Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1560

Chapter 1560

Jews are a very particular ethnic group, and at the same time, there are many criteria for determining whether they are "own", in addition to racial characteristics and language. One of the more bizarre criteria is to see whether the mother is Jewish, not the father.

For Jews, faith is another important distinction between being a true Jew or not. Belief in Judaism is the foundation of being a Jew, and a true Jew must strictly observe the many commandments of Judaism.

In the famous Jewish Talmud, there was such a story: a man came to Jerusalem and claimed to be a Jew. The locals received this man in the manner of a brother, just in time for the Passover, and at the dinner, the locals invited him to eat lamb, the staple food of Passover. After eating the lamb, the man also proposed to the owner to eat the internal organs of the sheep. The master immediately turned his face and concluded that the man was impersonating a Jew, because he violated the commandments in the Bible, and the internal organs of the sheep are to be offered to God and not given People eat, so the person is sent to a religious institution to be severely punished.

The Jews have 613 commandments on all aspects of life, if not a devout Jew; just remembering these 613 commandments is enough to give you a headache, let alone obeying them. Such strict precepts also bring another advantage, that is, it is able to quickly identify whether a person is a pure Jew or not, and use the exclusivity of the precepts to propose the "dissident" of the group, so that Jews who have wandered for thousands of years will not be integrated by other ethnic groups. disappear.

However, with the development of the times, many of the ancient commandments are no longer in line with the reality of life; they also limit the survival and development of the Jews, so now Jews are divided into three groups according to their understanding of the commandments:

The first faction is the Orthodox faction with the largest number of people, and the vast majority of Israelis and European Jews belong to this faction. They adhere to the 613 commandments of the Jewish scriptures, emphasizing Jewish orthodoxy. And it does not recognize **** as a prophet sent by God, and refuses to communicate with other denominations. They believe that the continuation of the millennium tradition of the nation is the foundation for the survival of the Jewish people, and the religious significance is higher than the secular.

The second faction is the reformist faction with the smallest number, mainly concentrated in the United States. They opposed Jewish isolationism for a long time and advocated integration with the inhabitants of their country of residence. At the same time, they believe that religious precepts are completely outdated, and the secular should be higher than religion.

The third group is the moderate group, the fastest growing group. They believe that the above two factions are too extreme, and they should not only retain traditions and customs, but also have the courage to accept new cultural and scientific knowledge; only in this way can the Jewish people never fall behind in the wave of human development.

It is precisely because of this differentiation of beliefs that the divisions among the Jews are now more serious. Israel no longer has a strong appeal to American Jews as it did in the early days of its founding; Israeli Jews accuse American Jews of abandoning their Jewish beliefs. American Jews, on the other hand, accuse Israeli Jews of clinging to dogma and unreasonable beliefs. At the same time, they believe that Israel is too cruel to the surrounding Arabs and is going extremism. Israelis are a wrong model that seriously violates the Jewish spirit and beliefs.

This is also why the two professors emphasized the issue of their Jewish ancestry. Since Bao Zixuan invited them over, he must do a good job. If their own Jewish ancestry is questioned, then the discovery of the treasures of Solomon's Temple; and the authenticity of the golden Ark of the Covenant must also be questioned.

Israeli Jews have always thought American Jews were less authentic. Therefore, it is very likely to question the ulterior motives of the two of them. If there is a conflict, it will not be good for anyone. Now tell the world directly that the two of them have the purest Jewish blood.

The lineage issue is recognized, coupled with its own achievements in the historical field; it can directly prove the authenticity of Solomon's Temple artifacts and the golden ark of the covenant.

La Repubblica is a national newspaper in Italy, founded in 1976 and headquartered in Rome, with a daily circulation of about 650,000 copies. Although it has not been established for a long time, it does not have a long history. But after all, based in Rome, its influence should not be underestimated. You must know that the Vatican has no media or newspapers because of its geographical size.

It can be said that this is a media closest to the Vatican, so of course they should be invited.

The Golden Ark of the Covenant and Solomon's Treasure were not that important to the Romans at all. But the Holy Grail is a Christian relic; so it must be brought back to the Vatican. At least they can't keep him in the Middle East, that's their incompetence.

