Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1793

Chapter 1793

Chapter 1780 Emergency Consultation

Halfway through the press conference, Iron Maiden had already received the news; she reviewed the recording repeatedly; she found that it was the content of their conversation that day; it was not a fake.

At this time, this strong woman who has dominated Europe for many years has already realized the seriousness of the matter; the Royal Navy, as the most proud branch of the British Empire, has actually done something comparable to piracy. The credibility of the entire country will inevitably be greatly reduced.

It was even more unexpected that the Japanese dared to lower their diplomatic relations with the British Empire; where the confidence came from, it must be investigated clearly.

Around that time, the head of MI6, Christopher Kennedy, arrived at the Prime Minister's residence. And also brought a large team of people, including several technical experts. With such a confidential conversation, how it was leaked must be thoroughly investigated. Which force is monitoring the Prime Minister's office? If it is not investigated clearly, the whole of the UK will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Christopher Kentiven said with a serious expression: "Your Excellency, I know the seriousness of the matter; I will submit my resignation report later, and I will take full responsibility. But as the head of MI6, I must do one last thing thing; find out the listening device at 10 Downing Street; otherwise there will be no secrets in the British Empire in the future."

Mrs. Thatcher also knew the seriousness of the problem. After all, no one wanted to place a bomb around her. After being authorized, MI6 technical experts began to scan the entire mansion.

I really didn't know if I didn't look for it, and I was shocked when I checked; although no listening equipment was found in the Iron Lady's office, there were indeed many bugging equipment found in other areas of No. 10 Downing Street.

And most of it came from two countries, the United States and the Soviet Union.

The monitoring equipment used by intelligence personnel is basically not purchased from other countries; each monitoring equipment has a specific frequency. At the moment, the relationship between the two countries is very good. Once a conflict arises, the installed monitoring equipment will be known to the other party.

As the type of work with the strongest secrecy, there will be absolutely no such thing as making wedding dresses for others; and no one wants to let outsiders know too many secrets.

The United States and the Soviet Union installed many listening devices at 10 Downing Street; although there is no direct evidence that the Prime Minister's Office was also installed. However, it is entirely possible to dismantle it after the incident, so that MI6 cannot find a trace of clues; since the monitor can be installed in other places in the mansion, although the office's secrecy is stricter, it is not impossible.

Seeing more than a dozen monitoring devices in front of her eyes, Mrs. Thatcher was very angry; she really didn't think about it before, but now it seems that the prime minister's residence is not as safe as imagined.

Christopher Kenwendi said very seriously: "I have only found these so far, which can be said to be shocking. This is the dereliction of duty of MI6. I don't know how many secrets are controlled by the enemy."

"Two of the eavesdropping devices turned out to be produced in Germany during World War II; what's even more ridiculous is that they are still working. Considering that Germany was partitioned after World War II, the two eavesdropping devices must have been taken over by other forces."

"As for other eavesdropping devices, they were all produced by the United States and the Soviet Union; that is to say, the United States and the Soviet Union monitored the prime minister's residence; it never stopped."

"At present, no wiretapping devices produced in Japan have been found, and it is basically certain; the recordings were shared with Japan by other countries."

When she heard that a country shared it with Japan, Mrs. Sakir immediately thought of the United States; the Soviet Union and Japan belonged to a hostile relationship, and there are still territorial disputes; how could it be possible to share the recording with Japan.

However, it is not impossible. Britain and Japan are deadlocked; for the Soviet Union and the entire Warsaw Pact group, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages. But this possibility is not high, at least there is no direct evidence that the Soviet Union and Japan have had contact recently.

More than 80% may be deliberately done by the United States. What good will it do them; it is really hard to understand.

Perhaps seeing the prime minister's doubts, the head of MI6 thought for a while and said: "The intelligence sent back by the agents in Argentina shows that many of the weapons and equipment used by the Argentine army are produced in the United States; the Stinger missiles that shot down our fighter jets; American; and never exported to Japan before."

