Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1427

Chapter 1427

At this time, the Ruby Central Design Bureau went up to the chief engineer and down to the ordinary workers; they all hoped that the Black Cloud Group could make more demands, not that they wanted to make trouble. But only by solving the trouble, can you get more benefits for yourself. Although the Soviet system was different, it was impossible for the super-rich to emerge.

But for Bao Zixuan to almost reach the title of the richest man in the world, as long as he has a little common sense, he still knows. If there is one brother, then it doesn't matter if you are bitter or tired. But it is impossible to let a whole family suffer with you. Now is the age of peace; those who make contributions deserve the treatment they deserve.

And those who did not contribute can enjoy better benefits and treatment; what else should they not.

Spiessky said with a smile: "If someone else came up with this, I would have let him go immediately. After all, the technology of Soviet submarines must not be known to outsiders. These are state secrets, and they are more important to maintain regional stability. weapon."

"But Mr. Bao is different. Although he is not specialized in submarines, he is a top engineer in the world after all. Heiyun Group has achieved technological leadership in many fields; the suggestions I want to make should not disappoint."

Hearing the old man say so, the others don't even know what to say. This is no longer polite, and even a little bit of flattery! But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make some sense; after all, Bao Zixuan is known as a super genius; and his mind is very open. It is not impossible to improve submarines.

Bao Zixuan: "Don't say that, I am the plenipotentiary representative of Fucaira this time, and I hope to buy 12 Kilo-class submarines from the Soviet Union."

In 1974, the Soviet Union's Ruby Central Maritime Design Bureau in Leningrad began planning a new type of diesel-electric attack submarine, called the 877 flounder class, and NATO called it the Kilo class. The first boat, the b-248, was launched in September 1980. The Komsomolsk Shipyard on the banks of the Amur River was launched, delivered at the end of 1980, and became an army in 1982.

The Kilo-class adopts a teardrop-shaped hull and has a very broad and rounded appearance; the front horizontal rudder is located on the bow, and the aft control surface includes a pair of horizontal tail rudders and a vertical rudder below, but there is no upper vertical rudder surface. The Kilo-class is the first diesel-electric submarine in the Soviet Union to use single-shaft propulsion, with low noise; in the past, Soviet submarines preferred dual-shaft or even three-shaft designs due to their high mechanical failure rate.

The floating displacement of the boat is about 2,300 tons, and the submarine displacement is more than 3,000 tons. It is a large diesel-electric submarine. The mission diving depth is about 240m, the maximum diving depth is about 300m, and the reserved buoyancy of the hull is as high as 30%, which is very rare in diesel-electric submarines. The interior of the Kilo class is divided into six watertight compartments, the foremost is the torpedo compartment, the upper level of the second compartment is the command room, and the lower level is the battery room; the upper level of the third compartment is the crew quarters and kitchen, and the lower level is also the battery. The fourth compartment is the diesel generator compartment, the fifth compartment is the main propulsion motor compartment, and the sixth compartment is the spare motor compartment. Because the reserve buoyancy of the Kilo class is very considerable, any one of the six watertight compartments can be guaranteed not to sink.

The Kilo-class submarine power system includes two 4dl-42m diesel generator sets with a power of 1000kw each, a pg-141m submersible propulsion motor with a maximum power of 5800 horsepower; a 150 horsepower pg-142 low-speed cruise generator set; Two emergency diesel generator sets with 102 horsepower each and two sets of batteries.

Single-shaft six-blade propeller propulsion, the propeller speed is 500 rpm, the maximum submersible speed is 17 knots, the floating speed is 8~10 knots, the snorkel sailing at 7 knots has a cruising range of 6000 nautical miles, and the submersible at 3 knots has a cruising range of 400 nautical miles. The endurance can last up to 45 days at sea, and the ship has 52 personnel. The Kilo class has many measures to reduce noise, including sound-absorbing paint on the outer layer of the ship, the installation of the turbine on the shock-absorbing base, and the sound insulation of the engine room. , so it is called "undersea black hole" by Western countries.

As for the weapon system, six 533mm torpedo tubes are arranged on the upper half of the Kilo-class bow, which are divided into upper and lower rows, and the lower half of the bow is completely surrendered to the sonar drum. The ship's torpedo bay can store 12 weapons, and together with the 6 in the torpedo tube, it can carry a total of 18 weapons. For a conventionally powered submarine, it is definitely considered advanced performance and armed to the teeth.

