Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1734

Chapter 1734

The richest man Bao certainly knew about the urgent meeting of the Japanese chaebol family; although he didn't know the specific content, he could also guess. At the same time, I feel fortunate from the bottom of my heart that it is no wonder that Japan's economic bubble in the previous life; the chaebol family was unscathed; it turned out that they already knew all this.

Any action taken by the Bank of Japan is under their control; as long as there is a little interest rate hike, or news that is not conducive to the growth of the stock market and property market, it will be known as soon as possible. Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy and being victorious in a hundred battles is not difficult to understand; why the losers can only be those ordinary people with no information.

Clay-Clark said with a smile: "It seems that we have underestimated these Japanese chaebol families before, their influence in the country, and intelligence strength; they must not be underestimated."

There is really no unified answer to how Americans view the Japanese!

Most of the ordinary American people are kind and tolerant, and they have a good impression of the Japanese. In the eyes of ordinary Americans: Japan is a symbol of high technology and good quality, and most Japanese are very smart.

But the upper echelons of the United States, or Japan in the eyes of the so-called elites, are another matter. Because Japan is actually a vassal of the United States; only a little more autonomous than the traditional colonies in history. Japan is required; its political orientation internationally must be consistent with that of the United States, and even domestic politics; must be influenced by the United States.

Japan's trade surplus with the US also has to buy 30-year US bonds. In other words, the Japanese are lending money to Americans to buy Japanese products. Clay-Clark belongs to the Wall Street elite; therefore, the impression of the Japanese is somewhere between the high-level and ordinary people. But there is an instinct in my heart that the United States already controls all aspects of Japan.

However, it was discovered today that things are not that simple; although Japan's domestic chaebols were suppressed due to their defeat in World War II, they were not completely eradicated. It used to feel like Wall Street was in control, only to find out now; the Japanese are more cunning than they thought.

It is estimated that the major fund companies on Wall Street are still in the dark at the moment, that is, because the Black Cloud Group has established a huge intelligence network in Japan; it is possible to get relevant news at the first time.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "No one can deny this. After all, the United States is only stationing troops here; it has not fully penetrated into all areas of Japan. Moreover, Japan is a single-ethnic country, and it is not that easy to penetrate."

"However, this is good news for us. The firmer the Wall Street fund company is in Japan, the smoother the implementation of the next plan will be."

Although he is an American, he also knows that he must stand with the boss at this moment. Although I don't want to see Wall Street fund companies suffer heavy losses, no one can stop them at present. People are not enough to swallow elephants, and they can only blame themselves for being too greedy.

Clay Callek: "Our stocks and real estate are basically sold off; the rest can be reserved for office use."

Seeing that the other party was hesitating to speak, Bao Zixuan of course understood what he meant; he had something to say, but it was inconvenient to say that!

Bao Zixuan: "You know my character, and if you have anything to say, just say it directly; if you don't want to say it, or there is no need to say it; just pretend I didn't ask."

Clay Clark certainly knows who the boss is; it's just that this is very embarrassing and belongs to the behavior of turning the elbow out.

When I think of old Hawkins, my heart is always a little unbearable.

Clay Clark: "The Hawkins Fund is crazy right now, not only buying stocks and real estate from us; it's the same in the exchange market. And now the big chaebol families in Japan are also eyeing Olga, and they're actively promoting it. ."

"I don't know what this kid thinks. It can be said that anyone who comes here will not refuse. If this continues, the Hawkins Fund will not only suffer heavy losses, but may even go bankrupt."

Of course, the richest man knows what his subordinates want to express. He used to be good friends with Phil Hawkins, and it was not in his style to wait until death; but on second thought, the other party might not appreciate it.

The richest man Bao said with a smile: "There are too many uncertainties at present, and many stocks are sold by Blackstone Fund to Hawkins Fund. Knowing that the Japanese stock market is about to collapse, they are still selling to friends; isn't this a scam!"