"Although I don't want to admit it, everything has something to do with the Americans; on the surface, the British Empire and the United States are very close; but after all, they belong to two different countries."

"The Americans have always wanted the British Empire to abandon aircraft carriers and concentrate on developing submarines; they just don't want to see the Royal Navy renew their engines and affect them."

"France has broken away from NATO and has become an independent development entity. As for other European countries, they are relatively weak; they have no strength to confront the Soviet Union; most importantly, they cannot threaten the core position of the United States."

"But the British Empire is different, especially after the Falklands War; let the world see that the Imperial Navy is still the most combative force in the world. In addition, the battlefield is in the back garden of the United States - South America, but deep Deeply stimulated America!

There was widespread controversy over the ownership of the Falkland Islands before; the Americans have long wanted to own the islands with such an important strategic position.

"During World War II, former Prime Minister Churchill used the islands to exchange warships with the United States; at that time, the United States raised a strong interest in the Falkland Islands, and now it seems that it is deliberately digging holes for the British Empire!

Hearing Christopher Kentiven's statement, Iron Maiden fell into deep thought; the analysis was very reasonable, and she couldn't even find a flaw.

The Second World War had just begun; Britain, the United States, and Japan were the three major naval powers in the world at that time. In 1940, the British were full of confidence. The Royal Navy had eight aircraft carriers, 70 cruisers, 17 heavy battleships, more than 100 destroyers, and more than 50 submarines. 1.3 million tons.

At the beginning of the war, the British thought that this war was similar to the same war, and that Western Europe was still the main battlefield; France was still the main force against Germany, and the UK was allied with France to send troops to the front. But what I didn't expect was that France chose to surrender unconditionally after only resisting for more than forty days.

After the surrender of France, the German armored forces arrived in the English Channel; then the Luftwaffe launched intensive bombing on the British mainland. At the same time, German naval submarines also targeted British naval vessels; not only that, they also launched indiscriminate attacks on British merchant ships, and even wanted to trap the British on the British Isles.

Then Britain spent a large sum of money to buy war materials from the United States. Unexpectedly, the war was consumed so rapidly; in the summer of 1940, the foreign exchange reserves were used up. Later, the government ordered that all the American bonds purchased by British citizens be collected and sold on Wall Street before being exchanged for U.S. dollars.

The British Empire is already exhausted, but the United States still insists on isolationism; even American business giants say that the US government should not provide supplies to Britain, which will damage the interests of the United States in Germany.

The British understood that they could not defeat Germany on their own; therefore, the British government sent an unknown number of wartime special trade applications to the United States; Roosevelt considered the existence of neutral forces in the country and did not agree.

In the final analysis, vested interests in the United States do not want to be involved in the European battlefield, which will bring them losses; everyone will treat everything from their own interests. The war has not yet spread to the United States, so there is no need to take the initiative to join in.

Churchill knew very well that if he wanted to persuade the United States to help, he had to show enough interests. Therefore, Britain directly threw out its colonies in the Atlantic Ocean in exchange for American oil, weapons, and food and other materials.

At that time, the United States had not passed the "Lend-Lease Act". After the joint efforts of Roosevelt and Churchill, the two countries finally decided to complete a trade agreement in private to exchange islands for warships.

Germany launched an attack on Britain, causing heavy losses to British warships and merchant ships. Although Britain had a hundred and twenty destroyers at the time. But don't forget; the British Empire is also a country with a big business; in the Caribbean, India, South Africa and Southeast Asia, it is guarded by the Royal Navy. As a result, the Royal Navy's military strength in Europe is very limited, and it is unable to provide efficient **** work for domestic merchant ships.

In the autumn of 1940 alone, more than 300 merchant ships were sunk, with a total displacement of more than 140 tons. Such a huge loss, even the British Empire is hard to bear. As a last resort, they can only go to the United States to buy destroyers to supplement their troops; the Americans use this to attack the Atlantic defense circle.

