Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1703

Chapter 1703

The more he thought about it, the more likely Morita Akio felt, and immediately became nervous. Although I didn't pay attention to it, I usually did some understanding. And he still takes a look at the financial statements of Sony's various subsidiaries. At present, Sony's investment division holds a lot of real estate and stocks in Japan.

In fact, it is not only Sony, but many large Japanese companies are like this. Although Akio Morita despises the real estate industry, he thinks it is a speculator, not an entrepreneur at all. You must know that he is praised by the world as the saint of management; only by making products that change the world can it be regarded as an entrepreneurial behavior.

As for making money by investing in capital and strength, I really disdain to do that. However, he also knows that investing in real estate makes money, but he will not bear this reputation. All are handed over to the son-in-law. If it works, the business will make money. Even if it is misunderstood, there are sons-in-law who take the blame. In short, he did not directly participate in this matter, and on the surface it was absolutely innocent enough.

Bao Zixuan has obtained a lot of real estate and properties through technology patents. Of course he knew the purpose of this kid, so he did not stop his son-in-law from buying real estate. Even sometimes, it is still very supportive. From often taking Morita Junfu to meet the presidents of major banks, it can also explain some problems.

After all, no matter how big a company is, especially an investment company, there is also a need for capital. Introducing the president of the bank to the son-in-law will definitely be more convenient when taking a loan. Thanks to the continuous rise of Japanese real estate in recent years, the performance of Sony Investment Company has been very bright.

Today Akio Morita felt that things were not that simple, otherwise Bao Zixuan would never let Li sell the properties and properties that he had worked so hard to get.

Not in the mood to continue eating at this moment, Akio Morita put down the tableware and said very seriously: "Tell me what happened, how much real estate Blackstone Fund sold."

Everyone knows the character of the old man, and it has been a long time since they paid such attention to one thing. Is there a problem here, or it can't be explained at all.

Morita Junfu did not dare to neglect, he put down his bowl and chopsticks, and replied seriously: "Blackstone Fund is a Wall Street company, and it has come to Japan to invest as early as 6 years ago. It is a big deal as soon as it comes up, as long as it is a fancy stock or property, No matter the cost, you will get it.

"It may be related to the character of the boss. The boss of the Blackstone Fund is still an acquaintance with his father; that is, Bao Zixuan of the Black Cloud Group. As a result, many office buildings and real estate in prime locations in Tokyo have been purchased by the Blackstone Fund. As for how much they buy in the stock market There is really no specific number for this company's stock."

"The number is so huge that there is no way to count it. But I know that Blackstone Fund holds a lot of Sony shares, but I don't know why; it was sold to another Wall Street fund company, Hawkins Fund, a day ago."

"As for Phil Hawkins, the owner of Hawkins Fund, he is also an old acquaintance with Bao Zixuan; he was the largest customer of Black Cloud Group in the United States in the early days, and later established Best Buy together. I heard that the two have a good personal relationship, and Bill Hawkins was also the son-in-law of the Rockefeller family."

"So it is unknown whether there is an exchange of interests here!"

"At the same time, Blackstone Fund also reached deals with several other Wall Street funds. They sold all the stocks of Japanese companies in their hands to them. Many analysts believe that Bao Zixuan is not an American after all; he came to Japan so long in advance, Some of the money you make must go out.

"The Blackstone Fund sold all the properties in the Setagaya area two days ago, and today is more determined. Spreading the area to the whole of Japan, there are many properties in good locations; it's just that the competition is too fierce, and we don't get much. "

Hearing his son-in-law's analysis, Akio Morita really didn't know what to say. He still knew very well who Bao Zixuan was. Don't say that it is good to not dig holes for the Americans, not to cede the interests to the Americans. And with the strength of the opponent, there is really no need to deliberately please anyone. What happened to the Morgan family during the Hong Kong dollar crisis?

