Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1264

Chapter 1264

Remember [New] for a second,! Maybe it's guilt, maybe it's just becoming a father. In short, in recent days, no matter how violent the outside world is and how popular rare earth bonds are, it cannot interrupt the determination of the richest man Bao to accompany his daughter. Heiyun employees are also surprised that the boss comes to the company for a short time every day, which can be said to be the shortest few days in so many years.

Come over in the morning to handle some urgent official duties; then after lunch, go to the R&D center and go home before 4 o'clock. No one doubts the professionalism of the richest man. And now that the company is developing, he doesn't need to be watching in person. It's not a big deal, I just feel that the boss is Jinwu Zangjiao, and he went back so early to date with a beautiful woman!

But no one dared to ask more about this. Heiyun Group is well paid, but they can't lose their jobs because of their talkativeness!

But it was destined to not be able to go home so early tonight, so Hu Yingxiang asked him to have dinner together. Although I don't know the other party's purpose, but it is so formal, there must be something to ask for. Combined with the fact that more and more tycoons want to enter the banking industry, it may be that Black Cloud does not want to compete with them.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also thought about this. Although it is possible to acquire the four banks as a whole, it does not make much sense. To be precise, it cannot bring practical effects to Heiyun Bank, let alone increase its hard power. And there are too many troubles to properly arrange so many employees!

If a European bank wants to sell, Bao Zixuan will not hesitate to sell. However, the current layout in Xiangjiang and Las Vegas is basically completed. Although the location of the bank may not be so ideal, it is definitely not bad. If the Chinese want to buy it, Bao's richest man may not compete with it; he will even cooperate with it. After all, there are many big foreign banks in Xiangjiang, and the Heiyun Bank family is full of iron and can hit a few nails.

Although he didn't want to have anything to do with Hong Kong Chinese tycoons, he made rules and regulations and unified standards; Bao Zixuan was still willing to try.

Which Cantonese restaurant I frequent, Hu Yingxiang came very early. After all, it is to invite people to dinner, and it is not good to let the richest man wait for him. This has nothing to do with age and strength, it is more a matter of courtesy.

After the two of them sat down, Hu Yingxiang said with a smile: "But you have done a lot of damage to your kid. Recently, there have been typhoons in the waters near Humen. I have suffered a lot in the mainland, but you have to make up for it. I heard that You have a lot of good wine, but you can't keep it private."

Southern Guangdong Province entered the typhoon season, which seriously affected the external construction of the Humen Bridge. Fortunately, there is absolutely nothing to say about the hard-working workers in mainland China, since they can't work at sea. Then do some other work. Workers who had previously worked at sea were immediately involved in other jobs. In short, you can't be idle, and absolutely can't delay the progress of the project.

Hu Yingxiang felt very much about this; he studied civil engineering in the United States, and he also worked in real estate in Xiangjiang. As a result, he has seen too many workers, but there are no honest, simple, and diligent ones like China mainland. With so many outstanding workers, it is difficult for the country to develop.

As one of the project leaders, it is not easy to be lazy. Therefore, even on a typhoon day, one has to work; but Hu Yingxiang is exhausted! In recent years, I have become accustomed to pampering yourself, and my physical fitness has improved a lot after such a tossing. It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise!

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "When you meet a confidant, you need a thousand cups. Of course, good wine should be shared with friends. What do you want to drink, Chinese white wine, or European red wine."

In fact, Bao Zixuan knew that when Hu Yingxiang asked him over, it was definitely not a simple drink. If that is the case, the other party will not become a super tycoon. Everyone is very busy, not to say that there are no friends, but definitely not drinking together when it is not a year. The most important thing is that no one is easy to speak, and they will be looked down upon by the other party.

Hu Yingxiang: "You know my alcohol limit, just drink some red wine!"

With a gesture, the bodyguard immediately understood what it meant. The richest man who has no other hobbies except drinking, how can there be no good wine in the trunk of the car.

After the father and son of the restaurant owner came over to say hello, they left directly. When the richest man Bao and Hu Yingxiang came to him, there must be important things to negotiate. Being able to come here gives enough face, but you have to find your own position.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "You Hu Sheng is not a good wine person. What is the matter with me this time? We are all friends, so you can say it directly."

