Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1447

Chapter 1447

Two days passed in a flash, and a press conference jointly organized by Iraq, Black Cloud Group and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was also held as scheduled. However, not many reporters came over this time, mainly because some national media were too late. There are no Iraqi passports, or a series of problems such as flights; in short, there are all kinds of excuses.

In fact, there is another important point, that is, the issue of attention. It only involves Japanese and Hong Kong companies, and it really has nothing to do with the media in other countries. Investing in Iraq will at most have a certain impact on the world's energy; however, this impact is not as big as imagined.

First of all, Iraqi oil production is increasing every year, not only in Iraq, but in every country in the world. After all, oil consumption is increasing rapidly; if the supply of crude oil does not increase, it will not keep up with consumption.

Secondly, Heiyun and Mitsubishi invest in Iraq, even if they build factories; their customers are no more than Middle Eastern countries. Because investing and building factories in Iraq, there is no cost advantage at all. Comprehensive factor analysis, many national media, choose not to participate. But they are not unreported; they can get the news they need from their partners or their Japanese counterparts.

But Japanese journalists are definitely the most active ones. Directly charter the plane, and there are two at a time. During the Cold War, journalists from all over the world had intelligence gathering work that needed to be done, and Japanese media were not exempt. And many newspapers are controlled by consortia behind them. They want to know how Mitsubishi obtained the oil exploration rights; it can be regarded as the next step to understand the situation in advance.

In addition to the Japanese media, the media in the Middle East are also very active. I want to see what the **** Heiyun and Mitsubishi are doing here, and why there is such a big movement in Iraq all of a sudden; after all, there was no sign before, which is really suspicious.

At 9:00 am, the press conference officially started. When they saw a modern press conference room, journalists from all over the world couldn't believe it. Middle East journalists, in particular, feel like they are in a dream.

No one knows better than them what Basra was like before. When was this news hall built, I have never seen it before.

Iraqis are changing, and that change is positive. This is not good news for neighboring countries. Having a powerful neighbor is definitely not a good thing.

But this is not the time to think about these things. It is still necessary to understand why the Black Cloud Group suddenly increased its investment in Iraq and why Mitsubishi chose to build a factory here. This is the theme, as for the others, it is estimated that no one will care.

The second son, Bao Zixuan and Iwasaki Hongyi appeared on the rostrum and directly set the tone for the press conference. In terms of staffing, it is full of sincerity, at least the on-site reporters can't find any faults.

The first is the second son's speech, which is the least polite question as the host.

As the country's future heir, this is the first time he has appeared in front of foreign media. Although it has appeared before, it is not a press conference, and it is not the protagonist. The second son knew in his heart that his performance today meant the world's impression of Iraq's future. Therefore, we must not make mistakes, and we must show the most perfect side to the general public.

The second son first said: "Thank you to all journalists and friends for coming to Iraq from thousands of miles. To be honest, Basra may not give you a good impression. After all, we have just experienced a war here, and many buildings have been destroyed. People lost their houses and children. They lost schools."

"But why put the press conference here, that's because Iraq must have a sincere heart in order to be recognized by the whole world. Only in this way can it be worthy of its own people, partners, and the world's supporters of Iraq. People. It's not scary to have a problem, what's scary is that we don't take the initiative to face the problem.

"I always want to hide and tuck it, so that I won't be recognized by the world at all."

"It is precisely because of this sincerity that Heiyun Group and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries dare to come to Iraq, a country that has just experienced war to invest and build factories. Here I would like to thank the two partners for their trust and support in Iraq. I want to assure both of you that Iraq will do its best to meet any reasonable needs of our partners."

"The reporters at the scene today are the best witnesses of our three parties."

Although the speech is very short, it is definitely understood and moved with reason. At this time, the richest man Bao really admired this kid. It seems that he just didn't have the opportunity to exert his ability in his previous life.

After the second son finished speaking, it was time for the reporter to ask questions.

However, the first question was still given to the second son. This is a good thing that has been agreed between them. Iwasaki Hongyi and Bao's richest man do not want to steal the limelight with him, especially today.

A reporter from Iraqi National Television first asked: "Hello, second son; although the Black Cloud Group and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries came to Iraq to build factories, Iraq has also paid a considerable price for this. What is the reason that made His Excellency the President and you , agreed to Mitsubishi and the Black Cloud Group to obtain oil exploration rights.

"Is there a causal relationship between oil extraction and the construction of factories?"

This question, the domestic people want to know, and even most entrepreneurs in the world want to understand. Although we all know what's going on, I still want to hear what the top Iraqi leaders have to say.

As for Iraqi state television, it was specially arranged for them to raise this issue. One-time resolution of doubts is also one of the purposes of this press conference.

The second son said very seriously: "In the Middle East with a vast area and a relatively harsh environment; if there is a country that can be called the 'place of choice' in the Arab world, then it must be Iraq."

"Iraq is not only rich in oil resources, but the Mesopotamian plain under our feet, due to the existence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, has made this plain free from drought. Therefore, we are not short of food in Iraq."

"In six years, Iraq's per capita gdp has soared from US$382 to US$2,726, an increase of more than 6 times. In the early 1970s, the number of private cars in the country was only 67,400, and in 1978, it increased to 170,000, an increase of 2 times. many."

"But all of this came to an abrupt end with a war. I'm not afraid of your jokes, because of the relationship between the Iran-Iraq war; Iraq can be said to be severely damaged. Oil revenue has plummeted, and oil exports are only about 20% of what they were before the war. We have A lot of deposits, but now there are tens of billions of dollars in foreign debt."

"A protracted war has devastated a once-prosperous Iraq."

"Actually, this is not the most terrifying thing. After all, Iraq still has abundant oil resources; as long as we want to, we can quickly live a prosperous life. But through the war we discovered a fatal problem, that is, the Iraqi industrial base is very weak, and even Hard to say. It's a very dangerous thing, although hopefully war will never happen on Iraqi soil."

"But when war is inevitable, Iraq has to be prepared. That's why we invited two of the largest industrial groups in the world to invest in Iraq."

"As for whether you got the oil exploration right because you invested in factories. What I want to tell you is that although there is no necessary connection, it is indeed an important plus point project."

"The war has damaged a lot of equipment, which has seriously affected oil exports. Now Iraq does not have much money to replace oil production equipment. At this time, Heiyun and Mitsubishi came over and helped us a lot."

"And these two companies are very fair. It can be said that the cooperation between the two parties is very fair and just. No one has taken advantage, and of course neither party will suffer."

"Here, I also want to pass on the real thoughts of Iraq through my journalist friends, UU reading We are absolutely warmly welcome to invest in Iraq; but if you want to come and take advantage, I advise you to give up your heart."

The second son's answer was even more exciting than the previous speech. To be able to look directly at a country's inadequacies, in the Middle East; is an improvement in itself.

And he also lists the advantages of Iraq, at least the advantages that other major oil-producing countries in the Middle East do not have. I also want to convey a message through the media; those countries and companies that are stuck in Iraq's neck should think carefully. Doing so will allow Iraq to commit the crime.

As the heir to Iraq, his first official appearance was perfect. At least let the world see that Iraq has a successor with outstanding ability and the courage to admit its own shortcomings; this is the best gift for the country and the people.


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