It is not the same as returning home, beaten to death. I heard that Miss Morgan, who had some relationship with her, came forward, and the matter was calmed down. Otherwise, the heirs of the Morgan family may have to be expelled from the financial industry. Don't these sons-in-law know, they are still too immature. Wall Street financial institutions, may be able to fool others.

But Bao Zixuan will never lose his own interests because of them. There must be a bigger conspiracy here, and things are definitely not that simple.

Akio Morita: "How many companies' stocks are currently held by Sony Investments, and how much are they worth. At the same time, how many properties are owned by them and how much can they be worth?"

The old man never checked the accounts, he just made a normal report every month, and basically would not interfere with his work. What's going on today, suddenly there are so many questions.

But he is not only his son-in-law, but also a subordinate of Akio Morita. At least at this moment, the old man is still the president, the first person Sony has to do. So questions like these must be answered, and there is no excuse for refusal.

For his own job, Morita Junfu has done it quite well; if his ability and attitude are not good enough, Morita Akio will not betroth his daughter to him. All the company's data is not said to be cooked, but the important data is still remembered.

Before adding it, I deliberately sorted it out. I was worried that my father-in-law would ask questions, and the opportunity was really reserved for those who were prepared, so it didn't come in handy.

Toshifu Morita: "Currently, the total value of the stocks held by Sony Investment Corporation exceeds 400 billion yen. As for real estate, properties, and other real estate, the value exceeds 1 trillion yen. However, 700 billion of them are loans, but I believe , according to current trends; the total value of real estate will exceed 1.3 trillion yen by the end of the year.

Everyone present was very happy to hear that the assets of Sony Investment Company are so large. They are all members of the Morita family, and Sony is strong, which is great news for them. After all, you want outsiders to recognize you, especially when you are in contact with children from other families. If you don't have a strong backer, it's really not a big deal.

The increase in asset size is a welcome thing, but loans of up to 700 billion yen are really a headache.

Akio Morita also knew that his son-in-law could not be blamed for many things. In order to acquire Columbia Pictures that year, a lot of money was drawn from Sony Investments. This leaves almost no funds left on the books. It is very rare to have a floating profit of 700 billion yen now.

Loans of up to 700 billion yen must be resolved. Once the real estate market collapses, Sony Investments will suffer heavy losses.

But now I can't directly attack the enthusiasm of my son-in-law, although I can do it equally if I ask myself. But there will definitely be other thoughts in the children's minds, and it's important to soothe their emotions. In addition to the work of the son-in-law, it is indeed in place; the son is in the same position, it is really impossible to do this.

For so many years, Bao Zixuan's judgment on the situation and the economic situation seems to have never made any mistakes. In other words, he is not optimistic about the Japanese market. His actions have proved everything, and it is useless to say more.

Once there is a problem with the Japanese economy, holding more than one trillion yen in stocks and real estate is a very dangerous thing. The most important thing is that there are still a lot of bank loans, so it is necessary to go bankrupt. Maybe not as serious, but about the same.

Akio Morita: "You may not understand, UU reading but for Bao Zixuan; no one in the whole of Japan knows what kind of person he is better than me. He is definitely a shrewd man who has plucked his hair and is more savvy than a monkey. And never fight an uncertain battle.

"I remember ten years ago, when I just met. When Sony and Heiyun discussed the licensing of technology patents, the other party didn't want cash, but tried everything possible to get Japanese real estate. At that time, everyone thought that this was because they wanted to come to Japan. develop."

"Although Xiangjiang's economy is good, it is much worse for scientific researchers, at least it is difficult to support the development of a large company. But the other party did not do that, and even relied on its own ability; established Yulin Institute of Technology, and completed the black cloud alone. Small Town Project."

"So his layout for Japan started as early as ten years ago. Have you ever thought about this question, why an entrepreneur who was very optimistic about Japan's economic development ten years ago suddenly sold his real estate and stocks; and very firm, not even keeping that at all.

"Everything shows that he is not optimistic about the Japanese economy. Even the internal analysis of Heiyun believes that the Japanese economy has reached a peak; it is very difficult to develop."