Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350

This time, the U.S. side is taking a three-pronged approach; not only the head of the Paris Air Show delegation and the U.S. president will come forward; of course, the U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia cannot stay out of the way. Although Prince Sultan is the No. 3 figure in Saudi Arabia, there are also the king and the crown prince on it; I wonder if I can use the two to press each other. The Saudi ambassador to the United States has a lot of power and is usually very arrogant. Regardless of whether the king rested or not, he went directly to the Saudi royal palace.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia certainly knows what the U.S. ambassador is doing here. After seeing the video, he was very angry. However, Prince Sultan reported to him the achievements he had made in Paris and that Bao Zixuan was going to come to build a factory; coupled with the excellent performance of Soviet weapons and equipment, he was overjoyed; at the same time, he also had confidence in his heart!

King Fahd was still very polite and wanted to see how the ambassador wanted to perform. He knows better than anyone what the face of the Americans is. Let Saudi Arabia increase oil production, which will lead to the national oil price not rising. Then the Soviet Union, as a traditional oil exporter, will not have a better life. Saudi Arabia can also make some profits because of the low cost of mining. But the Soviet Union's oil resources are basically in the Siberia region, where the extremely cold climate itself is very expensive to exploit.

There are not many products and projects in the Soviet Union that can earn foreign exchange, and oil can be said to be the most important part. If Soviet oil exports were restricted, no foreign exchange could be earned; there would even be losses. Then it would be a disaster for the whole country.

What's more, the dollars earned by Saudi Arabia from selling oil also buys U.S. Treasuries. Some time ago, due to national construction, there was no excess funds to purchase; the United States even expressed strong dissatisfaction. There's no other way but to come up with $1 billion to deal with it.

You must know that infrastructure construction in Saudi Arabia is very expensive now, although huge profits can be made by selling oil every day; but the cost is really not small. Now Americans don't sell their weapons and equipment, Saudi Arabia used to buy them from the Soviet Union; instead, they came to question them. It seems that the Americans are really shameless to the extreme.

After seeing Fahd, the American ambassador said very seriously: "Your Majesty, it's not right to disturb you at night. But what does Prince Sultan mean? I hope Saudi Arabia can give the United States an explanation."

As a king, I have been polite enough to you. But the tone of the American ambassador made the Saudi royal family very uncomfortable. Where are you here to talk about things? It's just questioning Saudi Arabia. In any case, it is also a sovereign head of state; even if the United States is strong, it should pay attention to its proportions and influence.

King Fahd has a good temper, but even a person with a good temper can't bear this kind of anger. After all, it is not about him alone, but about the Saudi royal family and even the entire country. So he said directly: "Mr. Ambassador, I hope to pay attention to your words, are you questioning me!"

The atmosphere at the scene immediately became tense, and the American ambassador knew that he should not ask such questions. But I have been used to being arrogant before, and I really can't change it for a while. But no matter how the other party is also the king of Saudi Arabia, it is still necessary to give some face.

U.S. Ambassador: "I didn't mean to question Your Majesty, I just wanted to know; why Saudi Arabia suddenly bought so many weapons and equipment from the Soviet Union."

This sentence is more like a question. After all, Saudi Arabia spends its own money; where to buy weapons and equipment, what does it have to do with the United States.

King Fahd said very formally: "For a country, national defense and security are the most important factors. We cannot rely on other countries for national security and public property. Therefore, for national defense needs, Saudi Arabia buys weapons and equipment from any country. , there is no problem. Moreover, Saudi Arabia earns profits by exporting oil, it seems that it has nothing to do with your country!"

"And if Mr. Ambassador has figured out what's going on, he came up and questioned the Saudi royal family. It's better to ask some companies in your country how they treat Arabs. Then come over to talk with me, or I'll show you a paragraph. video."

After he finished speaking, he didn't give the US ambassador to Saudi Arabia any chance, and started playing it directly.

Hearing the American company and mentioning the video, the American ambassador seemed to feel something. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait any longer, and a clear picture came quickly. Seeing that McDonnell Douglas needed to ask for instructions; Raytheon even satirized and mocked the top leaders of the two countries in the Arab world; General Dynamics even mocked Arabs with actions.