"So if you don't know, it's not going to go bankrupt; Phil Hawkins still has some foundation, and he also holds a lot of Best Selling Company shares; it's a big deal to sell it."

"Besides, don't you think this is a good opportunity to let him break his fantasies about the Rockefeller family!"

With this explanation, Clay Clark really doesn't know what to say. But the boss has already made his words so clear, he really can't say much. As for the Hawkins Fund, we can only let it do its best!

And in its view, it is also self-inflicted; at least Phil Hawkins' professional attitude is not worthy of sympathy.

Bao Zixuan, as the richest man in the world, still chooses to be present in person when it comes to huge transactions. Although recently, he has not interfered with normal transactions; but he knows every transaction well. Even if you want to deceive him, it is impossible.

On the other hand, Phil Hawkins; everything is handed over to professional managers; he just looks at the data and listens to the report; when comparing the two, the gap is immediately revealed.

This has nothing to do with whether you believe in your subordinates, as a boss; the core must be in your own hands. Everyone has selfishness, including themselves. Clay Clark asked himself; if Bao Zixuan hadn't been staring from behind, he might have made mistakes too.

The Japanese stock market is very good, how can it be possible to sell and cash at this time; especially since the plan has been implemented for nearly a year, he will definitely not operate like this at present.

The last reminder has been done, and it can be regarded as worthy of the kindness of old Hawkins; if you want to blame him, he has given birth to a prodigal grandson!

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Don't worry about it so much, the Japanese market is best to finish the work. At the same time, secretly disclose the relevant information we have to Will Gibson; if he is a smart person, of course he knows what's going on. "

Hearing this, Clay Clark really didn't know what to say. It turns out that everything is in the boss's calculations and in his eyes; everyone else is just a **** on the chessboard.

Ostensibly a secret route, even if discovered, it can be denied; but it will give Will Gibson the impression that everything is under control. If you kid dares to pit me, it will definitely not end well. Regardless of whether you can continue to work in the financial industry, you just want to leave Japan safely; it will become a luxury.

Bao Zixuan definitely has this strength, no matter how many years the Black Cloud Group has been working here for the time being; the man who can win the war has never seen blood in his hands. As long as you are smart, you don't dare to take risks. Besides, the conditions offered by others are indeed generous enough; even if they take the initiative to increase their chips, they must not be too greedy, otherwise they will definitely not end well.

The next morning, Will Gibson came to the office; he saw a file bag on the desk.

Without alerting anyone, he locked the office and opened the file bag.

The content inside did not disappoint; the Bank of Japan's overtime arrangements and the specific time for the announcement of the interest rate hike policy were clearly marked. Even the meetings of the major chaebol families and the analysis of the content of the discussions are clear.

The data also includes the number and value of stocks held by major Wall Street fund companies in Japanese companies so far; it can be said that the analysis of the Japanese economy and the fund companies involved in Japanese investment is very thorough. Even official government reports are not necessarily so detailed.

Finally, a lighter fell out of the file bag, and as an old man, he immediately understood what it meant. At the same time, he also admires Bao Zixuan's intelligence capabilities in Japan.

It is dangerous to work with such a person; everything is under surveillance, and there can be no secrets at all. But it is also quite worry-free, at least there is a large amount of intelligence expenses left; as long as you make corresponding decisions based on the intelligence, you don't have to worry about the rest.

Without any hesitation, he glanced at the contents of the document again; after feeling that he could memorize it, he directly picked up the lighter and lit the document.

Bao Zixuan didn't want people to know that he was involved in it; it's very reasonable to do so now. As long as he is serious about doing things well, I believe that with the character of the other party, he will not be treated badly.

The Bank of Japan's interest rate hike is inevitable, so the next step can be to act according to the plan. The team members immediately entered the working state and began to short the Nikkei index.

The success or failure of this one action, and the future status of Wall Street, depends on the harvest of this Japanese operation. Although it is a big gamble, what is the difference between being in the financial industry and gambling.

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