Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1711

Chapter 1711

The so-called Blackstone Foundation think tank has not yet been formed. As for why I say that, I just don't want to cause unnecessary misunderstanding. Everything is the result of economists' analysis and has nothing to do with themselves. As for why it is so accurate, it can only be said that the Blackstone Foundation think tank is powerful.

You can't always tell people that you are a time traveler; even if you are rich and powerful, you will probably be taken away as a guinea pig. In the name of the Blackstone Foundation think tank, the credibility is still very high. The two people on the opposite side are not ordinary people, and there is no suitable reason to deceive them.

After the two exchanged a look, Akio Morita said: "Actually, we also found that the Japanese economy is on the verge of collapse. Other companies don't understand it, but Sony's export volume has not increased, which can explain the problem. Sang sees it more thoroughly than we Japanese. It really corresponds to the ancient Chinese saying, bystanders are clear, and the authorities are obsessed."

"God predestined it to perish, and first made it crazy; at this moment, I have to admit that the Japanese people are already in a state of madness; if they can't wake up, no one can save them."

Akio Morita has more experience, so it won't hurt to let him answer the two first. Bao Zixuan has bigger projects waiting for them. As for what the Japanese people are like at this time, they can't decide which direction the domestic economy will develop in the future. Even if it can restrain Sony and Mitsubishi, other chaebols may not support it.

And with the current situation, Iwasaki Hiroyuki can't guarantee that the family will listen to him; there is no need to get involved, so as not to cause everyone to be unhappy. At the same time, there is also the relationship between Bao Zixuan. If Iwasaki Hongyi thinks about the Mitsubishi Group, then it will definitely make Bao's richest man disgusted. For the benefit of the family, the information disclosed by the partner is actually made public; who can guarantee that the family will be kept secret.

If the content of today's conversation is really known to everyone; then it is enough to prove that he is unreliable, and it is estimated that there will be no cooperation opportunities in the future.

One thing that Bao Zixuan is very good at is that he never cheats on his partners; his business reputation is generally recognized all over the world. It is reluctant to lose such a partner. Therefore, if the family affairs are not involved for the time being, the effect may be better.

Iwasaki Hiroyuki: "Mr. Morita is right, the Japanese people have already fallen into madness. In fact, not only ordinary people, but even many members of the Iwasaki family have been carried away by huge interests. At this moment, it is useless for anyone to persuade them. Stay away from them. It also came clean.

Of course, the richest man Bao knows what Akio Morita and Hiroyuki Iwasaki want to express. Although he can't guarantee whether Hiroyuki Iwasaki can do it, he is confident that at least everything is under control for now.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since the two of you already know what the future of Japan's economy will look like, then don't pay too much attention; so as not to waste time."

Hearing about the Japanese economy, it shows that the sale of the Blackstone Fund is basically over; it seems that they will also increase their selling efforts tomorrow, otherwise they must be in their hands.

Akio Morita: "Bao Sang just said that there is a big project, and the two of us are looking forward to it."

For the sake of saying the words, there is no need to deliberately let the other party speak first. And Bao Zixuan has shown enough sincerity, of course they have to show it.

Iwasaki Hiroyuki said with a smile: "Yeah! The Japanese economy is beyond human intervention, so it's better not to participate!"

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It seems that the two of you are more anxious than me, so let's go straight to the topic."

"The signing of the Plaza Accord is not only affected by Japan; the appreciation of the West German mark is even more severe. It's just that the top executives of West Germany are very smart, borrowing the appreciation of the mark to increase the purchasing power of the currency to increase support for domestic industrial enterprises. Therefore, housing prices are not Gao, of course, was also directly related to being at the forefront of the Cold War."

"After all, no one can guarantee that the Soviets will not attack Europe."

The sudden mention of Germany made the two of them immediately energized. Earning the hard-earned money of the domestic people is really unbearable. But tossing abroad is an act of winning glory for the country, and the reputation is good.

Japan itself is an island country, and it is difficult for companies to grow and develop if they cannot expand outward. At the same time, Japan and Germany belong to the kind of mutual appreciation; the business reputation of the Germans is still very secure.

