Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1557

Chapter 1557

There are many auction houses in the world, of course Bao Zixuan will not invite only one. Christie's, whose reputation is not much worse than Sotheby's auction, is of course also invited.

Christie's auction house, founded by James Christie's in London in 1766, is the oldest art auction house in the world. On December 5, 1766, James Christie's held his first auction in London; since then, Christie's auction house has been committed to providing customers with high quality and excellent service. Steady, articulate and with a great sense of humour, James Christie's has evolved auctions into a refined art, with several very important auctions during the 18th and 19th centuries.

The 1980s was the era when Christie's made a big splash. In 1980, the works of Impressionist painters in the Ford Collection in New York sold for 6 million pounds. Since then, the market of Impressionist paintings has been optimistic and has a tendency to catch up. In 1984, 71 works of great European painters before the 18th century were auctioned in Chadsworth's collection, with a total sale of 20 million pounds, of which a work by Raphael was sold for 3.5 million pounds. It also sold for 6.2 million at an auction at Elveden Hall in Syfok that same year.

In 1985, a painting by Italian early Renaissance painter Mantania, "The Doctor Comes to Worship", became the most expensive painting by a famous European painter before the 18th century at auction, with a whopping 8.1 million pounds. Impressionist paintings were not far behind. In 1986, Manet's "The Rue des Mossnapes" sold for 7.7 million pounds, setting a record for Impressionist works.

The above lots currently have a co-ownerBao Zixuan of Heiyun Group. It can be said that although the richest man Bao has entered the industry for a short time, he has become Christie's largest customer, and he is not one of them. As long as it is an object that he likes, he will never let it go.

It is most appropriate to use a foolish person with a lot of money to describe him, but no one dares to regard him as a fool. Almost all media define him as the smartest man in the world today. Does the world have a problem with vision?

How could a man with such a high IQ be so easily deceived. It's just that people like it, and it's not bad for money. And I have to admit that the prices of these works of art have risen a lot, and Bao Zixuan has really made a lot of money.

With the admission of Heiyun Group, the price of art all over the world has increased a lot. This makes the collectors who like to collect, love and hate Bao Zixuan, in short, the emotions are very complicated. The price of artworks is high, and their original collections; however, if they increase a lot, their value will naturally increase. However, they found that the money was not enough. After all, at the current price, it was a good item; they simply couldn't buy it with that little money.

Of course, Christie's does not dare to neglect the invitation of the largest client. Chrissy Christie's, the head of Christie's, decided to go to Fucaira in person to see what Bao Zixuan meant.

To say that this woman is definitely not a simple master; even so far, life can make a good TV series.

In 1803, James Christie's died, and Christie's Jr. took over the company. During his nearly 30 years in office, the auction results were mediocre, except that the auction house was moved from the original Bauer Road to 8 King Street, which has now become the headquarters of Christie's. In 1831, Christie's Jr. also died, and a man named William Manson joined the company and took charge of its affairs, and the company was renamed "Christie's and Manson Auctions".

However, during the Manson period, the auction results were not very good. In 1848, only a 40-day auction of the Duke of Buckingham's collection was held in the Stuart Building, but it only sold for 77,562 pounds. Thomas Woods joined the company in 1859 and took the reins, and the company was renamed "Christie's, Manson and Woods Auctions".

Because of the historical relationship, the shareholding structure of Christie's auction house is very complicated. The Christie's family is not a controlling shareholder, so many decisions cannot be implemented conscientiously.

Although Chrissy Christie's is a member of Christie's, she is a woman after all; and there are two brothers and a sister on it. It stands to reason that it will never be her turn to take power.

If the family can't handle it, other shareholders will not be convinced.

But this little woman with a small stature should rely on perseverance and talent; start from a small auctioneer and gradually improve her status. To become the first female head of Christie's in 200 years, I guess only I know the hardships best.

For Bao Zixuan to make such a big move, the world invited historians to go to Fucaira, of course Chris Christie's knew it. Christie's is now invited to show that the inventory has been completed. After all, Bao Zixuan was also the biggest customer of the auction house, so he had to go there. And in the identity of the other party, being able to invite you is also an honor, but I dare not lose face.

