Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1506

Chapter 1506

First of all, at present, the most advantageous industrial enterprises in Xiangjiang; apart from Heiyun Group, there is really no other. After all, the small scale of other companies is one aspect, and the business they are engaged in has no technical content. If we do not allow small and medium-sized light industrial enterprises to develop and seek a path, the final result is almost predictable.

Bankruptcy may be the best option, but if they relocate en masse to mainland China; then for the British, it may be worse.

Even if you don't understand the economy, Youde is very clear in his heart that real estate cannot solve the core problem of a city's development at all. Of course, the financial industry can, but there is a drawback. That is too much volatility. If the city's stamina is insufficient, the international hot money wants to pick you up; maybe one round will make you unable to slow down.

In the Hong Kong dollar crisis that year, if it wasn't for Heiyun Group's powerful king, then the Hong Kong currency system would inevitably collapse. These Youde are very clear, although he knows that Xiangjiang has a physical problem; but with his ability, he can't find any symptomatic drugs and treatment methods.

But with Bao Zixuan making so much noise in Fucaira, Youde is even more worried about the future of Xiangjiang's economy. In recent years, Hong Kong's economy has maintained rapid and stable development; it has a direct relationship with the Black Cloud Group. If it weren't for the rapid growth of the Black Cloud Group, the economy might even decline.

After all, the business volume of other companies is shrinking, and it is still very obvious. But Bao Zixuan never came back, so he didn't want to bother him. I can only wait, mainly because I understand in my heart; my wife and children are all there, and there will be a time limit for business trips.

Shen Bi had long proposed that he wanted to hold a meeting of the Bank of Hong Kong. It's just that Youde didn't agree, Bao Zixuan didn't come back, and the meeting didn't make much sense. Heung Kong bankers held a meeting. As the boss of the largest bank in Heung Kong, he did not attend. Then the authority of the meeting will inevitably be questioned.

Moreover, the content of the meeting, as well as the news released, was not recognized by the public at all. At this moment, if the people of Hong Kong choose between HSBC and Heiyun, the vast majority will choose the latter. Shen Bi also understood this, so he could only wait.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "As for real estate, there are many experts here. I am a layman, and even if I say it, there is no theoretical basis. If your Excellency the Governor wants to ask me some questions about industrial manufacturing and aerospace , maybe I can answer."

"But the real estate Heiyun Group has not been engaged in the development of related fields other than the construction of office buildings and factories."

This is indeed the case, and the Black Cloud Group is really not engaged in real estate development.

But Bao Zixuan is definitely not at all ignorant. After all, Hutchison Whampoa; in the field of commercial real estate, it has gone further and further.

Youde said with a smile: "Don't be humble, speak out boldly. This is not a job, it's just a chat between friends."

A super-rich, a governor; if you say it's a chat with friends, you won't believe it. But since Youde has said it for his sake; it's not good if you don't say anything.

As for why Youde cares about real estate prices; it is actually very simple; in Hong Kong, the real estate industry is a weather vane.

In the 1980s, there was an energy crisis all over the world, and the Huaying negotiations had a huge impact on Hong Kong. Many British companies in Hong Kong have withdrawn their capital one after another, and many rich people in Hong Kong are also very worried about their safety, so they also choose to immigrate. As a result, it triggered a huge economic crisis in Hong Kong.

At present, the Hong Kong real estate market is roughly dominated by five companies, Cheung Kong Holdings, Henderson Land Development, New World, Hang Lung Properties and Sun Hung Kai. Among them, Hang Lung Properties almost went bankrupt during this crisis. Before the crisis came, Heung Kong Real Estate came to a new peak, and Chen Zengxi, the boss of Hang Lung Real Estate, was expanding his land crazily. As a result, the company was full of debt and almost went bankrupt in the end.

You must know that Hang Lung Properties is a well-known large company in Heungkong, and one of the absolute largest players in the real estate field. If it really goes bankrupt, it will have a very big impact on Xiangjiang. Such a big company almost collapsed. It is even more difficult to imagine the specific situation of those small enterprises without strength.

And the real estate market is not good, but it will bring a chain reaction. Therefore, in order to stabilize the political situation, of course, we must find a way.