The most important thing about this submarine is that the Soviet Union began to equip its troops with weapons in 1982. It can be said that it is definitely the latest existence, not to mention sold to Middle Eastern countries; except for the local Soviet troops, even the closest Warsaw Pact countries do not have hunting gear.

If it can be done in one step, buy nuclear submarines directly. Then Bao Zixuan will definitely not hesitate, but the Soviet Union will definitely not sell it. Even if the Soviets wanted money, with Fucaira's current strength, they were simply unable to protect it. For this kind of strategic nuclear weapons, ordinary countries are not entitled to possess them at all.

Therefore, we can only do the next best thing and buy Kilo-class conventionally powered submarines. And so many, it's not his family. The land area of Fucaira is not intended to block the Persian Gulf; therefore, there is no need to directly purchase twelve ships.

This time, it was divided equally among the three companies, and Saudi Arabia and Iraq also let him buy it together; after all the refits are completed, it can be directly sold to the two of them. This trust can not be obtained by that company, but by that person; the richest man Bao readily agreed to this. Making money is one aspect. The one-time purchase of twelve most advanced submarines can also make the Soviet Union pay attention.

The more the number of modifications involved at the same time, the more solid the technology mastered by Heiyun engineers.

The Kilo class is the ace product of the Ruby Design Bureau, and for the most advanced weapons and equipment; the Soviet Union has clear regulations and restrictions. Although I really want to sell it to make a profit and benefit my engineers. But Little Ustinov, the head of the General Armament Department, did not speak, but he did not dare to agree easily.

Although you can usually ignore Little Ustinov, it involves issues of principle; the other party still needs to make a statement. The Ruby Central Design Bureau has no right to decide anything at all.

Spiessky looked at himself, and Little Ustinov immediately understood what he meant. The old boy wants to make money, but he doesn't want to take responsibility. But there was nothing he could do. The relationship with Bao Zixuan was one aspect, and the most important conventional submarine didn't matter.

Said to represent Fucaira, but where does Fucaira have money. It must be this kid who paid the money, and the top management has agreed to sell the modified submarine; as for the modification, it is also a customer demand, and it does not hurt. At least procedurally, absolutely reasonable and legal.

Little Ustinov said with a smile: "Moscow has decided to sell the submarine to the friendly country Fucaira. Therefore, Chief Speisky doesn't have to have any scruples and can execute it according to your ideas."

Hearing that the senior management has agreed, then the problem is much simpler.

Spiessky: "Since Mr. Bao has decided to buy a Kilo-class conventionally powered submarine, I don't know what else needs to be improved."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan knew that the other party was testing them. Fortunately, it was well prepared. After all, I have obtained technical information on German submarines in Poland, and I am not very unfamiliar with submarines.

The Ruby Design Bureau also has projectors, but I didn't expect it to be produced by the Black Cloud Group. Open the computer directly, explain the submarine layout you plan, and replace those electronic, sonar, radar and other equipment.

Mechanical parts, Soviet products are absolutely nothing to say. And the Kilo-class submarine is still a double-hull design, so there is really nothing to change the external structure.

See Heiyun Group's design drawings and suggestions for improvement. Although some places are not very reasonable and too idealistic. However, the technical performance of electronic equipment is much stronger than that of the original products. At least the communication command system and the combat detection system have been strengthened in all directions.

And letting Spiessky see the shadow of the design of future submarines can be regarded as opening a door.

In fact, the shape of the submarine has not changed much since its birth to the present. It can be said that there is not much room for improvement in fluidics.

As for weapons and equipment, they are basically finalized; adding auxiliary weapons does not make much sense. Then we must find ways around accurate detection, stable communication, noise reduction, and power saving. The design of the Black Cloud Group is all around these aspects.

Spiessky said with a smile: "Mr. Bao can really surprise people, and the parts that need to be upgraded; the Ruby Design Bureau fully cooperates and will not disappoint you."

"Knowing that you pay attention to efficiency, we will get into work tonight."

"But there is one thing I need to trouble you, and that is the home appliances and cars produced by Heiyun Group. Can you sell some of them to our design bureau? Many engineers are envious of the home appliances and cars of other design bureau engineers."


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