Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273

At the beginning of this year, Lawrence-Kadoorie returned from Huaxia Kyoto. All family affairs have been handed over to Michael Kadoorie, and in terms of age, Bao Zixuan should be about the same age as his grandson; therefore, there is no way that the two have much overlap. Iraqi Jews in Hong Kong do not depend on left and right, and it is not easy to divide camps. In addition, the old man doesn't like to attend parties, so he has never seen the richest man.

The Kadoorie family has always been one of the ten richest people in Hong Kong. But their status is very embarrassing, and Chinese businessmen will instinctively exclude them. After all, they are not Chinese, so it is impossible to join the Chinese businessmen camp. But you said they belonged to the British camp; but their hometown is in Iraq, and they should be divided into Israel according to their ethnicity! Even a family from the United Kingdom could not pee in a pot.

Fortunately, several generations are very shrewd, and they are also good at doing business. There is no problem with the family development. But if any family wants to grow, it needs allies. No matter how big you are, you still need someone to help you. Their awkward identities make the family development basically depend on themselves. Hong Kong is a human society, of course, in most cases, it will pay attention to business principles. But at the critical moment, there is really no family willing to interact and cooperate with them.

Lawrence-Kadoorie said with a smile: "You only talk in half, but it's not your style. Does the richest man in Hong Kong have some particularly grand plan that makes you a little overwhelmed; or it is beyond your knowledge. The family has already Leave it to you to manage; I have already recognized your ability, don't have any scruples, just do it with confidence and boldness!"

Dad's words brought Michael Kadoorie back to reality. It seemed that the old man had a thorough understanding of it and also knew Bao Zixuan better.

Michael Kadoorie: "When Bao Zixuan came to my office, he proposed that there are three hotels in Heiyun Town. If the Kadoorie family wants to, they can get the right to operate one hotel. Whether it is buying or leasing, you can choose It's up to me."

"Of course it's just a little thing, it's just a hotel after all; I'm not going to take it to heart yet."

"But the plan he came up with next felt a little bold, even crazy."

"Bao Zixuan is planning to build 50 business centers in China's big cities, and to support 50 five-star hotels. Ask our family if they are interested, whether it is to directly invest in the construction of hotels or lease hotels, there is no problem."

"At present, the economic scale and per capita income of mainland China may not be able to support the scale of five five-star hotels. It is very worrying to launch 50 hotels in one go. Although he said that this is a ten-year plan; But with Bao Zixuan's resolute style, it's definitely not that simple."

"It is not difficult to see from the construction of Heiyun Town that he pursues efficiency and doesn't care about cost at all. But the Kadoorie family can't stand the toss, and they can't directly refuse. Therefore, they agreed to build in Kyoto and Shanghai first. Two pilots."

The hotel management rights in Black Cloud Township, although attractive, were not enough to let Michael Kadoorie out of control. But the construction of 50 five-star hotels in mainland China, not only the meter high Kadoorie, but also his father Lawrence Kadoorie felt incredible. This kid really dares to think about it, but after careful analysis, you will find that it is really not aimless. Not to mention that I have done research, at least I have studied it carefully.

Lawrence Kadoorie said very seriously: "Migao. You have also been to Huaxia, but do you know Huaxia!"

Hearing his father ask this question, Michael Kadoorie didn't know how to answer for a while. I understand Huaxia; I don't dare to say I understand it yet, after all, every time it passes is very short, and I have left before I have seen it clearly.

Seeing his son's expression, he knew that no detailed investigation had been done. Apart from investing in the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, the Kadoorie family has little investment in mainland China.

Lawrence-Kadoorie continued: "The Kadoorie family, whose ancestors lived in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, moved to Mumbai, India in the 18th century. The Kadoorie family purchased the Yangcheng Power Plant from the British, but after the Yangcheng business suffered losses, Go to Heung Kong Development and build Heyuan Street Power Plant, which mainly supplies power to Peninsula Hotel; your grandfather became the major shareholder at that time after the reorganization of the power plant. The Kadoorie family founded Heung Kong Shanghu Hotel Co., Ltd. as early as 1866. Shanghai runs a hotel.

