Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1718

Chapter 1718

Everything that happened today made Clay Clark feel unreal. The trading volume of the Japanese stock market is too terrifying; the data shows that the trading volume of the stock markets of all countries in the world in the past 24 hours combined is not as high as that of the Japanese stock market. What is this concept? You must know that there are old economic powers such as the United States and the United Kingdom; there are also economically prosperous places such as Hong Kong and Singapore.

This shows that capital is optimistic about the Japanese market, and has even reached a crazy level.

The predecessor of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was the Tokyo Stock Exchange Co., Ltd. established in May 1879. Due to the slow economic development in Japan at that time, securities trading was not prosperous; in June 1943, the Japanese government merged all stock exchanges and established the semi-official Japan Stock Exchange, but it disintegrated within four years of its establishment.

Before the Second World War, although Japan's capitalism had developed to a certain extent, due to the foreign aggression of the Communist Party, heavy industry and weapon industry were monopolized by the state; textile, shipping and other industries were also controlled by the state. This is a kind of war. The economic system has a strong **** color.

At that time, even if companies issued shares, they were often absorbed by companies within the same chaebol. Therefore, the securities business is difficult to develop. After the defeat of Japan, the exchange was dissolved in 1946 under American occupation. In January 1949 the United States agreed to reopen the Tokyo Stock Exchange. With the recovery and development of Japan's post-war economy, the Tokyo Stock Exchange has also developed and prospered. At present, there are more than 1,000 companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, including more than 50 foreign companies, with a total market capital of nearly 2.5 trillion US dollars.

After 1975, the Japanese government gradually relaxed the control of banks and securities companies, allowing banks to participate in securities business. Subsequently, Dajang Province allowed urban banks, local banks, long-term credit banks, trust banks, credit treasuries, and credit portfolios to engage in stock credit trading business, which liberalized the management of the securities market.

From the 1980s, foreign securities companies were allowed to enter the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which greatly improved the international status of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. It can be said that it is precisely because of a series of operations that the Tokyo Stock Exchange has brought unprecedented prosperity; but at the same time, it has also laid the groundwork for the Japanese economic bubble.

But at the moment, the Tokyo Stock Exchange is booming. Although it was already evening, champagne and high-end ingredients filled the banquet hall on the second floor. With countless records set in one day, they certainly deserve to be celebrated.

Suzuki Jubei, President of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, smiled and said to the crowd: "Hello, distinguished guests and colleagues; when the outside world thought that the Japanese stock market was about to enter a bottleneck, we once again made history. To be able to achieve today's results, It is inseparable from your hard work. I would like to thank everyone for their hard work here; at the same time, I would also like to thank our partners for their trust and support.

"I believe that Japan will have a better tomorrow, and of course your income will be more generous."

As the president of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Suzuki Jubei has a proud capital. It was after he took over as president that Japanese stocks began to soar. In three years, it has more than doubled; this is a miracle in the history of the world economy.

You must know that this is not just one or two star companies, but all companies listed on the Japanese stock exchange. In other words, it took the Americans 30 years, the British 42 years, and the Japanese only 3 years, which is a real achievement.

After the leader finished speaking, the people below began to enter the carnival moment; they were qualified to celebrate, and their achievements should be proud of.

At this moment, not only the internal staff of the Japan Stock Exchange, but also the heads of some Wall Street funds were specially invited. Just let them see how prosperous Japan's economy is. Suzuki Jubei's idea is very simple. Maybe in the military field, Japan is not the US opponent; but in the economic aspect, it can definitely surpass the US to become the world's number one in the future.

Of course, it has basically been done at the moment, at least the stock market size is not worse than New York.

Although Clay-Clark was also invited, he did not go; the Japan Stock Exchange did not insist. After all, the Blackstone Fund belongs to the selling side, and it seems embarrassing to come here.

Olga, as the head of the Hawkins Fund, is also an absolute giant today. At the same time, it is also the most profitable fund company of all fund companies, and of course it will be the guest of honor.