The Republic reporter stood up and asked, "Why did the Holy Grail come to the Middle East?"

There are so many media that come, it is not easy to have a chance. Even the Israeli reporter wanted to ask clearly, Bao Zixuan was prepared to deal with Solomon's Temple relics and the Golden Ark of the Covenant. But now is not the time, if you continue to ask; it will inevitably be boycotted by peers.

Asking an unknown small media to be the first to ask a question is already very face-saving, but you can't put your nose on your face.

The reporters on the scene were full of curiosity. After all, they also wanted to know why the Holy Grail came from Europe to the Middle East. Is it because someone brought it here secretly, or because of other reasons.

And even if you want to welcome back the holy relic, you must first verify the authenticity of the item. If it is found to be a fake, it will definitely be laughed at.

Bao Zixuan: "Professor Azim can answer you on this matter. After all, his research on Arab history is more thorough."

Knowing that he must answer the question, fortunately, Professor Azim was well prepared, so he said directly: "In 1187 AD, Saladin took advantage of the conflict between the Principality of Antioch and the Kingdom of Jerusalem to mobilize 20,000 troops from various places to form an Arab coalition. ; proclaimed "God is great, drive the Franks out of Jerusalem! "The call, opened the prelude to jihad."

"On July 3, Saladin surrounded the Crusaders at Haddine, near the western shore of Lake Tiberias. The Arab army set fire to the bushes around the Crusaders' camp, and the smoke was so heavy that the Crusaders could not breathe. The Crusaders had no water to drink. , was extremely thirsty. Although Lake Tiberias was close at hand, they could not break through the siege of the Arab army. In the heat of summer, a large number of Crusaders died of thirst and heat."

"In the early morning of the 4th, the crusader general Raymond led the knights to charge. Saladin ordered the army to leave a gap for them to escape; then closed the siege and surrounded all the Jerusalem infantry. In the end, the crusaders in Jerusalem were almost wiped out. Except for a few knights who were able to escape, all the generals led by Guy and Reynard were captured; Saladin's army also shattered the "True Cross" that inspired the Crusaders."

"Afterwards, Saladin personally dealt with Reynard, and released him after Guy promised not to fight against the ***. After the Battle of Hardin, Saladin took advantage of the victory and quickly occupied most of the coastal fortresses south of Tripoli. and most towns south of Lake Tiberias; cut off the supply line for the Crusaders. After a 13-day siege, Jerusalem surrendered. On September 2, 1187, Saladin chose to enter Jerusalem on the day of Ascension to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad ascends in Jerusalem. The holy city, occupied by the Crusaders for 88 years, is back in the hands of the ***."

"The main force of the Crusaders was composed of the Knights Templar, and they brought the Holy Grail with them. Although the True Cross was smashed by the great Saladin, the Holy Grail was taken away by the Assassins, and Saladin may not know it. This relic was also brought to the Middle East."

"And the members of the Assassin sect are basically assassins. UU reading has been trained to assassinate since childhood, and they don't understand the cultural relics in the Middle East; let alone Christian holy relics."

"Plus the Holy Grail is made of gold, pearls, and precious stones; at any time, its value is not low. Of course, the Assassin sect, who has a fanatical pursuit of treasure, will certainly retain it."

"That's why the Holy Grail appeared in the Middle East, because it was brought by the invaders. It's just that they were carried away by the previous record, thinking that the Arabs were vulnerable; they did not expect to meet Saladin, a military wizard, which eventually led to soldiers Defeat the Middle East. The True Cross is destroyed, and the Holy Grail is the trophy."

Hearing this, the reporters at the scene had different expressions. Europeans and Americans, who have embraced Christianity, feel that this battle is really useless. The True Cross was destroyed, the Holy Grail was a trophy, and the Knights Templar was a disgrace.

However, Middle East reporters felt that Saladin was still very powerful and deserved the title of a national hero. Before fighting against Europeans and Americans, they always suffered. I did not expect that there was such a brave time almost 1000 years ago.

To beat the opponent so badly, two sacred objects; one was destroyed, and the other became a trophy; it felt very comfortable to listen to.

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