Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1642

Chapter 1642

Originally thought to leave Sweden and go straight to Japan, but because of a phone call, Bao Zixuan went directly to Denmark, another Nordic country. Because of the CEO of Lego, KK-Christian called him personally and invited him to come to Lego headquarters to discuss matters. Of course, the richest man Bao knew what the other party meant. It seemed that the kid finally couldn't hold back.

Since the Black Cloud Group obtained the absolute authorization of Lego America and Asia in 1978, it has earned a lot of money. Although 10% of sales have to be handed over to Lego headquarters in Denmark. However, the cost of children's toys is low and the profits are high.

Although Heiyun Toys is inconspicuous, it has little technical content. But the profit is very high, even higher than the profit of selling aircraft. It is estimated that within the black cloud, that is, game companies and software companies can compete with it.

At the same time, the Lego headquarters in Denmark also benefited. Black Cloud has been promoted so much around the world that many Lego competitions have even been held for this purpose. Then, of course, European children will not fall behind, which makes the sales of Lego bricks; the speed of increase is very fast, even beyond imagination.

If you have money in your pocket, you will not panic, and you will even have some unrealistic thoughts. Since the death of his father, KK-Christian has officially taken the helm of the company. Although he was mainly responsible for the management before, there is still a Taishanghuang on it after all; many things need to be applied for. Now it doesn't have to be so troublesome, and you can let go of your hands and feet to make any decision you want.

The rich three generations born with the golden key may have more idealized things. Seeing that Lego sales are so hot in the American and Asian markets, although the parent company can also get a 10% profit. Of course, the business reputation of Heiyun Group is still good. It pays on time every month and has never been in arrears.

But in order to make a good impression in front of this owner, the following people will naturally come up with some ideas that are not in line with business rules. For example, taking back the Lego management rights, and then the headquarters directly develops the Asian and American markets.

Moreover, this kid prefers to listen to the words of slapping horses, which makes the company's internal smog. As Bao Zixuan knows, there are still a few staff members from the Black Cloud Intelligence Department at Lego headquarters; it's just that he can't change some things. Lego is not a listed company, and if the owner doesn't sell it, there's nothing anyone can do. What's more, the other party is not short of money, and Heiyun Group can't help it no matter how much money it has.

And Denmark is also a strange country. Its benefits are very good; employees are more likely to enjoy life, and as long as their vital interests are not involved, they are not willing to do more.

There are almost no poor people in Denmark. The country is a relatively wealthy country. There is basically no difference between the rich and the poor in the country. Children from kindergarten to university graduation are all free. After graduating from school and before working, the state subsidizes the welfare of 1,000 euros per month for living expenses until employment. The fairy tale world of Denmark, such as Lego toys, love shoes, Pandora jewelry, blue-water cookies, Carlsberg beer, etc., is constantly being exported to other countries.

Medical expenses are also free, and there are 32 days of paid vacation every year.

Denmark was voted one of the happiest countries in the world, with results that exceeded the norm across all indicators. Why is everyone talking about the happiness index, which may be difficult for most of us to achieve at the moment, look at the people of Denmark, the Danes work less than 40 hours a week, 5 days a week, and go to work at 8am , leaving work at 4 pm, with lunch and tea time in between. Danes don't like to work overtime. Even in the face of high overtime pay, they would rather go home to accompany their families than work overtime.

In such a country, it is impossible for employees to rebel. Only when they are oppressed will they rebel. Otherwise, whoever has nothing to do will panic and make trouble for themselves.

In fact, Bao Zixuan is still quite envious of several Nordic countries, which are not big in themselves; but their economic strength and happiness index are all ranked in the forefront of the world. Fucaira can follow suit, but I dare not say it; universal free medical care and child subsidies can still be achieved. As for working hours, and not arranging overtime, it's not the time.

The infrastructure of the Nordic countries has been completed, and there is nothing in Fucaira. Especially the newly occupied site, although it is located in the main road of the Persian Gulf, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as pure and innocent. There is still a long way to go, but we still have to work hard.

