Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 301

Chapter 301

After signing the cooperation agreement with the two siblings, Rachel Morgan and Mellon, Bao Zixuan handed over the development outline of the express company to them. Seeing more detailed data analysis and execution methods than the previous introduction, Rachel Morgan I thought that this guy really kept his hand.

When the sons of the Morgan and Mellon families started to set up a courier company, Bao Zixuan had to lead the company's staff to prepare for the German exhibition. This time, there are two teams in Germany, and the Black Cloud Group participated in the Berlin Electronic Technology Exhibition as the main body. Black Cloud Enterprise will bring 4 new models to the Frankfurt Motor Show.

Bao Zixuan's exhibitions for Heiyun are electronic technology exhibitions in Los Angeles and Berlin, and auto exhibitions in Detroit and Frankfurt. As for the others, most of them brought some products over there, and did not focus on follow-up.

Therefore, from January to September every year, many people from the Black Cloud Group will be in Germany. This time, Heiyun will launch many products at the Berlin Consumer Electronics Show, among which Heiyun Games and Heiyun Computer will be further upgraded. Heiyun Home Appliances has also made great progress recently; however, there is still a big gap with the world's top home appliance manufacturers as a whole. Fortunately, this distance has been narrowing. The black cloud chip is still going the way of Samsung in the previous life, mainly based on storage chips. It can be said that Black Cloud's memory chip technology is now leading the world.

However, this time Heiyun's main exhibiting product is their mobile phone, and it is the product that the main committee of the Berlin exhibition strongly requests to recommend as the main committee.

As for Heiyun Auto, it has now been fully handed over to John Chambers, an executive who has been the best manager in the world for 20 years. Bao Zixuan has absolute confidence that he will be able to make the enterprise well, bigger and stronger.

It was with such a mentality that Bao Zixuan came to Berlin. Heiyun is now a large multinational company. The time when you could only buy booths at high prices has passed, and now there are certain discounts for exhibitors. This is also because of the strong invitation from other exhibitions such as Tokyo and Paris.

Bao Zixuan came to Berlin with the American Black Cloud Mobile Team, and Yule Engel was as willful as ever. He didn't come to Germany without saying anything. Seeing this old man who only wanted to do scientific research, Bao Zixuan was speechless.

Yule Engel still gave this opportunity to his proud protg Oblak Deloitte, looking at this high-spirited young man Bao Zixuan with some emotion. Why can't I become crazy myself, even people older than myself can do this, it seems that my heart is really old.

Bao Zixuan smiled and said in Chinese: "Xiao Ao, how many years have you been with Yule?"

Because of Bao Zixuan, there is now a trend of learning Chinese language within Heiyun. As a boss, he can master so many languages, so how can these self-proclaimed elites be left behind. Although the Chinese language is difficult to learn, it is still not difficult for the Heiyun engineer team. Their average IQ is over 120.

Oblak-Deloitte: "Boss, I was brought to Bell Labs directly from Berkeley as a teacher, and it has been 8 years now."

Bao Zixuan: "Yuer is also a weirdo. He always thinks about research and development. He has no interest in anything but research and development! Talk to me about your teacher."

Oblak-Deloitte: "Teacher is a person who likes R&D very much, you should see that. He doesn't like socializing, but he can communicate with similar engineers, and he is very concerned about losing to Martin in mobile R&D. Doctor. It is estimated that this is a heart disease, and it will be difficult to let go in the future."

"But if he can win the Nobel Prize, it is estimated that he will be in a much better mood. You don't know that his first love was snatched away by a person who won the Nobel Prize, although it was before the award. But the girl said that the difference between the two A Nobel."

"You don't know that when your rival won the award, he lost his temper in the laboratory."

Bao Zixuan: "It seems that Yul is also a man of temperament. We should help him. If he can't win other Nobel Prizes, at least let him win a Peace Prize!"

Oblak-Deloitte: "Boss, the winner of the Peace Prize is either a politician or a big entrepreneur. It's easier for a teacher to win a science award."

Bao Zixuan: "It's up to people, we'll wait and see."

Later, Bao Zixuan rescued many people and institutions in the name of Yule Engel, and he really won the Nobel Peace Prize, which made Oblak-Deloitte stunned. The boss is really not joking.

When the plane arrived in Berlin, Hashimoto Hiroshi was already waiting for them at the airport. Hashimoto Hiroshi has now fully adapted to the position as head of Black Cloud Europe. This time I came here mainly to report to Bao Zixuan in the car. The delay in the United States this time was a little long, and Xiangjiang's team has reached it. And tomorrow is the exhibition, there is no time to prepare.

When Bao Zixuan saw Hashimoto Hao, he said, "Hashimoto-kun, you've worked hard. How is the layout of the exhibition hall?"

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "I'm fine, mainly because the staff below are a little tired. The exhibition hall has been arranged and can be used at any time. And the engineer from Xiangjiang has already debugged the equipment. We tested it and the effect is very good."

Bao Zixuan suddenly changed the subject and said, "How is the situation in Germany recently! How many people want to teach at our university."

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "At present, only some professors who are not particularly famous can be recruited, but this is at the forefront of the Cold War, and many people want to leave Germany. The overall situation is OK."

In fact, Bao Zixuan is also waiting for an opportunity to follow the historical trajectory. Next year, the Soviets will conduct the largest military exercise in human history in East Germany and Poland. At that time, the NATO countries will see that they will not be able to stop the Soviets' attack. It is estimated that many scholars will come to Hong Kong to teach at that time.

Bao Zixuan: "We can appropriately increase our efforts, but we can't have no bottom line. But we must always prepare planes and Scholars who want to leave Europe will make arrangements as soon as possible."

Bao Zixuan was also worried that if the government of his own country overreacted, top scientists would not let him go out easily. Being ready is just going to cost a little more, and then everyone will have everything for just a year of work for it.

When I came to the exhibition hall and saw that Ma Chenglong was leading people to debug the equipment, the feeling of Heiyun home theater has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is also the only product that Heiyun Home Appliances can take. Ma Chenglong wants to continue to expand the leading edge in this area, so he is so careful.

Seeing the boss coming, Ma Chenglong said, "Bao Sheng, you are here."

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Ma, how is the equipment ready?"

Ma Chenglong: "The equipment has been debugged, and I am not very satisfied with some places; I want to re-adjust it."

In any case, Ma Chenglong's work attitude is worthy of recognition. Bao Zixuan is also very confused sometimes and has no direction. It's not good to go too smoothly from starting a business to the present, at least in terms of how to treat employees.

Whether to learn the end-of-life system of American companies or the semi-life-long system of RB companies. I haven't decided yet, I can bring high profits with the world's leading vision and technology, but what will I do when all these are lost! There is also the question of whether the future successor can handle too many old people. Fortunately, I am still very young, so I can keep trying to learn. However, this comes at a high price, reducing the company's profits and losing its competitive advantage. At present, there is no good solution for Heiyun Home Appliances Bao Zixuan. Ma Chenglong has no problem as a scientific researcher. It is still difficult for him to manage, but now he can only take a step by step.