At this time, investment in Germany in the past should not be a big problem.

As for the so-called forefront of the Cold War, everyone can see that the Soviet Union is no longer as brave as it used to be. In addition, the current leader does not have the background of the army and the KGB, and belongs to the literati style; therefore, he is not as strong as his predecessors.

That is to say, Germany is not as dangerous as imagined, and war will not break out in the short term. It is a good opportunity to invest in the past.

However, the appreciation of the currency alone will never make Bao Zixuan take it so seriously; there must be more surprises waiting for them.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, the richest man Bao immediately understood what he meant; so he continued: "Intelligence shows that East Germany and West Germany are seeking reunification. This is a good opportunity, even a good opportunity to double wealth."

"If West Germany wants to annex East Germany, it must benefit the people of East Germany. Then the first thing is the currency issue. Once the East German mark is officially recognized by West Germany, then the position of the East German mark in the international financial market will inevitably rise. ."

"Black Cloud Bank has already entered East Germany, and currently holds a large number of East German marks. It's just that one company occupies too many resources, which will inevitably arouse West Germany's disgust. Even if the Germans have a good reputation, they are in huge profits. In front of you; execution will inevitably be discounted.

"During World War II, Germany even issued a lot of war bonds. But because the two German governments were not unified, many of them were not paid. Maybe there were rhetoric before, but once the two Germanys were unified, there would be no more excuses."

"Currently German bonds, especially those related to World War II, are almost the same as waste paper in East Germany. After reunification, they are redeemed, and the profits can even exceed a hundred times. At the same time, since West Germany wants to annex East Germany, then East German bonds, and Bonds in any other situation; must be recognized, otherwise it will not be universally recognized by the international community.

"I think the two of you should understand what it means, the unification of Germany is the general trend; but for us, it is a huge business opportunity. At the same time, there are many high-quality companies in Germany; even if you don't want to admit it, you can't do it; Black Cloud and Sony's optical technology, both It is to learn from the Germans. If Carl Zeiss, Leica and other companies are included in the bag; then the level of strength will be unimaginable.

The appreciation of the German mark is understandable; and the market has already given proof; but the reunification of the two Germans made the two never expect. If it is true as Bao Zixuan said, East Germany and West Germany merged; and West Germany recognized the East German currency; then the status of the East German Mark would be different.

The official exchange rate of the two German marks is indeed similar, but on the black market it is very different; this is determined by economic strength and commercial scale, even if the government imposes it, it will not work.

Iwasaki Hongyi said very seriously: "Baosang, how likely is the reunification of the two Germanys?"

This thing is really unbelievable. East and West Germany were the same country before World War II; but after World War II they belonged to two different camps. According to Bao Zixuan, if West Germany annexed East Germany, the Soviet Union would agree.

At this moment, East Germany is still the younger brother of the Soviet Union. If the two Germanys are merged, they will become enemies in an instant. Lao Maozi will take the initiative to strengthen the enemy's strength, no one is that stupid.

Therefore, it is normal to worry. After all, as I just said, the premise of making huge profits is the merger of East and West Germany. If Germany is not united, then the purchase of German bonds, and the East German mark, will fall into the hands. East Germany's economic scale and future development prospects; I really want to solve the problem, but I don't know that I have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Bao Zixuan said very seriously: "More than 90%, and it has already been implemented; since we are allies and partners, we can't hide it from the two. West Germany has already contacted the Black Cloud Group and wants me as an intermediary."

"The two of you also know that I still have some friendship with the top Soviet leaders; West Germany is full of sincerity and is willing to give sufficient compensation in terms of economy."

"Currently, the Soviet Union is very short of money, and the Germans are promising some conditions; they may not be tempted. And there is another key point, that is, the vast majority of people in East and West Germany are Germanic, and the ethnicity is relatively single. In terms of national unity, the Germanic nation It's still worth affirming.

"That's why I dare to say that the probability of the reunification of the two Germanys exceeds 90%; as for the remaining 10%, it is only set up to prevent other unexpected events, and no one dares to talk about it!"

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