Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563

King Solomon was definitely a wealth-gatherer, and of course, it can be seen from the fact that his descendants were able to make money so much. In the underground palace of Solomon's Temple, not only a large amount of gold coins, but also a larger amount of silver coins were obtained. There are more than 100,000 gold coins and more than one million silver coins.

For currencies that are more than 3,000 years old, you can't just look at the material of the currency itself, history is very important. Therefore, the Solomon Temple silver coin, which costs more than $2,000 a single piece, is not a problem at all.

This also takes into account the price reduction after finding so many silver coins; if it was before, the price of a single coin would definitely exceed $10,000. It is said that Bao Zixuan is generous, but now it seems that he is not stingy at all. The number of reporters who came this time exceeded 1,000. That alone cost millions of dollars.

In fact, this is also for the Jews to see, anything can be discussed, and he does not take these cultural relics seriously at all. If you show sincerity, or if you can impress him, then everything is negotiable.

To hear Bao Zixuan's negotiable remarks about the exchange of cultural relics, the two heads of Sotheby's and Christie's were the happiest. Auction houses are originally intermediaries, and the exchange of cultural relics also belongs to the category of intermediaries. The Jews and Bao Zixuan are both rich owners; the handling fee incurred by the exchange between the two parties is absolutely astronomical. Then, as an auction house, as long as it takes a little fee, it will make a lot of money.

However, such a good business will definitely have some harsh conditions. It's not the time to be happy yet, but I have made a decision in my heart; I must get the trading rights and try my best to promote this cooperation.

The press conference will continue, after all, there are still too many questions to be solved slowly.

The Times is an old acquaintance of Bao Zixuan. As the most influential newspaper in the UK, of course it will be invited.

In the UK, everyone has freedom of religion, and as a result, there are many different religious beliefs flourishing in the hearts of the UK. There are two official churches in the UK: the Church of England and the Church of Scotland. In addition to this, a variety of different religions and numerous denominations can be represented in the UK.

But the vast majority of British people still believe in Christianity. Although the number of believers who go to church is not large at present, the number is still more than one million.

Another product of Britain's long and diverse religious history is the breathtaking church, monastery and monastery buildings scattered across the country. Glastownbury Abbey, a place where Celtic religious activities were held in the past, once played an important role in the legend of King Arthur; Canterbury Cathedral is also very dramatic. According to legend, St. Augustine died in AD 597. He came to England to preach the Gospel from Rome in 1999, and five years later he presided over the construction of Canterbury Cathedral.

There are many historical figures with distinctive personalities who are born out of the religious history of Britain, including Henry VIII who launched the Protestant Reformation in England, the mysterious St. Patrick, whose festivals are now celebrated around the world every year; and the famous legend of Robin Hood. In the twelfth century, Richard the Lionheart and so on.

And the British have always been arrogant, although it is not the time when the sun never sets in the British Empire; but many British people still think that they are still very powerful. In addition, the Holy Grail also has a deep historical relationship with the United Kingdom. It is also a good choice to bring the Holy Grail back to England.

The Times reporter asked: "It is said that the Holy Grail once belonged to King Arthur. Would you think about using the Holy Grail to exchange some cultural relics with the British side!"

This question made the Italian reporter next to him very unhappy. Although they have no affiliation with the Vatican, the Vatican is right in the center of Rome. The return of the Holy Grail to the Vatican is bound to attract more pilgrims. The Vatican is very small and has no supporting facilities. Pilgrims can only live and live in Rome, so for Rome's economic prosperity; and tourism is a huge boost.

Now trying to bring the Holy Grail to England is tantamount to cutting off Rome's financial path. Ruining people's fortunes is like killing a parent. Just ask the reporters in Rome, it's no wonder that they are happy.

Arthur Pendragon, also translated as Arthur Pendragon, commonly known as King Arthur, is the most legendary great king of ancient Britain. People know him more from Celtic myths and legends and medieval unofficial documents. Legend has it that he was the head of the Knights of the Round Table, an almost mythical legend known as the "Eternal King".