The reason for this decision was that the U.S. government believed that the British Empire would not last long, and naturally wanted to acquire British colonies in the Atlantic Ocean. At the same time, it can complete the last part of the US Atlantic defensive circle strategy; mainly in the Caribbean region. The so-called Atlantic defensive circle is a stronghold for Britain to control the North Atlantic, and the United States has long coveted it.

Of course, Churchill was not very willing to make such a rude request; the United States wanted 20 islands, which was equivalent to directly clearing Britain from the Atlantic Ocean.

But the pressure brought by the Germans was too great, and Britain, which had no other way, could only let the American lion speak loudly. After some difficult negotiations, in August 1940, it was finally agreed to take out eight islands including Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Trinidad; plus a dozen military bases on the islands, in exchange for five U.S. Ten destroyers.

What's even more exaggerated is that most of the destroyers used by the United States for trade were built before World War I; the latest ones also have more than ten years of service experience, but at this time the British had no other choice.

At that time, the Americans made it clear that they hoped to get the Falkland Islands. It's just that Churchill still has a sliver of reason, and he knows that he must keep a stronghold in South America. Once the Falkland Islands are handed over to the Americans, the British Empire will lose South America forever in the future.

By all indications, the Americans want the hearts of the Falkland Islands; that hasn't changed. Once the British show weakness or other crises arise, the Americans can enter the island smoothly.

The Iron Lady thought for a while and said: "Sell weapons and equipment to the Argentines, thereby strengthening their strength; let them have the courage to challenge the British Empire, and then start a war again."

"The British Royal Navy has followed the advice of the Americans and is no longer capable of expeditions to South America. If you don't want to give up the Falkland Islands, you can only ask the United States for help. Once the islands fall into the hands of the Americans, you want to get them back; it can be said that it is almost impossible .

"In order not to suspect them, the Americans sold them directly through Japanese ports; causing Britain and Japan to break up. Even if the Falkland Islands fell into the hands of the United States, the British Empire did not dare to say anything."

"Already offended Japan, and there is a powerful Soviet Union next to it; the United States has become the only straw, and the British Empire can only be at the mercy of others."

The Prime Minister's words made Christopher Kenwendi very pleased. At least the Iron Lady still retains the most basic and objective judgment. Japan's Xincheng cargo ship, and the series of diplomatic disputes it caused; someone must stand up. And the recording also made it clear that all responsibility rests with him.

Since the position cannot be kept, it can only serve the country through other methods; the British Empire, which has dominated the world for hundreds of years, cannot just decline.

Christopher Kenwendi: "Your Excellency, the current conflict with Japan is inevitable. Even if the whole world thinks that the Royal Navy has framed the Japanese, it must never admit it."

"In private, you can negotiate with Japan, and everything needs to be decided by you. In order to calm the anger of the Japanese, I will resign as the head of MI6."

"As a soldier, I want to go to the Falkland Islands; the last colony of the British Empire in South America must not be lost in our hands."

"An island itself is very scarce in resources; there is no place for the British Empire in Asia; the oil in the Middle East; the Americans will not let us get involved."

"Africa belongs to the traditional sphere of influence of France, and the British Empire does not have much advantage; Australia may have a glimmer of hope, but don't you think that Australia has come closer to the United States in recent years!"

"South America is rich in products, and minerals can be ranked among the top in the world. Although it is not plundering to compete for resources, it is more about fair trading; but it must be taken into account that there are many unstable factors in the political situation in South America."

"The British army is stationed in the Falkland Islands, and no country in South America dares to deceive British companies. Once the Falkland Islands are occupied by the Americans, or retaken by the Argentines; it will be difficult for British companies to get equal treatment."

"At this moment, it is not a question of an island, but a matter of the hope of the future survival of the British Empire; the Falkland Islands must not be abandoned unless it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, the British Empire will be controlled by others everywhere, and it will fall."

Of course, the Iron Maiden knew what Christopher Kenwendi meant; if the Argentines wanted to take back the Falklands, the British Empire would have no choice but to organize an army expedition again, and they could not turn to the United States for help.

It is easy to ask God to send God away, otherwise it will only benefit Americans in vain!

(end of this chapter)