"Actually, it's not surprising that you don't know about China mainland. After all, even I was born in Hong Kong, let alone you. Although China mainland's economic development was not good in the past few years, in recent years, with the deepening of reform and opening up, the whole country has undergone earth-shaking changes. The political situation in the mainland is stable, and the probability of war is very small, even negligible."

"Xiangjiang is not the Falkland Islands, and Huaxia is not Argentina. It is not an empty talk. The British will never dare to break out a military conflict with China over the Hong Kong issue. This is much stronger than the Middle East, so I say to you that you slow down your investment in the Middle East. support."

"It's not that we don't want to help the development of our hometown, but we are powerless. If there is a war in the Middle East, then the family investment will be lost."

"There is no such problem in the Chinese mainland. At least there will be no large-scale war in the next few decades. A country with nuclear weapons is a guarantee in itself. And I don't know if you have paid attention to the Chinese workers. Of course, I mean the most Ordinary construction worker."

After hearing his father's introduction to the family history and analyzing the political situation, why did he start to mention the Huaxia workers, and they were also ordinary construction workers; what kind of operation was this? Is it really a bit old and confused, but it doesn't look like it.

Michael Kadoorie: "Our hotel only has some service staff from mainland China. They are very obedient; they are also very diligent in their work; they are much stronger than the waiters in Xiangjiang."

"But I really don't know much about ordinary construction workers. After all, most of the Huaxia workers in Xiangjiang used to work in Heiyun Town. They basically don't come out and are not accessible to outsiders."

Lawrence-Kadoorie was relieved to hear that his son still knew something. Although I don't know what construction workers are like, at least I know the status of the service staff in my own hotel.

Lawrence Kadoorie: "This time I went to China Mainland, and I was deeply impressed. China's high-level reforms are very bold, and there are bound to be many opportunities in the future. Of course, this is just a national policy, but you know what!"

"Ordinary workers in Huaxia are the foundation for development. Not to mention local employees in mainland China; they are workers in Heiyun Town, Heiyun Town, and their income is only about 30% of the income of Heiyun Town. And they work hard and never ask for trouble! It's really not a bun. Xuan deliberately squeezed, after all, this is already much higher than domestic income."

"But you saw some Vietnamese taking to the streets to make trouble, and have you read the reports about workers in mainland China!"

"Because they come here to work and make money; they don't think much about other things. China has a population of more than 1 billion, and if there are 200 million such workers, then what the country wants to do can't be done."

"China will definitely develop in the future, not to mention becoming the world's No. 1 gdp; but it will definitely be ranked in the top three. By that time, do you still think there are more than 50 five-star hotels! Don't be fooled by appearances, See the essence of things. Don't look at Bao Zixuan's youth, but he is much better than you in this respect."

"Our Kadoorie family, although very famous in Hong Kong, doesn't have many friends at all; no one can count on them at critical moments. The same is true for Bao Zixuan. Since the breakup of Bao Huo Dong Mining Company, his contacts with Chinese tycoons have become more and more important. Less. The two of us can work together, and it's a mutually beneficial thing."

Jiang is still old and Father's analysis is not acceptable.

Michael Kadoorie: "My father means that as long as it is a five-star hotel above Hutchison Square, the family must participate in the investment."

Hearing his son's words, Lawrence Kadoorie ideally said, "I heard that Hutchison Whampoa, Bao Zixuan is only the largest shareholder; the remaining half of the shares are mostly held by Heiyun employees."

"After the acquisition of Heung Kong Bank, Hutchison Whampoa will definitely make a big move. If Heiyun has so many employees, if they don't make the plate bigger, it will not meet the character of the richest man. This kid knows how to divide money and is better than us."

"Bao Zixuan will never cheat his own employees, so we must follow closely. If necessary, we can use the family's funds in the Swiss bank, and we must not give other competitors a chance."

It was something that Michael Kadoorie never expected to hear that Dad would also use the funds of the Swiss bank. After all, this is the family's life-saving money, and it can also be said to be the last card of the family; it will not be used easily.

In fact, Lawrence Kadoorie said this to give Michael Kadoorie confidence. Let him do it with confidence and boldness, without any scruples; it can be said to be well-intentioned!