It was obvious that they first went to the US company to negotiate the purchase of weapons and equipment, and the US ambassador could feel the sincerity of the Iraqi side from the video. It is possible to exchange oil and minerals for air defense missiles, which is definitely a profitable business for Raytheon. But even so, that **** from the Raytheon Company was still playing tricks on others.

The second son of Iraq will basically become the president of the country. In the future, it is strange to have a good face for American companies.

The U.S. ambassador was very embarrassed at this time, and today is really too embarrassing. He didn't have Reagan's acting skills, and his complexion changed as quickly. And now facing the King of Saudi Arabia, the pressure can be imagined; you must sincerely apologize to the other party.

American Ambassador: "I'm very sorry, Your Majesty. I can assure you that this is absolutely the personal act of an American company. The United States will definitely give His Majesty and the Saudi royal family an explanation."

"Saudi Arabia is the most important strategic partner of the United States, and the White House will never impose any restrictions on Saudi Arabia's purchase of American weapons."


King Fahd didn't bother to give him nonsense, and said directly: "Mr. Ambassador, next time there is something, we should investigate and come over. I am the king of Saudi Arabia, not your subordinate."

This is a bit heavy, even a stupid person knows that the king is absolutely angry.

The American ambassador quickly replied: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I will never make similar mistakes in the future. I will go back and report to the country, and I will definitely give the Saudi royal family a satisfactory result."

After the US ambassador left, King Fahd said with a smile: "Sultan has achieved remarkable results this time, but the Americans will be able to recall it sooner or later. It is still necessary to speed up the construction of national defense, since there is no military production capacity of its own, it will be difficult for the international community in the future. stand up."

"Bao Zixuan came to build a factory, and the Saudi side must show the greatest sincerity. Money can be earned at any time, but high-end weapons factories are not so easy to build."

Everyone present knew what the king meant. I am also worried that the Americans will block it. After all, they can definitely do it.

The American ambassador returned to the embassy and immediately called the White House.

In fact, Reagan regretted asking the U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia to find King Fahd. After all, it was the U.S. who was in the wrong. Instead, he questioned others, and with the special national conditions of Saudi Arabia, no one would be comfortable.

If there is a contradiction, it will be very unfavorable for the US national strategy and the plan to deal with the Soviet Union. But after answering the phone call, the embassy staff informed Reagan that the ambassador had gone to the Saudi palace.

Although I feel that the situation is not good, it is too late to say anything now, and I can only wait until the person returns. Although the US ambassador has a mobile phone, it is definitely not available at this time. The cell towers are operated by Saudi Arabia and are easily monitored.

After the US ambassador returned to his office, he was quickly connected to the White House line.

The U.S. ambassador said to Reagan: "Your Excellency, if the White House has any new policies for the Middle East in the future, can you please check with me in advance. I am the U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia; if you can't trust me, then you should change someone you can trust. come over."

Although it was said to be a personal act of the company to the King of Saudi Arabia, it was instinctive to think that it was the sanctions imposed by the White House on Arab countries.

Listening to his tone, he knew that he was angry at the Saudi royal palace. I am the president of the United States, and I asked a Saudi prince, but the other party did not give him a good face. UU reading www.uukanshu. What's more, com took the initiative to come to the door to question the king, and he didn't come back with a full package, and it was not bad.

In fact, Reagan knew that it would be the same for himself. Moreover, he has asked Wimber to take the videotapes to the top executives of General Dynamics and Raytheon, believing that there will be a proper solution.

Reagan: "It's not a White House restriction, the Raytheon guy is Jewish. I think you should understand what that means, and I've ordered Defense Secretary Weinberg to deal with it."

"Although billions of dollars in ammunition is not a big deal, this hole cannot be opened. It's definitely too late to stop it now, and the polar bears have to fight with you."

"Place yourself well over there, and the country will come up with a solution as soon as possible."

The president has already said so, and the American ambassador doesn't have much to say. At the same time, it is really incomprehensible for Raytheon to send a Jew to Paris to participate in the air show.

But now we can only wait for the domestic instructions. Fortunately, what I just explained is okay.


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