Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1914

Chapter 1914

The efficiency of the Germans is not low, and the East German Ministry of Defense immediately agreed to destroy all Soviet-made weapons and equipment in the territory, thereby dispelling the doubts of the Soviet Union!

The reason why Germany can be unified has a lot to do with the innocence of the same person. A strong Germany is not only a threat from the Soviet Union, but also a threat from the United States. Gorbachev reunified the two Germanys and made Germany strong again; he wanted Germany to bear part of the pressure from the United States, relieve the pressure from the Soviet Union, and promote the development of a multi-polar world.

At first, Gorbachev also had concerns about the German reunification and opposed East Germany's joining NATO. The United States promised the Soviet Union that after reunification, Germany would reduce its armed forces by half, and that it would never manufacture nuclear, biological and chemical weapons; it would not allow Western troops to be stationed in East Germany, and Soviet troops would still be stationed in East Germany during the transition period. The United States also promised the Soviet Union that NATO would not expand eastward; it would also sign a non-aggression pact with the Warsaw Pact; this dispelled Gorbachev's doubts and agreed to allow West Germany and East Germany to merge.

Afterwards, the United States did not fulfill its promise, and continued to expand NATO eastward and suppress Russia. Gorbachev never thought of it, or it can be said that he was too naive. A lot of economic aid promised by the United States to Russia has not been fulfilled. Of course Germany mostly does it, but what's the point of that!

The purpose of the Americans is very simple. Since the Soviet Union has already noticed something, so what can they do if they temporarily satisfy the other party's request. East Germany is the second most powerful country in the Warsaw Pact. If the other party is separated from the Soviet camp, even if it does not join NATO, it will be a great victory for the Americans.

What's more, Germany after reunification in the future will still stay in NATO; now it has lost some weapons and equipment, and it has not been obtained by the Soviets; even if you want to understand the performance of Soviet-made weapons and equipment, it is not easy to make it too obvious.

There are still capable people in Moscow, and many things must be discussed in the long term; at worst, it is not difficult to make a few sets in private. East Germany has always been at the forefront of the Cold War, so the weapons and equipment provided by the Soviet Union are basically the same as their own army; it is definitely not a castrated version of foreign trade, and this is also a good opportunity to grasp the performance of Soviet weapons and equipment most intuitively; no one wants to miss it!

What the Americans didn't expect was that the Soviet Union announced that the deputy defense minister and head of the General Armament Department, Ustinov Jr., would be solely responsible for the destruction of East German Soviet-made weapons and equipment.

This caught the U.S. and West Germany by surprise. After all, Ustinov Jr. is not someone who can be bribed at all; the terrorist power of the CIA has been investigated very clearly; of course we know the relationship between Ustinov Jr. and Bao Zixuan The relationship; so many years have made a lot of money, no one knows the exact amount.

But it must be calculated in billions of dollars, assuming that Baozixuan is in East Germany; the matter is already very clear.

Maybe the destruction is fake, but the pocketing is real; but can it be stopped now! It seems that it is not that simple, or that it is not realistic at all.

East Germany itself has a well-equipped regular army of 170,000, plus the most powerful army in the entire Soviet Union; the number reaches 360,000. In addition, the East German intelligence agencies were not vegetarians. During such a sensitive period, the Americans really did not dare to act rashly; they were also worried that it would be self-defeating.

Of course, this is also the result that the richest man wants to see, otherwise how can he be cheaper.

At this time, the major military camps in East Germany were very lively. Heiyun Bank urgently dispatched some staff from all over the world; began to register soldiers; handle bank cards.

They are all standard formats, and the process is simplified as far as possible; so that each person can handle about 300 sheets per day. Direct on-site distribution, the efficiency is not low!

Everyone can get the corresponding US dollars according to their level. Of course, it is definitely not so convenient to use foreign currency in East Germany; but they can directly receive part of the mark. Moreover, East Germany and West Deutsche Mark can be switched at will. In short, we must try our best to meet customer needs.

Putting the money in my own bank is not to say that it is a white wolf with empty hands; but it is not far from there. In short, let Angela Rothschild, who knows the ins and outs of the matter, get to know the man who is with him every night again.