In fact, the richest man in the package is also worried about the official attitude of Denmark. Because of internal news, someone gave KK-Christian an idea; if Bao Zixuan does not agree to return the authorization to LEGO headquarters, then legal action will be taken.

Since the original contract was signed in Denmark, it is entirely possible to ask the court to rule that the contract is invalid. Even if it is effective, you can also come up with a certain amount of money to compensate. Although it is not reasonable, Christian is a Dane after all, and I believe the court will give special care; it's just that things are more troublesome!

The first is that the Black Cloud Group is too powerful, even if Lego has accumulated some wealth; but compared with the Black Cloud Group, it is simply insignificant. It can be said that the two are not comparable at all.

Secondly, Bao Zixuan's personal influence is too great, and the cancellation of the contract is a commercial breach of contract. If you bully an honest person, then it's not a big problem. But at the moment it is the richest man in the world, the richest and most famous man on the planet; the Danish government must also consider the impact.

If a country loses its credibility, it will be difficult to move internationally in the future. The Danish official does not allow this kind of thing to happen, in order to offend Bao Zixuan for the Lego company; and then affect the image of the entire country, only a fool is willing to do it.

However, it depends on human effort, and if there is a glimmer of hope, we must do our best. After the authorization is withdrawn, the company's profits can at least double, and no one can be indifferent to such a big temptation.

Although KK-Christian is very conceited, he also knows what Bao Zixuan is. Therefore, I still go to the airport to meet me in person. After all, I still need to ask others, and the surface work must be done enough.

Seeing the private jet landed at Billund Airport, KK-Christian was overwhelmed with emotion. At the same time, he also had a firm idea in his heart that he would also buy a private jet. And the name has been thought of, it is called Lego; at the same time, the decoration of the entire aircraft should also have enough Lego elements.

Seeing Bao Zixuan walking down, KK-Christian hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, I didn't expect it to be ten years in a flash. In recent years, you have given the world too many surprises. The speed of development of the Black Cloud Group. , and it makes the whole world feel incredible.

The last time the two met was in 1978. I didn't expect ten years to pass like this. It can be said that this decade is the golden period for the development and growth of the Black Cloud Group, and it may be more appropriate to describe it as making progress every day.

Of course, in the process of Heiyun's development and growth, we must also thank Lego. After all, Lego provided a lot of profits for the early development of Black Cloud.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mr. Christison is joking. Both of us have made great progress. Last time I came here, I felt that the scale of the factory was not so large. Now I find that the town of Billon has been bought by your Excellency."

Making money must be spent, and because sales in the European market have been steadily increasing; the toys produced by Lego headquarters are also in short supply. In order to meet customer needs, it is of course necessary to expand the scale of the factory. It's just that compared to the Black Cloud Group, UU Reading www. Lego seems to be developing very fast; in fact, it still revolves around building blocks, and has not developed other businesses for so many years.

Perhaps it is related to the personality of the Danes, focusing on one industry is the life creed of many Nordic people.

KK-Christian said with emotion: "Mr. Bao is joking, Lego just bought some more land and built a few factories. It's better than Your Excellency, conquering cities all over the world; stirring up the situation. The most important thing is every industry. They're all so successful, unlike the Christisons, who only work on little kids' toys."

If you don't know in advance, you may feel nothing, and the other party is complimenting yourself. But now that the old boy wants to withdraw his authorization, he can naturally understand what it means.

Lego is just a kid's toy, and that's all my family makes. Mr. Bao is a person who has done great things, and many industries have achieved great success; whether or not to return the LEGO Americas and Asia licenses, this is also a happy situation.

KK-Christian's idea is very simple, as long as the LEGO license in Asia and the Americas can be withdrawn, it doesn't matter if he speaks softly to Bao Zixuan. No matter where the opponent's strength is, it is best to resolve it peacefully; unless it is a last resort, it is absolutely impossible to turn against Bao Zixuan.