Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1663

Chapter 1663

Copenhagen is the capital, largest city and largest port of the Kingdom of Denmark. It is also the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of Denmark and a world-famous international metropolis. The city is located in the east of the Danish island of Zealand, across the Oresund from Malmo, Sweden's third largest city.

It has been selected as "the most livable city in the world" by UN-Habitat and given the evaluation of "Best Design City". It is also one of the happiest cities in the world. Most of the important food, shipbuilding, machinery, electronics and other industries in Denmark are concentrated here; many important international conferences in the world are held here.

Copenhagen is not only a traditional trading and shipping center, but also an emerging manufacturing city; 1/3 of the country's factories are built in the Greater Copenhagen area.

The appearance of the city is beautiful and tidy, and the emerging large industrial enterprises in the city and the ancient buildings in the Middle Ages complement each other, making it both a modern city and an antique feature. It is a famous historical and cultural city in the world. The mermaid statue, the symbol of Denmark, is quietly meditating on the seaside. The castle and the palace are located next to the fairy tale in this city, ancient and magical, artistic and modern.

If we compare the children with outstanding performance to the children of others, then Copenhagen may be the city of others. But now is not the time to sigh, no matter how good Copenhagen is; it is also the capital of Denmark and has nothing to do with itself. Even the Danish headquarters of the Black Cloud Group is not here; after all, Billund is more meaningful to the Black Cloud Group than Copenhagen.

Denmark still attaches great importance to the arrival of the world's richest man. Crown Prince Frederick came to greet him in person. After all, Bao Zixuan came here; it was not the act of the Danish government, but the invitation of the queen. It is quite common sense to invite him over in a private capacity.

If it is a government action, it will definitely make people worried; and there is also a kind of meaning of being driven ducks on the shelves. The government invited a businessman, most likely to come to invest. But looking at all industries in Denmark, it's really not that suitable.

The invitation from the royal family shows that the relationship between the two parties is good. It doesn't matter whether they know each other or not. If the other party can come to Denmark to invest, it is a happy situation.

After Bao's richest man got off the plane, he saw that the Danish Crown Prince Frederick was already waiting for him. Although he is a few years younger than himself, after all, where the identity is placed, it is still necessary to respect it.

In fact, the queen had far-reaching considerations for the crown prince to welcome her in person. Letting my son exercise is one aspect, and the most important thing is to make him have a good relationship with Bao Zixuan. As the crown prince, if nothing else happens, he will definitely become a king in the future. Although Denmark is a constitutional monarchy, the king has no real rights.

But in name, he is the head of state, and he must participate in many diplomatic occasions. At least get to know some more friends, which may be inconspicuous at ordinary times, but the key is definitely usable.

Bao Zixuan, as a model of self-made in the world, needless to say more about his personal achievements. It would be great if you could learn something from it.

Originally, the crown prince was studying at Harvard University, but as a member of the royal family, many times he could not help himself. After receiving the domestic notice, I rushed back immediately.

Harvard and MIT are only separated by a wall, so there are many legends about Bao Zixuan. In recent years, MIT has been able to suppress Harvard, and it has a direct relationship with the richest man.

After all, the U.S. government is currently only guarding against the Black Cloud Group, and has not issued sanctions. As a result, a lot of scientific research funds are invested in MIT every year, which is much more than government grants and donations from alumni associations. Although a lot of investment, but also achieved good results. If there is nothing, then no one can bear it.

Not only in the United States, but even in the world, MIT's ranking and popularity are far higher than Harvard. This made the crown prince, who was studying at Harvard University, a little unconvinced, thinking that Bao Zixuan was nothing more than that. But the task arranged by the mother still has to be completed.

In name, the richest man Bao is just a businessman, but no one dares to treat him as an ordinary businessman. After all, the influence of this kid is too great, if people choose. Whether to make friends with the Danish royal family, or make friends with Bao Zixuan; in the case of choosing one of the two, it is estimated that most people will choose the latter.

The Danish royal family just has a good reputation and has no real power. Therefore, it sounds more high-end, but interacting with the richest man in the package; that can bring real economic benefits; compared with the two, anyone knows how to choose.

You are young and energetic, but you have to decide when to see who you are in front of.

Crown Prince Frederick said in English: "Hello, Mr. Bao. I'm Frederick, welcome to Copenhagen; I hope this place can bring you a different feeling and leave a deep impression on you."

Although Denmark is relatively small, due to geographical constraints, there are different dialects in the Japanese peninsula, Zealandia and other islands. English is relatively popular in Denmark, and young people and well-educated old people can speak English; but it is usually mixed with a Danish accent, but it has little impact and will not affect communication.

Although I was studying at Harvard, my English was still mixed with a Danish accent, which sounded awkward.

Bao Zixuan said directly in Danish: "It is a great honor to bother His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to receive him personally. It has been a while since I came to Denmark this time, and I am deeply impressed. Life is comfortable and the people are happy; it seems that I will bring my family with me. Take more vacations."

Statistics show that Bao Zixuan can speak many languages, but not Danish. Today is really a big surprise for him, at least it makes people feel incredible.

What is this kid's head doing? Could it be so easy to master a foreign language?

Speaking English itself is very bad, and as a royal family, even if you can speak English in diplomatic situations, you have to speak Danish in many cases, after all, it involves a face problem. Of course, this time is an exception. The invitation is in a private capacity, and it doesn't matter what language you speak.

Crown Prince Frederick said with a little surprise: "Mr. Bao is really thorough. I didn't expect to be so fluent in Danish. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought that you were from Billund just by hearing the voice."

Billund is a long way from Copenhagen, so of course there are some local accents. The richest man, Bao Bao, has been learning Danish and speaking in Bilong recently; more or less with some accents.

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I didn't speak a word of Danish half a month ago. I thought that I would stay in your country for a while, and I would increase investment in Denmark in the future. Since I want to To invest, you must have a comprehensive understanding of Denmark. You must master some history, culture, and language.

"If you don't understand anything, you will come to invest rashly; that is irresponsible to yourself and also to the Danish employees. Maybe recently, I have been communicating with employees from Bilong, which is why I have a Bilong accent."

"If His Royal Highness didn't say it, I would have thought that I was learning the most authentic Danish!"

Hearing this, several people at the scene laughed; at the same time, the staff of the Danish royal family also felt incredible. It took only half a month to be able to master Danish to such a even with an accent; it is really rare. It is said that this man is the smartest person in the world, which now seems to be true.

Crown Prince Frederick said very seriously: "Mr. Bao, please forgive my doubts about you before."

"I have been studying at Harvard all the time. You know the relationship between MIT and Harvard. Now Harvard is completely suppressed by MIT, which makes us students very unconvinced. I think Bao Zixuan is nothing special, just lucky."

"Now it seems that we are really frogs in the bottom of the well, and we have never seen how big the sky is. I have been learning English for more than ten years, and I have hired the best teachers; but you also heard that speaking English is still very bad and still Not that skilled."

"But you can master Danish in just a dozen days; maybe this is the gap between genius and mortals. You can't admire some things."

Hearing that the crown prince doubted Bao Zixuan's ability, the royal housekeeper who followed behind broke into a sweat. But there can't be a problem at this time, so he won't be able to explain it when he goes back. Unexpectedly, the crown prince has a strong ability to convert, and he has shortened the distance with the other party at once; at least his diplomatic skills are definitely not bad, which is also the luck of the country and the royal family.