The Rothschild family paid 30 billion U.S. dollars, some of which were replaced by gold;

It's normal to think about it again, after all, if there is no one, the Soviets will not cooperate at all, and they are still officials at the level of deputy minister of defense; they don't even dare to think about it!

Trust needs a process, when the other party has not fully developed; the two maintain a good relationship and start to cooperate. Then after you really make a fortune, you will definitely be taken care of first. Of course, equal strength is also very important, after all, when you can't get into the eyes of the opponent; abandoning it is also reasonable.

When little Ustinov came to Dresden, he gave Bao Zixuan a big hug.

Seeing that the other party is wearing a general's uniform, combined with a tall figure; maybe this is a real man.

Sometimes I want to make a set for myself, but I always feel that something is wrong; I also think it is very awkward. If the military rank is too low, it cannot be worn out, and if the military rank is too high, it is a bit self-deceiving; it can even be said that it will not be recognized at all.

A person who has never been to a military school for a day is not shot out in a war; why, it will only become an international laughing stock; the richest man does not want to be ashamed.

After sitting down, Ustinov Jr. said with a serious expression: "The current situation in Moscow is very delicate, and it looks calm on the surface; but conflicts may break out at any time."

"The struggle for power and profit is not only going on in secret, but even in the open; coupled with the fact that the top leader is relatively soft, I really don't know how to choose."

In the past, East Germany was solely responsible for the destruction of weapons and equipment. It was just an excuse, or it was just a formality. With Bao Zixuan's shrewdness, how could he watch the weapons and equipment being destroyed. Of course, I also know that coming here will definitely not suffer a loss; this is not only an extra 500 million US dollars in the Swiss bank account; not only him, but everyone who participates in it will benefit; the Black Cloud Group will never disappoint in this regard!

I wanted to hear Bao Zixuan's opinion on the situation, after his uncle passed away; fortunately, he stepped up in time, otherwise the strength of the family would be greatly reduced. As the new head, every move is related to the rise and fall of the family; but he dare not make a decision lightly.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "As a friend, how long do you think the Soviet Union can last?"

"Eastern European countries are no longer very obedient, and there is even a wave of anti-Soviet; otherwise, it is impossible for the two Germanys to achieve reunification."

"Actually, not only the Eastern European countries, but also the internal republics have even bigger problems; the three Baltic countries seem to be not very stable. You should know this better than me."

"Where the Soviet Union will go in the future, no one knows; to be honest, I am not very optimistic. There is an old Chinese saying that freezing three feet is not a day's cold; many things cannot be reversed at all."

"Which one is there, it is impossible to lead a powerful country; on the contrary, I am more optimistic about which one in Russia."

It's not easy to make it too obvious, at most it's the end.

And it was in the tone of a friend, which made little Ustinov sound very comfortable. Not everyone can be the richest man's friend, the status is the same everywhere!

Standing in line is very important, even if there is a slight mistake; it may fall into a situation of irreparable doom. It didn't matter to one person before, but now there is still a large family who needs him to lead; a heavy burden, we must be cautious!

Little Ustinov is also a smart person, and he immediately understood what it meant; he has known Bao Zixuan for more than ten years, and has never seen him make a mistake in judgment. UU reading can be regarded as pointing out a clear path for him at a critical moment, but of course he still has to decide for himself in the end.

Little Ustinov said with a smile: "You still see clearly, but you can hear some truths from you!"

"Just let me know how you need to cooperate this time; you can rest assured that all you bring here are confidantes."

Now that the world has announced the destruction of all weapons and equipment, of course the Americans are also worried that the Soviet Union will smuggle them away; they have begun to increase intelligence efforts. Naturally, it must be like that, and it's good to pretend!

As a result, some old weapons and equipment, dating back as far as the Franco-Prussian War, were destroyed first. But they are all of poor quality, for antique guns; Bao Shoufu plans to collect some, and it is also good to give away in the future.

Naturally, new types of weapons and equipment should be pulled out; it is more to test the performance of weapons; it should be used as an exercise. In addition, personnel from the United States and West Germany were refused to enter the venue to watch, under the guise of worrying about technical leaks.

In short, East Germany has been very lively in recent days, and strong explosions can be heard every day; fortunately, the people knew what was going on and did not cause panic!