Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1785

Chapter 1785

[Rebirth of Xiangjiang: The Growth of a Tycoon] The novel is free to read, please collect the 17 novels

The British are of course clear about some of the Argentine actions; at present, all intelligence personnel in Afghanistan have been fully activated, but it depends on what the Argentines want to do. As for the fighter jet being shot down, diplomats from both sides shouted from the air; there was no real progress.

Taking the current British presence in the Malvinas Islands...

"Young Master, get up quickly, it's our turn to patrol."

"Where am I?"

Qin Hu sat up in a daze, feeling his body was cold, and there was still a strong wind blowing outside, and suddenly felt strange.

"Oh, young master, why are you confused? We are in the barracks. It's our turn to stand guard at this time. No matter what, the military law will deal with it. Now the old master can't protect you anymore."


Qin Hu opened his eyes and saw that he was staying in a tent right now, and in front of him was a soldier in leather armor.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to ask something, he suddenly had a splitting headache, and a huge flow of information rushed into his mind. After a few seconds, he knew that he had crossed.

He has transmigrated from a modern special soldier to a young master named Qin Hu, who is the head of the seven villains in the capital!

And this era called the Dayu Dynasty never existed in history.

Qin Hu's ancestor was one of the twenty-eight marquises of the four founders of Dayu. Three months ago, his father died of illness, and Qin Hu became the new champion marquis.

Qin Hu was spoiled by his parents since he was a child. He didn't like reading or practicing martial arts.

When he grew up, the family wanted him to take care of him, so they arranged a marriage. The woman was the eldest lady of Chen Guogong's family, named Chen Ruoli, a well-known lady, beautiful and intelligent.

This Qin Hu is vicious and vicious towards others, but he regards this beautiful and beautiful fiancee as a treasure.

But the incident happened to this childhood sweetheart, Miss Chen.

According to Qin Hu's memory, that day he brought his fiance into the palace to pay homage to Princess Chang'an. The princess and Chen Ruoli had been friends since they were young, so they arranged a banquet.

But then Qin Hu drank the fragments, and when he woke up, he had already arrived at the prison of the inner guard. He was told that he was drunk and flirted with the princess with the intention of doing something wrong.

What's even more strange is that Chen Ruoli actually wrote a letter to impeach her fianc Qin Hu for seventy-two crimes, all of which are well-founded.

Qin Hu was like five thunderbolts, he couldn't believe his ears...

The imperial decree came down soon, saying that because of Qin Hu's ancestor's meritorious service, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped.

But after arriving in Youzhou, he was quickly arranged to be on the front linethe front line of the Pioneer Tent.

After going through these things in Qin Hu's mind, he basically figured it out. This should be a trap.

Because Chen Guogong had long wanted to divorce him.

The Qin family and the Chen family were originally a political marriage, and they both wanted to become stronger and bigger. However, Qin Hu later was almost useless except for being a dude.

You must know that the champions of all generations are heroes and have unparalleled influence in the army, but in this generation, there is a waste who has never been on the battlefield. When the old Hou Ye was alive, Chen Guogong returned face, but when the old Hou Ye died, Chen Guogong turned his face ruthlessly, and even staged a scene of retiring from the mourning hall.

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