Chrissy Christie's decided to take her daughter and a Middle Eastern antiquities expert for a walk.

Aido - Christie's, Christie's biological daughter. But who the father is, not even members of the Christie's family know. It is not easy for a single mother to raise her daughter into a talent.

Aido-Chrissy-Christie is currently studying at the Royal Women's College in the United Kingdom. It can be said that she has received an elite education since she was a child. It is also a major in history and art. There is a whole stance of inheriting from the mother's business; although it is too early to talk about this, Chrissy-Christie's is definitely cultivated in this direction.

After Aido Christie got out of the car, she said with concern, "Mom, why did you call me back so suddenly."

The Royal Women's College was established in 1865 and is located in Bath. It is one of the largest private boarding schools in the UK. The school has a long history and well-equipped facilities; it also provides first-class boarding services for boarding students. The school has only about 900 female students; it is known for its first-class teaching quality and impressive test scores.

The school adopts closed management, and students will never be released unless there are special circumstances.

Was called back during class; it was the first time for Aido Chris Christie's. Then it means that something important must have happened.

Although he is young, he may have suffered from scorn since childhood; making him mature earlier than other children. Although Europe is relatively open-minded, single mothers are also excluded when it comes to pregnancies out of wedlock. For an illegitimate child or an illegitimate daughter, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to obtain too many resources; as for inheriting the family business, it is even more difficult to think about it.

Matching is applicable everywhere, and if it is a nobleman, both husband and wife may be nobles. The husband looked for a mistress, and then gave birth to a child outside; in the end, he had to share a lot of property, so I wonder if the woman could accept it.

Especially women from wealthy families have an instinctive ranking for illegitimate children. Chrissy Christie's was able to send her daughter to the Royal Women's College, but at a great price, at least more than other parents. Even so, her daughter will still be excluded from school; fortunately, Aiduo can still understand her mother's difficulties, and she is usually very optimistic.

Seeing her daughter's caring tone, Chrissy Christie was very relieved. At least the education is still very successful, and the daughter knows how to care about her mother.

Chrissy Christie said with a smile: "This is a good opportunity, and it is a knowledge that can't be learned in school. Bao Zixuan invited Christie's to get the Fucaira identification of cultural relics, the world's top Middle Eastern cultural identification. Experts will pass."

"With Bao Zixuan's card face, such a formal invitation; there must be a major discovery, even much bigger than we imagined. Haven't you always wanted to practice! This opportunity is very good, come with me to Fucai pull."

Aido Christie's was still very excited to hear that she and her mother went to the Middle East. She has not traveled anywhere other than Europe and the United States. And for Bao Zixuan, it is estimated that any girl will instinctively become curious. They all want to see for themselves what kind of man this is. Although he is married, his popularity has definitely not decreased.

Both auction houses are seriously preparing, after all, not everyone can receive the invitation of the richest man.

In fact, for inviting two auction houses, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com Bao Zixuan also has his own ideas. There are so many cultural relics found, many of which are still in large quantities; it is entirely possible to entrust and exchange part of them.

Either the Black Cloud Museum or the Fucaira Museum! None of the artifacts will be sold, but they can be exchanged to make the items more complete. And with so many Solomon Temple gold coins in his hand, it is useless to put too much of this stuff in his hand.

It is completely possible to obtain good items that you do not have by exchanging them. However, the Black Cloud Group has no channels, so it can completely entrust Sotheby's and Christie's. They are auction houses with more than 200 years of history, and there is absolutely no shortage of customer resources. Some money should also be made by others, there is no need to be too dead.

Moreover, the two auction houses are very professional in the identification of cultural relics, whether it is for corporate reputation or family honor; they will not fool themselves with fake goods, and most importantly, they do not dare.

For museums, the number of single cultural relics does not need to be that many. But the variety must be complete, otherwise it will attract tourists.

In the future, Fucaira tourism will not become a pillar industry, but it will definitely be an important industry.

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