Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1909

Chapter 1909

When all the dust settled, Angela Rothschild finally came to her senses; it was quite insidious for a man to take advantage of others by revealing too many secrets! But the whole process is quite enjoyable, and the body feels great satisfaction.

Now she's just a little widow, she can't do without relying on her; as for the men in the family, no one can really look up to her. After going through so many things, especially after being forced to marry an old man; many things have been seen through.

In addition, some powerful people in the family asked her to come to Bao Zixuan for cooperation, knowing what would happen; they even instinctively thought that she was a lowly woman.

The Rothschild family doesn't care about sacrificing a woman for the benefit of the family; Bao Zixuan can bring the child born by Rachel Morgan, and let the mother raise it herself; there is absolutely no lack of responsibility and responsibility.

The best destination for a woman is to find a reliable man, of course, the stronger the better. Besides, she is also a wealthy owner now, and she really needs a child to inherit the family property.

Who to borrow seeds from must be carefully screened; is there a more suitable choice than the man in front of me! Even if the target is expanded to the whole world, it seems that there is no better man than Bao Zixuan.

As the most beautiful woman in the history of the Rothschild family; not all men can catch their eyes.

Bao Shoufu was satisfied again, although there are many women; but no one has ever made him so nostalgic. It can only be said that the woman in front of me is not only beautiful, but also impeccable in other aspects; it makes people linger and forget to return.

Today, the other party deliberately concealed it to make him very unhappy; it shows that the two are just lovers, and each takes what they need; there is really no need to take it too seriously.

The man didn't speak, of course Angela Rothschild understood what was going on; but at this time, she was on the bed, which could be said to be her home game; adjusting the atmosphere was still handy.

The woman said softly: "You won't be really angry with me! As a man, you shouldn't be so stingy. You must know that you are the richest man in the world!"

No hard-hearted heart can resist tenderness like water; let alone in such a scene.

Bao Zixuan: "I took it for granted before, but now it seems that my charm is not as great as I imagined! How can I blame you!"

He said that he was not angry and didn't blame him; but he didn't hear it from his tone. The man in front of him may not care about other things, but cheating is absolutely unacceptable; it can even be said that he touched the red line.

In fact, not only Bao Zixuan, but any man of status is like this; there is basically zero tolerance for cheating.

It's normal to think about it, if you are deceived wantonly; in the end there is no punishment or counterattack. So how to establish prestige, who will take him seriously in the future.

Deceit is likely to turn into betrayal. If you are betrayed by someone close to you, you will die without a place to die!

Angela Rothschild: "Actually, it's not that I don't want to talk to you, but I just don't know where to start. In addition, you also know that with my current strength, I don't dare to disobey the family's wishes."

"Once the people of the clan know that I have disclosed the confidential information to you, it will definitely not end well; you don't want to see my decapitated body either!"

"And today, I will treat you as if you said everything, but you have to protect me; now I really can't trust anyone except you."

It's very pitiful, even a man can't bear it; at this moment, in this situation, Bao Shoufu is not much better than other men, at least his judgment has plummeted.

Gentle Township, Hero Tomb, the ancients never deceived me; now I really want to push the woman away, but I just can't be ruthless. He clearly knew that the other party was using him, but he didn't know what was going on; it seemed that he was willing to be used. This kind of feeling can't be said, it belongs to the kind that I know it's wrong, but I just don't want to change it.

Could it be that the woman is the reincarnation of a vixen, otherwise how could she have such a great charm!

Bao Zixuan: "Do you believe that?"

"In the future, it's better for us to talk about business. Even going to bed is an exchange; or we can just get what we need."

Hearing this, Angela Rothschild was obviously taken aback; Baozixuan is worthy of being the richest man in the world; he can still keep a clear head at this time.

As a woman of the Rothschild family, she has learned many ways to make men let go of their guard since she was a child;

Angela Rothschild: "It's so sad to say that, but it's up to you; I will obey!"

Since I don't want to hear too much nonsense, I have to get involved for a long time. I still want to know what is going on with the Rothschild family. It is no small matter to build a country or even support a puppet; if you are not careful, you will be besieged by the whole world. How could it be so sudden and directly approach him; don't worry about information leakage, no one is as safe as imagined!

Bao Zixuan was lucky because the old chief of Fujairah had no son to succeed him; But even so, he did not dare to directly succeed to the throne; a transition is still needed.

Let Sarah become the nominal chief of the country, and he will command remotely from behind; the final success will not be considered until the two children grow up and succeed to the throne! Of course, all of this requires strong strength, otherwise, just a few surrounding countries; ordinary people can't handle it!

There is no royal family in Somalia. Of course, it is not difficult to find a local person seriously, or just find a local person to act as it. It is not difficult for the Rothschild family, but whether it can be generally recognized by the international community is a question worth thinking about.

If it is too fake, it is easy to backfire; in addition, many countries in the world have been guarding against the Rothschild family. Being rich is not scary, having land is also acceptable; being rich and having land will make people feel very uncomfortable!

There is no reason for the Rothschild family not to know things that they themselves know; but why they still want to build a country, there must be demons when things go wrong; without a thorough understanding, rash cooperation can easily trap the Black Cloud Group.

Bao Zixuan thought for a while and said, "Why the Rothschild family wants to establish a country has not been explained clearly; don't worry, I won't force you to say what you want to say, and what you don't want to say; everything is up to you to decide!"

It is said that she will make up her own mind, but is there any other choice now!

Angela Rothschild thought for a while and said: "As early as 1938; the Rothschild family proposed two plans to establish Jewish living quarters in sparsely populated areas; Mato Grosso, Brazil, The Upper Nile Valley in Africa came into view; it is a pity that it was not implemented due to various reasons.

"After the outbreak of World War II, as the scope of German rule expanded; Jews in more and more areas were either killed or fled. Germany even established concentration camps and implemented a policy of genocide against Jews. For this reason; the Rothschild family established some small large-scale Jewish shelters to house Jewish refugees."

"On the surface, it seems that it has nothing to do with the Rothschild family's preparations to establish a country in Somalia. If you really think so, you are wrong; but there are inextricably Jews want to stand on the top of the world If you want to be at the top, you must occupy as much territory as possible; there is no other people in the world who can match the Jews in terms of wealth at present."

"It was precisely because of the disagreement within the family in 1938 that it was not possible to transfer the family members until the outbreak of World War II; I watched relatives and friends being imprisoned in concentration camps; and died one after another."

"Because of your appearance, the Arabs have become extremely powerful; they even have the strength to challenge Israel."

"At least at present, with Israel's military strength, there is no absolute certainty of defeating Iraq; if the scope is expanded to the entire Arab world, then Israel will undoubtedly lose."

"The Jews may be driven into the sea at any time, or even repeat the mistakes of World War II."

"Israel did not ask for anything, but the Rothschild family must take precautions; the Jews had too many painful experiences and lessons during their homelessness in 2000."

It turns out that it really has something to do with me. In this life, Iraq did not invade Kuwait; it made the Arab countries in the Middle East unite unprecedentedly! With Jewish savvy, it is normal to feel the crisis.

But why do you want to bring him together? There are more ideas of differentiation and disintegration. Let the Arabs have conflicts with it, and the Jews can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The Rothschild family is really insidious; almost fooled, is there no way to break the situation!

Bao Shoufu, who wanted to understand, immediately had an idea in his mind; any matter has its two sides. It is not so easy to cause a conflict between the Black Cloud Group and the Arabs; everyone is not stupid; how could it be easily fooled.

Still be careful, not everyone will always be sane. But this is also an opportunity. If you operate it properly, the benefits will be much more than expected!

(end of this chapter)