Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1716

Chapter 1716

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There are so many unknown stories here, and Mie Yekang did not know such important information about the meeting with Bao Zixuan; it seems that Sony's intelligence work is really bad, no wonder it always fails to meet the standards of the chaebol family. How big the gap is, it's really hard to comment!

In fact, when Akio Morita said from Bao Zixuan that he was meeting with Mie Noyasu, it was not difficult to see the expression on Iwasaki Hiroyuki; the old boy must have known in advance. Then there is only one possibility, Bao Zixuan's every move when he comes to Japan is under his surveillance. Not to say that it is completely transparent, but at least it is clear what important people you will meet!

The Iwasaki family is worthy of being a century-old family, and has a basic understanding of the situation in Japan; even if there is any trouble, it can be immediately known. Compared with the Morita family, it is much worse. Is it necessary to provide the necessary funds for intelligence, otherwise, in front of Bao Zixuan and Iwasaki Hiroyoshi, he will not be much different from the transparent person.

But with the overall strength of the Morita family, including Sony, is it qualified to form an intelligence department? It's not just about spending money, but whether it's necessary. Heiyun Group Bao Zixuan has established a firm foothold in the Middle East. Mitsubishi is a military enterprise; it has begun to infiltrate the world's major arms manufacturers a hundred years ago.

Although Japan suffered certain losses in the defeat, some of the troops were retained. Therefore, when the Japanese economy developed, the intelligence network was quickly established. After all, the previous foundation is very good, and you don't have to go to great lengths like other companies.

Akio Morita continued: "I still have a deep impression today. I thought that after decades of rapid development, Sony is making progress every year. It definitely belongs to the world's top companies, at least in terms of market value."

"But Iwasaki Hiroyuki already knew about Bao Zixuan's arrival. He also knew exactly what he met with Mie Yeyasu; it is estimated that the content of the conversation between the two is almost known. On the other hand, Sony is far worse. Eyes darkened."

"It's all about experience and business skills; Sony will never be one of the greatest companies if it doesn't change."

Hearing what my husband said, Morita Junfu certainly understood what he meant. This is the money needed to form an intelligence department, an intelligence department; it is likely to be a bottomless pit.

Sony Investments also has market analysts, basically the same as investigators. It can only be regarded as the most junior intelligence personnel, look at the financial statements issued by which Japanese company, and then analyze it.

It can be said that they are all official data, and the reference value is very low.

Now the intelligence department that the old man wants to set up belongs to the secret department. Each country has its own intelligence system, but there are not many companies that set up intelligence departments independently.

Small and medium-sized enterprises are unnecessary and cannot afford it. The prevention of large enterprises is relatively strict; coupled with patent protection, it is not so easy to infiltrate.

Of course, the most direct way to get back useful intelligence and technology is to poach people from rival companies; otherwise, there is really no good way.

Morita Junfu: "The intelligence department is very expensive, and it is necessary for Sony to set up an intelligence department; what needs us to investigate."

This is a key question, whether it is necessary to establish an intelligence department. Unlike Mitsubishi and Heiyun Group, there is a military industry department; it can be said that it is an arms producer.

Sony is a civilian company, and the proportion of products produced for military use is very small; it is a dispensable existence.

Civil enterprises that develop new products and technologies basically apply for patents directly; this protection is still very strict. Even if you get technical information from a competitor company, you don't dare to blatantly produce it before you get authorization.

Military products are different. Advanced technologies and products have been developed; no one will apply for patents. Once the technology is disclosed, hostile countries will eradicate the technical characteristics of the disclosed materials and take countermeasures. Moreover, technical patents have an expiration date, and it is also a hassle after the expiration.

Therefore, arms manufacturers will set up intelligence departments; not only to monitor the performance of the opponent's weapons and equipment, but also to obtain the opponent's technology.