Hu Yingxiang knew Bao Zixuan's character and knew that he was a straight-forward person; without any hesitation, he said directly: "Bao Sheng should know that Shaqiantong has entered the banking industry, and the boat king Bao Yugang's family is also actively contacting. Chong Hing Bank. The two of them, together with Shen Bi, made a rare earth mineral company bond, but they turned the financial industry of Hong Kong upside down; it is worthwhile for small and medium-sized banks to have little room for survival."

"This time, Huo Sheng and Dong Sheng want to join forces and launch an acquisition of Wing Hang Bank."

Hearing that the other party really wanted to buy a bank, it seems that there are really no tycoons in Xiangjiang. When I see a good industry, or someone enters, I can't sit still and form a group to buy it.

Maybe too much money and don't know how to spend it. Suddenly it feels like sharks are making money from acquiring banks, and of course they can't be left behind. Chinese entrepreneurs all want to play like this; it is relatively stable and does not have to take too much risk.

However, Hu Yingxiang really didn't take himself as an outsider, and even said directly that he wanted to acquire Yongheng Bank, and also showed that the other party was determined to win. With the strength of Huo, Hu, and Dong, it is really not too difficult to acquire a small and medium-sized bank.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It's also good to enter the bank. Is there any difficulty in acquiring the funds of Yongheng Bank. Heiyun Bank can help, as long as you need it."

In fact, it is more polite to say this. Hu Yingxiang and Dong's family are hard to say, but Huo Yingdong is definitely not short of money. After so many years without much investment, the cash obtained from Baohuodong Mining Company alone is no less than 10 billion US dollars. Not to mention the acquisition of Wing Lung, if you want to, the British agree; it will not be a big problem to win HSBC, at least you can get a controlling stake.

Hu Yingxiang: "We still have some funds, but we still want to thank Bao Sheng for being able to help old friends at a critical moment. The main reason is to let Bao Sheng sell a face, and not compete with us; otherwise, don't look at it as a combination of three , there really isn't a chance of winning.

Bao Zixuan had long rejected the idea of acquiring Yongheng Bank; he would not do it if it had no practical significance. If HSBC is doing something wrong and publicizing the monopoly of Heiyun Bank all over the world, then there is nothing to do. If you want a healthy and stable development of an industry, you must not be monopolized by one family. A hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contend is the ideal effect.

Even if you buy all of Heung Kong Bank, there are still foreign banks competing with you. Black Cloud Group is already a leader in the high-tech field. If it controls the financial industry, it will inevitably face extinction. In fact, it is already very dangerous now, but it is only living in the cracks of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. If one day the polar bear falls, he must also be unlucky.

Try to reason with the Americans, provided you have something they are afraid of, otherwise this road will not work.

Bao Zixuan: "Since Hu Sheng is talking, and where is my relationship with Huo Sheng and Mr. Dong, there is absolutely no problem. Heiyun Bank will not compete with you Yongheng Bank, not only that; if you need it, I will pay you back. I will do my best to cooperate and help.

"But if other families have ideas about Yongheng Bank, Bao has nothing to do."

In fact, the last sentence is a bit redundant. As for why Bao Zixuan said that. Hu Yingxiang didn't understand what it meant, until a series of things happened during the acquisition process, he remembered the reminder of the richest man.

Hu Yingxiang: "Our families still have some connections and strength, as long as Baosheng doesn't buy it; we're not so worried about competing with other families."

"Actually, the acquisition of a bank is only the first step, and operation is the key. Therefore, the acquired bank wants to purchase the same equipment as Heiyun Bank.

"Not only that, I heard that you want to facilitate Sumitomo Bank's bank card to withdraw money from the Black Cloud ATM; if possible, we can also join."

Purchasing the same equipment, bank cards withdraw money from each other's ATM machines. This is a good thing, at least it has huge benefits for promoting the black cloud banking system. In the past, small and medium-sized banks in Heungkong could not be called a modern bank at all; they were more like a financial institution that was better than a bank.

It is impossible to popularize and popularize the banking system. The other party will not spend money to purchase equipment, and the ideological realm has not yet been reached.

Now Hu Yingxiang took the initiative to propose, then it is a kind of progress. As one of the international financial centers, Hong Kong is the most economically active city in Asia. It is not good to be always controlled by the British; if Chinese businessmen want to make a difference, they can start from the banking industry.