Suzuki Jubei came to Olga and said with a smile, "Hello, President Olga! Thank you for your trust and support to the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Our work will never let you down."

This is an attitude, although it can be said that the Tokyo Stock Exchange belongs to the bookmaker; but the other party is from Wall Street in the United States. No matter what, the face still has to be given. In this regard, the Japanese really dare not be too arrogant.

Many fields have completely surpassed the United States, but it should not be too blatant.

Olga is a good-natured person, and most people are exactly like that. After the person in charge of the Tokyo Stock Exchange finished speaking, he came to visit him directly; the face was definitely given enough; at least he couldn't pick out any faults.

If people give you face, you have to follow it; they are all people with status, and there is still a lot of work to be done by the Japanese side. After all, he was doing business on other people's ground, and Olga was not someone who didn't know what to do.

Olga said with a smile: "President Suzuki is very polite, I am very honored to receive your invitation. I have been engaged in financial investment for more than 20 years, and I have never been so happy as I am today. Coming to Japan to invest is definitely the most correct life. one of the decisions.

"I believe that the cooperation between our two sides will be closer in the future, but I will often trouble President Suzuki in the future."

Don't be afraid that people will trouble you, because it proves that you are valuable. If you don't find you for anything, it means that you are in the hearts of others; you are a dispensable existence, which is a very dangerous thing.

If you want to stay in the position of president of the Tokyo Stock Exchange for a long time, you can even go further in the future; you must make more contacts, and Suzuki Jubei is still very clear about this. There is absolutely no harm in having a good relationship with Wall Street capital.

If Japan wants to develop its economy well, it must give up a portion of its profits to the United States; this is an unspoken thing, otherwise it is impossible to open the financial market to foreign funds. Of course, it is also a manifestation of confidence in the domestic chaebols. So far, most of the domestic assets are still in the hands of the chaebols.

In fact, not only in Japan, but in the whole world; the Japanese chaebols at this time are quite arrogant!

Since 1985, Japanese companies have carried out a total of 20 giant overseas mergers and acquisitions of more than US$500 million; 17 of them are American companies.

At this time, 10% of the real estate in the United States has become the possession of the Japanese; many small countries in Southeast Asia have also received rapid development from Japanese investment. In Los Angeles, the Japanese control almost half of the real estate in the downtown area. In Hawaii, UU reading www.uukanshu. More than 90% of com's foreign investment comes from Japan.

Suzuki Jubei said with a smile: "That's because of President Olga's trust in us, and it is also a reflection of your wise decision-making. At present, all economists and professionals from all over the world believe that the Japanese economy will continue to grow. There is a peak, but some people are not optimistic. Facts speak louder than words, although an invitation was issued to him; but he still did not come today, I guess I am embarrassed. "

Suzuki Jubei's intelligence work is still in place, and of course there is no secret about Clay Clark's resume. Anyone who knows a little bit about Wall Street knows it basically.

Two fund managers who originally belonged to the same level, one was poached and mixed up. A person who stayed behind for a long time did not achieve results, and the judgment was made. This time I came to Japan to independently control a project, and I had to prove myself.

In the view of Jubei Suzuki, the relationship between Olga and Clay Clark will not be very good. The competition between the two companies is one aspect. The most important thing is that after reaching a certain level, everyone has to save face.

As it turned out, hearing Jubei Suzuki's judgment on Clay Clark; Olga's mood became more comfortable. In recent years, Clay Clerk's name has been weighing on his breath. Sometimes I feel very depressed and even want to quit the financial industry for a while. Fortunately, the boss let him be responsible for the Japanese market independently, otherwise it is difficult to say what his life history will be like.

The unbeaten myth before Clay Clark, although it will not be broken all at once. But let the world see clearly, that's what happened; it's nothing special. The companies that sell their stocks today are definitely the ones with huge losses; Blackstone Fund is one of them, and of course it is not welcome.

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