Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1912

Chapter 1912

Chapter 1897 Bold Idea

Hearing Bao Zixuan's analysis and the confidential documents in front of him; beads of sweat dripped from Hoffman's head! I have been in the army for so many years, and I have never been so worried; even in the face of war or any emergency, I have never been as embarrassed as I am today! It involves the core interests of more than 100,000 people, and they are still soldiers defending their homes and the country; as the highest officer of the army, how could he remain indifferent!

However, the other party's analysis is very reasonable, at least he can't find any reason to refute; and the confidential document in front of him, although it is just a photo; but from the format and other analysis, it can be concluded that it comes from the West German Ministry of Defense. Outsiders really cannot imitate the habits of German soldiers; as the Minister of Defense of East Germany, I have seen many documents in this format.

The possibility of counterfeiting is not great, so analyze it from another angle; even if he is the decision maker of West Germany, he will not allow East Germany to keep too many troops; it is a hidden danger after all!

As for not acknowledging that East German soldiers had fought for the country, it is easy to understand; indeed, as Bao Zixuan said, so far many World War II veterans have never enjoyed the treatment that a retired soldier should have. If it is said that West Germany's finances do not allow it, why should it issue compensation to a group of African natives who followed the famous German general Forbeck during World War I.

Explain that in their eyes, the German soldiers during World War I fought for the country; even the native troops were their own. But the soldiers of World War II, even pure Germans, would not be recognized. East German soldiers may be worse than World War II soldiers, how can they enjoy the treatment of retired soldiers.

Hoffman thought for a while and said: "Mr. Bao's words are very reasonable. I wonder if you can ask your Excellency for help; let's see if there is a good way to accommodate East German soldiers!"

Soldiers need a process of adaptation if they want to integrate into society; especially the East German soldiers during the Cold War, their nerves are always tense; they don't know when the war will come; and they don't know whether they will suffer a nuclear attack.

Basically every day I think about how to fight and fight the enemy; increase my own chance of survival.

It is impossible for hundreds of thousands of people to take off their military uniforms suddenly, and it is impossible for them all to engage in security work; besides, there are not so many jobs in Germany! But apart from security, many people will not do anything else; then there is only one possibility - unemployment!

The merger of the two Germanys requires a process of digestion, and there are so many things involved, how can it be possible to take care of other things, let alone the unpopular East German soldiers.

Except for this man in front of him, no one can really help.

Bao Zixuan thought for a while and said, "About ten years ago, the Black Cloud Group began extensive cooperation with East German companies. So I don't know much about East Germany, but I do know the basics."

"With the current economic strength of East Germany, it is simply impossible to support the demobilization expenses of hundreds of thousands of troops; it is even more impossible to afford various welfare guarantees after retirement!"

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have fought for the country and the nation, could it be that they are impoverished and impoverished; the latter half of their lives may be accompanied by a series of problems such as alcohol and violence.

Tell the worst situation first, then follow-up matters will be much easier to handle!

As the Minister of Defense, I have seen too many retired soldiers give up on themselves. It's okay to have a small number of people, but if more than a hundred thousand people are involved, the whole country is likely to fall into civil strife. Germany was finally unified, and this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen.

Of course, Hoffman knew what the kid in front of him wanted to express. If something went wrong, there must be a demon; if he had nothing to ask for, he wouldn't go around in such a big circle, let alone invite him to meet!

But now, apart from Baozixuan, other companies simply do not have the ability to accept hundreds of thousands of people; let alone the money to distribute the so-called compensation! As for what the other party wants, of course I understand; otherwise the Minister of Defense would be too incompetent!

Hoffman thought for a while and said: "Mr. Bao; I am a soldier, and you are a student of science and engineering. If there is anything you can talk about, East German soldiers should not be treated unfairly; but there are some things that cannot be stopped at all." ; but the necessary compensation must not be less.

"As for what you want, I am very clear; it is not impossible to sell some weapons and equipment; everything is for the stability of the country. At the same time, I hope that the Black Cloud Group will recruit as many retired soldiers as security personnel as possible."

Hearing the other party's initiative to sell weapons and equipment; Bao Zixuan immediately had an idea. At this moment, he has the initiative, and at the same time, he has new ideas about obtaining weapons and equipment from East Germany.

