Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1689

Chapter 1689

Early the next morning, Clay Clark began to contact the Wall Street fund company in Japan; the boss wanted to take the initiative to meet at night, and as a subordinate, of course, he could not be disappointed. It is inevitable for the Blackstone Fund to make money. As for the Japanese banks, they want to make a clear statement; this is Japan, and they still have to act according to their rules.

In fact, there is another key point. Although Blackstone Fund is an American company, Bao Zixuan is not an American, which means that the American blood is not so pure. If it is other American companies, it must be another matter. Now as long as the Japanese side is not doing too much, the US government will basically choose to turn a blind eye; only Yasushi Mie dares to do so.

If it were an enterprise controlled by American capital behind, the old boy would definitely have some scruples; whether he admits it or not, this is an indisputable fact.

As an old man who has worked on Wall Street for many years, although I don't usually communicate and contact with major fund managers a lot; but Wall Street is so big, they are all in the same circle, and they all know each other.

If Clay-Clark had the most familiar relationship with that fund company, it was definitely the Hawkins Fund. I have worked in the company for many years, and the trader in Japan is a former colleague.

Although Phil Hawkins' relationship with Bao Zixuan is not as close as he used to be, he has no ambiguity about making money. Especially after marrying Miss Rockefeller, I want to prove myself in front of the woman's family, and my work attitude is still very serious.

Since Best Selling, many investments have not brought him. Whether it is going to the UK to invest in the super-large passenger aircraft project or the Fucaira development plan, it seems that it has been forgotten. Of course, Phil Hawkins knew what was going on; he should have known what the outcome would be when he chose to side with the Rockefeller family.

But seeing Bao Zixuan conquering cities and territories in the world, he can only rely on his original resources and investment to make money; basically, there has been no new profit growth point for so many years, and he has not invested in any high-quality projects; he is naturally very unwilling in his heart.

As the agency channels of Heiyun Group become more and more formalized, many products have already started to operate by themselves; flagship stores have been opened in world-renowned cities. There may still be a little profit now, once Bao Zixuan completes the layout; in the future, the rice bowl of Heiyun will not be so delicious.

Opening up new markets, new projects; Phil Hawkins has always been thinking. Seeing that the Japanese stock market and property market are so hot, he learned that Bao Zixuan's Blackstone Fund had already been deployed in Japan; he never doubted the vision of this former friend. Of course, Hawkins Fund could not miss such a good opportunity, and immediately decided to fully enter the Japanese market.

Although the entry time is not long, the size of the capital is not small. In addition, the Japanese property market and stock market have risen rapidly in the past two years, making the data on the book very dazzling; the reputation and profits have indeed increased a lot.

Unlike Heiyun Fund, which all comes from the personal assets of the richest man; most fund companies on Wall Street have financing channels. That is to say, they have a large amount of capital, which comes from investors.

Seeing the company's outstanding performance in the past two years, investors have made a lot of money, making many people with spare money in their hands willing to invest in the Hawkins Fund. Hawkins Fund, which originally wanted to fight in Japan, can be said to be open to all. As long as someone dares to invest, they will receive any money.

According to market expectations, the Japanese real estate market still has room for at least double the growth in the short term, and the same is true for the stock market. The pursuit of profit by capital is the same in any country, and Wall Street Capital shows it most vividly; the fund managers who come to Japan are all like chicken blood; watching the wealth in the account is increasing every day, but I am very excited.

The head of the Hawkins Fund in Japan is Olga, a former colleague of Clay Clark. When the two entered the Hawkins Investment Company together, it can be said that they have always been in a competitive relationship. Although Wall Street fund companies have to compete with other companies, the internal competition is equally fierce. After all, resources and funds are limited, and if they cannot be grasped, they will soon be eliminated.

Seeing Clay-Clark's visit, although I don't know what's going on; but as an old friend, and he also belongs to Wall Street capital, of course he can't be turned away.

The secretary made coffee for the two and left. Olga said with a smile, "Clay, you are a celebrity now; why do you have time to come to me?"

Although he was very unconvinced, he thought that the other party was just luckier. If he had gone to the Blackstone Fund back then and followed Bao Zixuan to conquer the world; he would definitely not be worse than the guy in front of him, or even better.

