Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1429

Chapter 1429

Nikolayev Shipyard, also known as Black Sea Shipyard, was founded in 1897 in the Tsarist Russia era. Over the past 100 years since its establishment, the factory has produced more than 1,000 ships of various types, including heavy aircraft carriers, including aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, etc. The maximum capacity is to produce freighters with a load capacity of 15,000 tons.

It is the only aircraft carrier construction and assembly plant in the Soviet Union. At present, several aircraft carriers - "Moscow", "Leningrad", "Kyiv", "Minsk", "Novorossiysk", "Gore" Shkov" and "Kuznetsov" were all built here. It is said that one of the reasons why the aircraft carrier production and assembly base was selected at the Black Sea Shipyard is: the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry of the Soviet Union and other important positions related to shipbuilding in Moscow; many of them are Mrs. Nikolayev. They helped a lot in this matter. Also, compared to Leningrad, which has a population of 4 million and is open to foreign tourists. Secrecy is easier in Nikolayev, which is not open to the outside world; moreover, the labor force here is not a problem.

Leaving the necessary engineers to connect with the Ruby Design Bureau, Bao Zixuan came to the Nikolayev Shipyard. Fucaira leans on the Persian Gulf, and the Air Force is basically not worried at the moment. But the navy is a shortcoming; if you want to not be restricted by others, you must speak with confidence; you must make up for the shortcoming.

In fact, it is closer to Nikolayev from Italy, and it feels a bit far from Moscow and Leningrad first. But the situation in the Soviet Union was special; even normal trade transactions required Moscow's consent.

The Soviet economy as a whole was sluggish, and the life of the shipyard was even more difficult. If the Soviet weapons and equipment are the worst-selling products in the world, then surface ships can definitely rank at the forefront. At present, the countries that can produce third-generation fighter jets may only be the United States, the Soviet Union, and France; other countries are not so mature in technology. Even if the production aircraft, known as the third generation aircraft; but also add a quotation mark.

For example, the Swedish Saab produces a light third-generation fighter; compared with the second-generation fighter, the radar detection distance is increased, and the airborne weapon has a longer attack distance. The overall performance is much worse than that of the US, Soviet and French products of the same period.

As for the large transport aircraft, it is an exclusive product of the United States and the Soviet Union, and other countries simply do not have the ability and qualifications to develop and produce them. Therefore, if you want to buy, you really need to place an order from both countries.

Army weapons and equipment, the Soviet Union belongs to the absolute king. Americans have to resign themselves to this point, and the Americans are far behind with rifles and tanks alone.

Navy submarines, because of their superior performance, can still get a lot of orders. And the submarine is the navy of a small country, the last defense weapon. Although with the improvement of sonar and radar performance, submarines are no longer as elusive as they were during World War II. But it is far smaller than the target of the surface fleet.

The navy of the small country went to sneak attack, and it was really not easy to be discovered.

Three years of the army, ten years of the air force, and a hundred years of the navy; not just empty words. Countries with large surface ships are not bad in national strength, at least have a little strength.

This makes large warships less customers; after all, many countries cannot afford to equip them at all.

The most important naval surface ship, the competition is also the most intense weaponry. Mainly there are many manufacturers, and they all have strong technology and a long history.

The United States, France, Britain, Germany, Italy, and even Japan and South Korea have strong shipbuilding industries. The Soviet Union wanted to compete with these countries, but it was not that easy.

So Nikolayev Shipyard, almost all orders, came from the Soviet Navy. Weapons and equipment manufacturers really need a lot of export if they want a better life and happy employees. If you only rely on domestic orders, you will not be able to eat enough; you will barely be starved to death! In addition, the Soviet navy is the least popular among the three branches of the military; it is dominated by submarines, which is enough to show the state of the Nikolaev shipyard.

The entire shipyard was extremely excited about the arrival of the head of the General Armament Department, Xiao Ustinov, with the Heiyun Group Bao Zixuan. Little Ustinov was responsible for the production of all weapons and equipment in the Soviet Union. To be precise, he really needed to nod his head to get orders from the military.

And this time, with the gold master, Bao Zixuan has purchased a lot of weapons and equipment from the Soviet Union, which is no secret at all. In fact, the whole world knows that he is helping Fucaira.

