company was established, and it became the three major shipping companies to keep pace with the Jardine Shipping Company and the Qichang Shipping Company. The Shanghai-Hong Kong route was opened, and the Yangtze River route was added in 1875, and then the coastal routes in China and overseas routes were successively expanded. In addition to the shipping industry, Swire Pacific has also ventured into other fields. In 1881, it acquired several large pieces of land in Quarry Bay on Hong Kong Island to build the Taikoo Sugar Refinery, which was officially put into operation in 1883.

In the future, no matter how the Chinese capital rises in Xiangjiang, the Shi Huai Ya family in the four oceans of Xiangjiang always controls Swire Pacific. Many people say that they are only rich for three generations, but the Shi Huai Ya family has been rich for six generations in the market outlook.

Although it is weaker than Jardine in terms of strength, it is in control of the enterprise. The Shi Huai Ya family has always been stronger than the Keswick family in terms of corporate control, which is why no one at Swire Pacific has ever been able to make up their minds, because the controlling family's control over the company is too stable.

But with the passage of time and the diversification of the business, Swire itself is a listed company. Even the Shi Huai Ya family has only three more layers of holdings in the company. This is the decision of the Hong Kong Listed Company Law, and this is also an opportunity for Bao Zixuan. If the Shi Huai Ya family's holdings reach 49%, then there is really no chance.

Looking at the turbulent stock market at this time, John Sylvia finally understood Shen Bi's reminder. Although HSBC's Taipan has a detached status in Hong Kong, but after all, it is also a migrant worker. For these veteran British rich people, they may not listen to you.

After Shen Bi retires, he can only receive a pension, while York-Shuaiya does not have a retirement concept at all. Even if he retires, his son will take over, and everyone should still respect him.

This time things are a bit tricky, and it is impossible for the ancient cash reserves to fight against the dark clouds. The most important thing is that the company's people are scattered, and they all hope that Heiyun will become a shareholder, and some even start to plan their treatment after Bao Zixuan's arrival. This is a dangerous signal. Now is not the time to take care of face. If you want to get through the difficulties, you still need to find Shen Bi and HSBC behind him.

At present, it is not only Black Cloud that is buying, but other small and medium-sized retail investors are absorbing a large number of shares in Swire Pacific. At this time, people in Xiangjiang understand that following Bao's richest man can definitely make money. Seeing that Swire's stock price is rising, on the surface, the assets of the Shi Huai Ya family are increasing, but once the stock price is inflated, it is definitely not a good thing for the stable development of the holding family and company.

A small fluctuation is enough to make the Shi Huai Ya family feel uncomfortable for a long time, but in recent years, the overseas expansion has been too fast, and there is not much emergency funds at all.

In fact, not only Swire Pacific, but other British-owned companies in Heung Kong are also vigorously developing overseas business. At this time, although there is no agreement on the return of Xiangjiang, as a top British family, especially in Xiangjiang for so long, everyone is not optimistic that the United Kingdom can continue to manage Xiangjiang in 1997. It is impossible for Huaxia to let such a thing happen, it will become a laughing stock internationally, and who else will look down on you.

Although she was reluctant, York-Shuaiya still called Shen Bi. He understands that HSBC must take action to stabilize the stock price now, and no one else can have this strength. And it is impossible for Chinese capital to help him, Bao Zixuan is a banner of the Chinese in Hong Kong.

Shen Bi was very happy when she received the call from York Shuaiya. These old-fashioned families who thought of themselves as nobles respected him on the surface; but the inner monologue is probably only known by the parties themselves. Now to ask their own head, it should also make them uncomfortable.

After York-Shuaiya came to the HSBC Taipan office, she felt a little uncomfortable seeing where Shen Bi was sitting. After all, he didn't go down to meet him, which made him feel unappreciated. But now the situation is weaker than people, and there is still demand from the other party, so I can only endure it first.

After seeing York-Sylvia come in, Shen Bi stood up and said, "Welcome, Mr. Shyey. I didn't go down to greet you just now, I hope you don't take offense."

Although Shen Bi knew that the other party wanted something from him, he still had to give the face that should be given. After this incident, Bao Zixuan will definitely be offended. If he makes York-Shi Huaiya hate himself, then he will really pay his wife and lose his troops, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

York-Shuai Ya: "Taipan Shen Bi has a lot of time to deal with, so don't worry too much. We are all citizens of the British Empire, so there's no need for red tape! This time I came here because I wanted to ask Taipan Shen Bi for help, because of the friendship between HSBC and Swire over the years. , and ask Shen Daban to give me face."

In fact, Shen Bi didn't really want to ignore York-Shi Huai Ya. If there were two people in Xiangjiang, they would not give Shen Bi face. One is Simon Keswick; the other is definitely York Sweeper. Jardine Matheson and Swire Pacific were not weaker than HSBC during their peak period, and it is said that Shen Bi was just a high-level wage earner.

Shen Bi: "Swire Pacific is very strong, and it still needs HSBC to help."

Yorke - Shi Huai Ya: "Mr. Shen Bi, don't laugh at me, I didn't care about your previous reminder. I apologize to you here, thinking that Cathay Pacific is not a listed company, and Bao Zixuan is rich, but he has no ability. The way. But who would have thought that he would dare to act against Taikoo Ocean?"

"I was not satisfied with the acquisition of Hutchison Whampoa before. It was really difficult for us to bully the Shi Huai Ya family. But then again, the overseas expansion has been too fast in recent years, which has made the headquarter's funds a little tight. Therefore, this time I want to dismantle a part of it from HSBC. Also, you have been in contact with Bao Zixuan to understand his character and temperament; I would like to ask you how to deal with this crisis."

After Bao Zixuan's acquisition of Hutchison Whampoa and Bao Yugang's acquisition of Wharf, Heung Kong's listed company law has changed slightly. The shareholding ratio has changed from the original 49% to The purpose is to protect the old British-owned enterprises. After all, the holding ratio of the old British enterprise holding family is not high due to its long history. If there is any trouble, it would be good to have a guarantee, but who would have thought that Bao Zixuan was completely using money, the purpose is to be able to tear off a piece of meat from Taikoo Yangxing.

Shen Bi: "Bao Zixuan just wanted to get Cathay Pacific Airways to fight against Swire Pacific. It is estimated that he had issued a similar acquisition intention to Swire Pacific before."

In fact, after the unsuccessful acquisition of HSBC's shares in China Thai Airways, Bao Zixuan really sent an acquisition application to Swire Pacific. But despite Shen Bi's reminder at that time, for York-Shuaiya, he was still treated as a joke. After all, Cathay Pacific is one of Swire's most important assets and cannot be easily sold.

Calling people directly rejected Heiyun's acquisition intention, and his attitude was very tough, even a little bad. This only strengthened Bao Zixuan's determination that Swire Pacific had to suffer.

York-Shuaiya: "I really don't care, but the most important thing now is how to solve the problem of Taikoo. If Taikoo changes hands, all the efforts of the family for so many years will be wasted. So I would like to ask you for help and see how to deal with this problem. Sub-crisis. We don't want the Chinese to control Hong Kong's economy, and we should be unified on this point!"

Shen Bi; "There are two ways to solve this dilemma now. One is to give up Cathay Pacific. Let Bao Zixuan complete the acquisition. Only in this way can he dispel his anger."

York-Shuaiya heard her nose almost crooked. If I did this, I would have to ask you; I would come to beg you, which is too much for granted. So he said with a bit of anger: "Mr. Shen Bi, let's talk about the second way!"