But there is no if in the world, and there is no return to the past; it is reasonable to be envious at the same time.

It is precisely because of his outstanding performance in the Blackstone Fund that Clay Clark has been among the top ten fund managers on Wall Street in recent years. Wall Street's top ten fund managers, the so-called top ten professional managers, have always been the targets of other fund managers.

On the other hand, let's not say that he has become a top ten fund manager, and he is not even qualified to be a finalist; after all, he is not the president of Hawkins Fund Company, and there are still people on it.

Fortunately, winning the opportunity to come to Japan can be regarded as an independent side; and it has been two years to continuously prove myself to the world, which is also an achievement.

But everyone has ambitions, especially men who work on Wall Street. Seeing that my former colleagues have achieved such high achievements, I am naturally unwilling. People are selfish. Seeing that everyone around you is better than you, your heart is likely to become distorted.

Olga knew about this former colleague in Japan for a long time, but for various reasons, she never took the initiative to visit. It has always been a great blessing in life to meet old friends in a foreign country; and the two have worked together for many years, and they still have some friendship; besides, Clay-Clark has lived in Japan for several years, and it is good to ask some questions in the past.

But this kid just doesn't have it, maybe his self-esteem is at work.

Clay-Clark said with a smile: "Actually, I wanted to come over for a long time, but I've been very busy, so it was delayed."

This is definitely an excuse, I can be busy for two years when I am busy; I may not believe it after I say it. But there is no better way to say it now, it's just to make each other look good in face.

Of course Olga understood what it meant, but he didn't care about the other party's hypocrisy. The old boy must have something to come over, otherwise he will never come forward in person. Everyone knows each other, and it is useless to hide it deliberately.

Since Clay Clark didn't take the initiative to say it, he wasn't in a hurry. After all, the Bank of Japan has said hello in the past two days, so you don't have to think about which company to buy; you don't want to make the other party unhappy because of this trivial matter;

Olga said with a smile, "We are all migrant workers, and we are all toiled, so of course we can understand as friends."

On the surface, it is to close the relationship, but in fact, I want to tell each other; everyone is the same, regardless of whether you are the president of Blackstone Fund; the top ten fund managers on Wall Street. But Po Datian is just like us, just a worker, don't put on the air of president.

Of course Clay-Clark understood what he meant, it seemed that the kid still couldn't let it go. But it's normal to think about it, and if you think about it, it's the same.

Clay Clark changed the conversation and said very seriously: "Olga, although I don't want to admit it; but your analytical level and predictive ability are indeed stronger than mine; so I came here to ask for advice."

"Do you think there is still room for the Japanese economy to continue to rise! Can the stock market and property market continue to soar as before!"

What does the old boy mean, the posture is so low; it is really unexpected. If you just come to ask for advice, you will definitely not come in person. There must be something else going on here, and this question is meant to bring up other topics.

Although he knew that the drunkard's intention was not about drinking, since he had already asked the question and kept his posture so low, it was not good for UU to read and not answer anything.

Even if you know that the other party has other backers waiting, you must first see what medicine is being sold in the gourd!

Olga said with a smile, "It's really frustrating me. We entered the industry at the same time and worked together for many years. You know my level best, but don't say that next time."

"But since you mentioned the issue of the Japanese economy, it's really hard to answer. After all, we are all foreigners, and making money and leaving is the most important thing. I really don't care that much about the future of Japan's economy. But I don't think it will be in the short term. Any problem, the Japanese occupy an absolute dominant position in many industries.

"It is absolutely irreplaceable in a short period of time. After all, where is the technical background?"

"As for whether the stock market and property market still have room to rise, through comprehensive investigation and analysis, I feel that there is still a lot to do!"

In fact, Olga knew that Clay-Clark was very clear about these data. After all, the Blackstone Foundation's investment in intelligence is definitely stronger than theirs. And Bao Zixuan had a lot of investment in Japan before, and some policies must be more understood than them.

Knowing what to ask, and Clay-Clark didn't expect to get a clear answer. Now this is already very good, at least the other party's economy still has an upward trend, and the stock market and property market still have room to rise; these are enough!

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