Bao Zixuan said very seriously: "General Hoffmann, you and I both know; the unified Germany is dominated by West Germany, and so are the weapons and equipment."

"West Germany adopts NATO-style weapons, while East Germany uses typical Soviet-style weapons; the weapons of the two sides are fundamentally incompatible, and in the case of unsatisfactory logistical support; West Germany will never risk using Soviet-style weapons."

The fact is the same, and the Germans did it!

East Germany's large-scale weapons are not from the same system as the equipment originally used in West Germany; daily maintenance is not only complicated, but also swallows huge sums of money. For Germany, which has just been unified, there are countless tasks, and there are even more places to spend money.

After the reunification of the previous life, Germany, on the one hand, reduced the armed forces of the original East German People's Army on a large scale, and on the other hand, put these East German weapons and equipment on the shelves. The weapons and equipment originated from the Soviet Union, so they are very popular and sold out quickly.

Among them, the procurement of naval weapons is particularly prominent; although there are 3 Kony-class light frigates, they were successively delisted and disintegrated. However, 16 Pasim-class light frigates were packaged and sold to Indonesia, and became the main force of the country's navy in the 1990s. The best missile boat was also sold to Poland in 1991 and became the absolute main force of the Polish Navy. The minesweeper was decommissioned in 1991 and sold to Indonesia and Uruguay respectively.

Naval ships from East Germany, with the exception of a few auxiliary ships; all were removed from the German Armed Forces in 1991. However, these ships will soon be taken over by the next family and become the main force of other countries' navies; they will continue to serve in battle.

Unlike the East German naval ships, which were taken over by others, the East German Air Force fighter planes seem to have fallen into a situation where no one cares about them. More than 300 MiG-21 series were on the verge of being difficult to operate before they were unified. After the reunification of Germany and Germany, 150 of them found their homes in museums, and the others could only be forced to withdraw from active service, and it was difficult to escape the fate of being dismantled.

Similarly, the MiG-23 series fighters of the East German Air Force did not escape the fate of being dismantled. Only 24 MiG-29 fighters have different endings. These fighters began to serve in the East German Air Force in 1988; after serving in the unified German Air Force for more than 10 years, they were sold to Poland at a very low price. Even in the 20th century, Poland still couldn't give up these second-hand fighters from East Germany.

Except for some of the old weapons that were dismantled, most of the East German Army equipment was purchased by other countries and gained a second spring. Among them, the Finnish Armed Forces became the main buyer of East German Army equipment, introducing a total of 97 T-72 main battle tanks, 140 BMP-1 infantry vehicles, 72 2S1 122mm self-propelled howitzers, and nearly 400 towed Howitzers; including the D-30 122mm howitzer and the M-46 130mm cannon.

In addition, Sweden has also purchased 500 BMP-1 combat vehicles, and Greece has also introduced 350 BMP-1 combat vehicles. Of course, the BMP-1s introduced by these NATO countries have been upgraded according to NATO standards!

The most exasperating thing is that the Americans received 86 T-72 tanks, 21 BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles, 15 BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles, 27 armored personnel carriers, 11 2S1 self-propelled howitzers, 9 2S3 self-propelled Howitzers, 1 D-30 howitzer, 2 D-20 howitzers, 2 BR-70 rocket launcher systems, 4 BM-21 rocket launcher course it's not for equipping troops, it's just to study Su Control the weaknesses of weapons and equipment, and then implement countermeasures.

How could such a huge cake not have a share; and the richest man had already made up his mind; before the other forces could react, he would eat all the weapons and equipment in one go.

If it was a person, it would definitely not dare to have such an idea; but together with the Rothschild family, there are various Arab countries in the Middle East behind; things are another matter.

As long as it is done well, NATO countries will never take advantage of it!

Bao Zixuan said very seriously: "You can sell all the weapons and equipment of East Germany to me, of course secretly; it was announced that all weapons and equipment should be destroyed, and it was proposed by the Soviet Union; the purpose is to prevent the advanced Soviet weapons from being controlled by the United States and NATO. "

"At that time, some old weapons and equipment will be destroyed and disassembled casually; I will arrange to ensure nothing goes wrong."

(end of this chapter)