Youde also wants to let the major banks come up with money to rescue the market through this bankers meeting. These people are super tycoons, and if they're willing to put in the money; then things are bound to ease.

In fact, the old guy's purpose is very simple, as long as there are no problems before his term ends, that's fine. As for what kind of mess his successor took over, it had nothing to do with him. He also thought about going back to London to take a step closer, if there is no dazzling political achievements in Hong Kong; but there is no convincing.

Therefore, when Shen Bi proposed to convene a meeting of major bank bosses, Youde did not refuse. It can be said that although the goals of the two parties are different, they both need a meeting to solve the problem, and then there is today's meeting.

Bao Zixuan thought for a moment and said, "Currently, the economic development of Xiangjiang is somewhat delayed, but this is also an inevitable law of economic development; and it is also a good thing in my opinion. The price of real estate in Xiangjiang has risen five times from 1975 to 1981."

"The rapid increase in real estate prices will inevitably inhibit consumer demand; after all, with the rise in housing prices, the cost of home buyers will increase."

"For most ordinary families, buying a house will even drain two generations' savings. After buying a house, every expenditure must be carefully calculated so that the water can flow smoothly. At the same time, in addition to purchasing necessities of life, the purchasing power of items that improve life It will be greatly reduced; the quality of life will be greatly reduced, and it will also inhibit the consumption demand of residents. A city without consumption, even a city that dare not consume; what the result will be, one can imagine the result.

"High housing prices drive high rents and increase the cost of living for residents; if wage increases continue to outpace housing price increases, rents will take up a larger proportion of residents' living expenses. Of course, the same is true for production factories. The sharp rise in rents means lower profits and less money making.

"Seeing that the real estate market is so hot, doing business can't catch up with real estate speculating to make money. Naturally, there will be other ideas in my heart. No one is doing business, how can we support high housing prices."

"At the same time, high housing prices have contributed to the era of low desire for young people. For many young people who have no cars, no houses, and leave their hometowns to work in Hong Kong; the vast majority believe that no matter how hard they work, the possibility of finding a home in Hong Kong is almost zero. So it is forcing young people to leave, a city loses its vitality, then the city is not far from collapse.

"The temporary drop in the real estate market is not a bad thing. Although many people will think that I am standing and talking without back pain, after all, I have not developed real estate projects. But this is a fact, a fact that no one can change."

"The future of Xiangjiang cannot rely solely on real estate. In that case, after all, the entire city will be brought into a state of doom."

Hearing Bao Zixuan's analysis of the danger of a sharp rise in house prices, the people at the scene were very emotional. After all, many here are engaged in real estate development, and several of them started out with real estate.

No wonder Bao Zixuan is not engaged in real estate development projects, it turns out that people have already foreseen the harm. But at this time, Li Chaoren thought of a question; since he saw the danger, why did this kid spare no effort to invest in Japanese real estate.

Another company owned by Bao Zixuan, Blackstone Fund, has bought a lot of properties in Japan. Is there any other unknown secret here, UU reading www. really need to investigate.

It sounds very reasonable, but as a governor, you can't let it go. Let the real estate company go bankrupt; that is not a good thing for the economic development of Hong Kong.

But now listening to Bao Zixuan's meaning, it is clear that he doesn't want to care. And he is happy with the drop in real estate prices. This is not good, after all, he is the only one who thinks so. Even if the Black Cloud Group is strong, it still has to maintain most of its interests.

Youde said with a smile: "It's still Bao Sheng's insight. It seems that if Xiangjiang wants to develop, the real estate price should not be too high."

Hearing that the Governor actually said that made several people who were engaged in the real estate business at the scene inevitably a little worried. After all, Youde can make real estate prices reasonable through administrative means.

Some people have already begun to resent Bao Zixuan in their hearts. Don't talk nonsense if you don't do real estate. Who doesn't know that it is possible to make money by engaging in high-tech, but it is necessary to have technology.

Isn't everyone as capable as you, and you have to let others drink some soup when you eat meat yourself!

At this time, the richest man Bao did not know, because his remarks had already offended the entire real estate industry in Xiangjiang!