After King Arthur defeated the Roman Empire, his interest shifted to finding holy relics. What aroused his interest were the various anecdotes he encountered on his expedition to the European continent.

According to legend, the Holy Grail is a cup carved from jade used by **** Christ at the Last Supper. When **** was crucified, his disciple Joseph used this cup to catch the blood of Jesus. But in the legend of King Arthur, the Holy Grail is all gold.

The Holy Grail first appeared when Lancelot traveled to King Burleigh's territory to have dinner. A beautiful girl came to Burlei with a golden cup, and everyone immediately knelt down and prayed. Queen Burleigh said that if the Holy Grail appeared one day, the Round Table was doomed to be destroyed.

The idea of looking for the Holy Grail came about at a round table gathering. After a burst of lightning and thunder, a ray of sunshine suddenly flashed; the Holy Grail appeared and disappeared after a round of tours, giving all the knights an unprecedented pleasant experience. So all the knights vowed to travel to find the Holy Grail. The knights set off on a journey to find the Holy Grail, either voluntarily or by accepting orders from the king. The one hundred and fifty Knights of the Round Table just left more than half of them. This is probably the meaning of the destruction of the Round Table mentioned in the prophecy.

Among the knights, the last to find the Holy Grail were the three knights: the most mundane Bos, the purest Parsifal and the purest Galahad, but only Galahad can hold it - "the two hands are like holding the Holy Body of Christ", and at the moment when he took up the Holy Grail, countless brilliant angels descended and welcomed his soul into heaven. This Galahad is the son of Knight Lancelot.

It can be said that the Holy Grail still has something to do with the British. It is not unreasonable for the reporter to say so. But that was 2000 years ago, and there is no way to verify it. Is it because of a legendary story that the British took away the Holy Grail, there is really no such reason in the world.

Although the strength is not weak at present, there is still too much business in Hong Kong; the British can not offend, or try not to offend.

Bao Zixuan: "Regarding the Holy Grail, we are still not sure whether it is true or false; therefore, no deal will be made until the Vatican has identified it. Of course, the Vatican has given up, so we can only resolve the issue of the final ownership of the Holy Grail through other means."

"If the British side agrees, the two sides can reach an agreement, what can't."

Hearing Bao Zixuan's answer, the Christians at the scene were still very satisfied. At the same time, I feel the atmosphere of the arrogance of the British. In the hearts of most Christians, the Vatican must be the most orthodox existence. If the Holy Grail is genuine, then put it in the UK, what's the matter.

The symbolic objects of Christianity, namely Christian holy objects, mainly include the golden ark, the shroud of Turin, the holy grail, the holy foreskin, the true cross, the spear of Longinus, the holy nail, the holy crown of thorns, the holy handkerchief, the holy robe, the holy Bone, Icon of Christ, Scarab of Christ.

But the golden ark is also a holy relic of Judaism, if anyone dares to scramble with Israel. It is estimated that the Jews all over the world will trouble you. Even the Vatican should pay attention to the influence, at least not dare to force the Jews too hard.

The True Cross was shattered by Saladin, and it is impossible to get it back. UU Reading

It makes sense for the Knights Templar to carry the True Cross to the Middle East and have the Holy Grail at the same time. As a Christian holy relic, the Vatican will never give up. Even if it is a fake, but from the Knights Templar, it is estimated that it will not be fake.

As a Christian resort in the world, it seems that there is really no holy relic. It is estimated that this is also the eternal pain in the heart of the Vatican. Now that the Holy Grail is discovered, of course, it cannot be let go.

Assuming that the Holy Grail really exists in the Vatican, its influence and sensation cannot be ignored.

The reporters were quickly recording every word that Bao Zixuan said, for fear of missing any details.

Fortunately, everything went very smoothly at the press conference, and at the same time, it also achieved the set goal of Bao's richest man. The wind has been released, so just wait for the fat fish to come to negotiate. The initiative this time is entirely in his hands.

The Jews are so wealthy that they probably have a lot of good stuff in every household; definitely let them spit out some of it.