Located in the Persian Gulf, Fucaira is currently under rapid construction; certainly needs a navy. If there is no Bao Zixuan, it would be good to be an ordinary and obedient small country, and it does not require too powerful weapons and equipment. But the richest man who owns the Black Cloud Group will never be reconciled. Not to mention seeking the status of a great power, but the ability to protect oneself must be absolutely necessary.

It is necessary to have a navy that can completely block the Persian Gulf, but now Fucaira seems to have nothing. When I came to the Soviet Union, I first went to the Ruby Design Bureau, and then immediately came to the Nikolayev Shipyard; it can be said that Sima Zhao's heart is well known.

This is definitely a big moneymaker. Whether the workers of the shipyard can live a good life in recent years really depends on their faces.

In order to show the importance attached to the two, the director of the Nikolayev Shipyard, Makarov, who is known as the midwife of the third-generation Soviet aircraft carrier, personally came to the gate of the factory to greet them.

Although the old man is aloof, he does not despise bureaucracy. But also know that to make life easier for the shipyard; something must be done by him.

Seeing this old man, Bao Zixuan was very emotional.

Makarov, born in 1934, graduated from the Nikolayev Shipbuilding Institute in 1958. In early April 1976, he served as the chief engineer of the Black Sea Shipyard, and in 1979, he became the director of the Nikolayev Shipyard.

If it is said that the person who least wants the Soviet Union to disintegrate, the old man does not say that he is ranked first, but he can definitely be ranked in the forefront.

In 1993, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin and Navy Commander Grumov, accompanied by Ukrainian Prime Minister Kuchma, went to the Nikolayev Shipyard to study the "Varyan" The possibility of the completion of the construction of the aircraft carrier "Grid" and its handover to Russia.

This aircraft carrier was originally funded by the Soviet government to build, and Ukraine asked Russia to pay the full cost. That is, a complete warship is sold instead of the 30% unpaid as the Russian side believes. The factory manager Makarov reported at this time: "The 'Varyag' can no longer be completed..."

Everyone asked curiously: "In order to complete the aircraft carrier Varyag, what does the factory need?"

Makarov replied: "If I want to launch the aircraft carrier Varyag, I need the Soviet State Planning Commission and the Industrial Military Commission, as well as 9 defense industry departments, more than 600 related professions and more than 8,000 supporting manufacturers. In short, it takes a great country to complete it, but this country no longer exists." All the people present finally understood - in the case of the disintegration of the country, it is no longer possible to build the "Varyag".

During Makarov's tenure, the "Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier was accelerated and tested for the first ski-jump takeoff, which was delivered in time for 1991. Otherwise, with a slight delay, the ship may not be delivered; then Russia really has no aircraft carrier to use. As a factory manager, his most prominent contribution was turning the construction of Soviet aircraft carriers into an assembly line operation.

Bao Zixuan still respects this old man who has dedicated his life to the country and the shipyard. At least within the scope of his ability, he has already done his best work.

After introducing each Makarov first said: "Welcome friends from afar. Your presence makes the whole Nikolayev Shipyard feel full of brilliance."

Hearing the old man say that, Bao Zixuan was speechless for a while. Not only did he understand Soviet culture, but there were also many foreigners who were proficient in Chinese culture.

In fact, Makarov is not proficient in Chinese culture. Mainly because he knew that Bao Zixuan was coming over, he had specially learned some greetings from the Chinese. Coupled with the usual understanding of some, only the effect just now.

Forcing the old man into such a situation shows that the shipyard is in a difficult situation at this time.

Bao Zixuan may give them some hope, but he will not place orders for large ships. After all, the Soviet Union's shipbuilding speed is not fast, in case the Soviet Union disintegrates; the warships have not been built, and it will be too late to cry.

Moreover, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, many Soviet governments allocated funds to build them; the unfinished warships will be the price of a cabbage. At that time, when I started, not only there was no risk, but I could also get a big bargain.

However, for some small and medium-sized ships, the order will still be placed at the Nikolayev Shipyard. Get into a relationship first, and get a familiar face; it is also convenient to do things in the future.