But the arms companies have government support behind them, and civilian enterprises do not have this kind of treatment. Therefore, if Sony wants to set up an intelligence department, it must rely on itself. In addition, there is no previous experience at all, which is a long way to go.

It's a matter of human beings, if it always stands still; then how can families and businesses grow and develop.

As long as you get through the toughest period of time, the future is definitely bright.

Akio Morita: "You are right, Sony really has nothing to investigate. Could it be that we have always produced civilian products, and military products are not involved at all."

"If you want to be a company that people admire, it's not just about how much profit it makes; how much tax it pays; and how much it contributes to society. Because foreigners will never be grateful to us, after all, if Sony makes more money, domestic companies make less. "

"It is estimated that the only people who really support us from the heart are the local people; Sony has developed very well in recent years, while Mitsubishi has declined a bit. But why domestic people, when it comes to Japanese companies, still prefer Mitsubishi."

"That's because compared to Sony, Mitsubishi is definitely the most important weapon in the country. Sony has nothing but electronic products and games. Of course, it has made some breakthroughs in the field of computers, but how meaningful is that. After a comprehensive analysis , we still belong to the category of low-end enterprises; it is difficult to enter the high-level vision."

"So if you want to take Sony to a higher level, it must involve military production. Bao Zixuan is not stupid, why did he develop weapons and equipment, and he did not hesitate to damage the corporate image for this reason. That is because he knows that fate must be controlled by himself. in hand."

"Especially after gaining a foothold in the Middle East, the desire for weaponry has grown stronger."

"Maybe it's not suitable now, but Sony must have military production qualifications. Since it wants to enter a new field, it must take the stance of breaking the boat."

"Sell all the stocks and real estate we hold, and go to Germany after getting the funds. There are still many high-quality companies in Germany. If you buy one or two companies with a military background, Sony can naturally enter the field of military industry."

"Even if the acquisition fails, we can find a way from the Heiyun Group. Bao Zixuan definitely doesn't want to see the Mitsubishi family dominate. This is our opportunity."

It was my father-in-law who was thoughtful, and Sony wanted to develop; it really needed to have military production capacity. The more important the status of the enterprise, the more resources will be obtained.

Germany's determination to invest in the past has been very clear. Then there is no need to go against his father-in-law's wishes, and still lead the team by himself, so there is no dissatisfaction.

Morita Junfu said that there is no problem, and he will sell his stocks and real estate as quickly as possible; he will never delay German investment.

Seeing his son-in-law leave, Akio Morita fell into contemplation; now he has no direction, and he doesn't know which direction to go in the future. The times are developing too fast, and some can't keep up with the rhythm. But one very important thing is to maintain a close cooperative relationship with Bao Zixuan. I believe that the richest man Bao will bring surprises to him, at least they are always at the forefront of the times.

Sony looked very good, and even acquired Columbia, a well-known Hollywood film company. But what is the specific situation, only you know best. If you can't rise a level, the future will surely decline. At this moment, it's like it's dusk. If you work hard, it's dawn, and the future is bright. UU Reading

If it fails, it will live in endless darkness forever; if so, it is estimated that Sony will have no future.

There are many star companies in Japan, and so does the whole world. The update speed is very fast, if you can't seize the opportunity, it will be eliminated by the market.

Bao Zixuan returned to the villa and saw that Clay Clark was already waiting for him. Meeting with two Japanese tycoons tonight, I will definitely give some instructions when I come back. Americans don't like to work overtime, but that depends on when. At this moment, the whole company is stepping up to sell Japanese real estate and stocks, but there is no right to rest.

Every second is profit, and a little carelessness will bring huge losses to the company; Clay Clark still knows the importance, which is what Bao Zixuan appreciates.

Although it was only a few simple words of communication, Clay Clark's attitude towards the boss was very clear. At the same time, I also understand what Iwasaki Hiroyuki and Morita Akio mean. The Blackstone Fund has no other choice but to stick to the plan.

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