Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Although I felt sorry for my mother in my heart, I understood a lot after Li Yulin's persuasion. Heiyun Group is now a big fan of the wind. If he is celebrating his mother's birthday with great fanfare, he will inevitably be missed by some desperadoes. Some of the gains outweigh the losses, and it is more beneficial to send some money to employees.

Bao Zixuan returned to MIT for the defense of his dissertation, and he was out these days. He doesn't look like a student at all, but he does contribute enough to the school that he can live and work freely at the school. All the professors will be open to the student at this point, and Harry Rowland has made it clear that he will be offered a graduate place in computer science. It can go directly to the computer major for further study in September.

After careful consideration about this, Bao Zixuan agreed. Many scientific research projects in Heiyun have not been completed, and Yulin Institute of Technology has not recruited teachers. Now, they can take advantage of the opportunities to study and work in the United States. At least bringing Chinese scientific and technological talents to Hong Kong is one of his goals, no matter the cost.

At present, with the talent pool of science and technology in Heungkong, it is impossible to support the establishment of a professional college of science and technology. Then we can only rely on our own efforts to make these people willing to teach and conduct scientific research in Hong Kong on the grounds of high welfare, treatment and support for their scientific research projects.

This time, the direction of the paper has been clarified. In his previous life, Bao Zixuan developed an engine that only succeeded in the past 10 years in Rolls-Royce, the three-rotor turbofan engine.

In the previous life, this was an engine developed by Rolls-Royce to break the monopoly engine market of North American airlines. It is an industrial pearl in the aviation industry.

The rotary engine was invented by the German Figas Wankel. On the basis of summarizing the research results of his predecessors, he solved some key technical problems and successfully developed the first rotary engine. Rotary engines use the rotary motion of a triangular rotor to control compression and emissions, as opposed to the linear motion of traditional reciprocating piston engines.

Comparison of rotary engine and traditional reciprocating engine: Both reciprocating engine and rotary engine rely on the expansion pressure generated by the combustion of air-fuel mixture to obtain rotational force. The mechanics of the two engines differ in the way the expansion pressure is used. In a reciprocating engine, the expansion pressure generated on the top surface of the piston pushes the piston downward, and the mechanical force is transmitted to the connecting rod, which turns the crankshaft. Rotary engines, for rotary engines, the expansion pressure acts on the sides of the rotor. This pushes one of the three faces of the triangular rotor towards the center of the eccentric shaft. This movement takes place under the force of two components. One is the centripetal force directed toward the center of the output shaft, and the other is the tangential force that turns the output shaft.

In the following days, engineers developed a double-rotor engine based on the rotary engine, but the double-rotor engine has certain defects in the aircraft. Now major aviation power companies are envisioning something like a three-rotor engine.

The difficulty of adding one rotor to the engine increases geometrically. Everyone just imagines a three-rotor engine more than research. After all, the research and development of aero-engines is not something that can be done with just a little money. It may take billions of dollars, it will take decades, and the results may not be seen. Many companies are reluctant to invest in this area, which results in the world's only There are few aircraft manufacturers, and even fewer aircraft engine manufacturers.

In the field of aero-engines, the disadvantage of the twin-rotor engine is that the diameter of the fan and the subsequent booster stage is large, and the speed cannot be too high. The multi-pole low-pressure turbine has to be matched behind the engine so that the speed of the fan can be reduced as much as possible to the optimum. Rotating speed. One solution to this problem is to use a three-rotor engine.

At the same time, you can also understand that the fan is equipped with a turbine drive, so that the three rotors of low pressure, medium pressure and high pressure can work to the optimal speed as much as possible. However, this will also lead to other problems. One more shaft requires one more bearing, which will pose challenges to the reliability, size, layout and weight of the engine.

It can be said that the three-rotor engine of the former Rollo Company was forced out by competitors. Because of the limited size of the military market, the North American partners of civil aviation are now considering the general and inclusive benefits of their own countries. Faced with this embarrassing situation, Rollo decided to rely on his true ability to hold back his big move, which is the three-rotor engine. Of course, one more rotor means one more core machine, which is more difficult to grasp in terms of matching difficulty.

When Rolls-Royce was privatized in 1987, despite the competition from its rivals General Electric and Pratt & Whitney, although it already owned RB211 series engines, it still only accounted for 8% of the entire large civil aircraft engine market. At the time, aircraft manufacturers were developing new wide-body twin-engine aircraft with high-thrust engines, such as the Boeing 777 and Airbus A330, to be ETOPS-compliant when they entered service.

After having the technology and experience of RB211, Rolls-Royce announced at the 1988 air show that it decided to invest in the large civil aviation engine market in order to strengthen its own competitiveness and give airlines more choices when choosing engines for aircraft.

Subsequently, Rolls-Royce submitted a "development investment" plan to the British government. In 1997, the development of the Trent 800 series was 200 million pounds; in 2001, the development of the Trent 500, 600 and 900 series was 250 million pounds, and the Trent 1000 series did not require government capital injection.

In his previous life, Bao Zixuan participated in the upgrade and transformation of the entire Rolls-Royce three-rotor engine, and is very familiar with engine performance and structure. The British invested about 500 million pounds for the three-rotor engine project. Bao Zixuan specially prepared 1 billion US dollars for this purpose, that is, to take the lead ten years to get this technology and patent into the bag.

Without the three-rotor engine, we will see when Rolls-Royce will rise. This is just the first step of There will be many surprises waiting for this aviation power giant.

Bao Zixuan began to write a thesis on the three-rotor turbofan engine based on his previous life experience and the current mature scientific and technological achievements. Once the thesis is completed, he will also apply for a patent at the same time. After all, such an important scientific research result cannot be cheap to others, so Bao Zixuan began to prepare his graduation thesis seriously in the MIT library.

Although I understand all the working principles and technical characteristics, it is about the three-rotor engine, the most complicated machine in the world. It is not that Bao Zixuan can write the entire industrial production process alone, let alone create it.

He is a system engineering, which requires the cooperation of a series of disciplines such as materials, aerodynamics, and machining. Bao Zixuan can only write the concept and working principle now, which is enough.

The rest required the cooperation of other engineers, and the use of Soviet materials science. Bao Zixuan is ready to go to Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Sichuan to buy rare earth deposits as soon as China agrees to the entry of Hong Kong capital, but he can no longer afford RB, South Korean and American companies. These are all industrial gold. It seems that you can ask Mr. Huo to introduce them in advance, otherwise there is really no way.

Once there are rare earth resources, combined with Soviet titanium alloy processing technology. Then the basic conditions for aircraft manufacturing have been solved, and the rest is to purchase machinery and equipment and recruit talents worldwide.

At that time, Yulin Institute of Technology will set up a special aviation power major, which is to recruit the best aviation talents in the world.

After a month of hard work, Bao Zixuan's thesis was finally completed. His current paper has to be printed in three copies, one to be reviewed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one to be sent to Oxford University in the United Kingdom, and one to be reserved for his defense.