Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1206

Chapter 1206

At this time, Dominic Dassault didn't know what this meant, but Grandpa said that Bao Zixuan could agree, so he chose to believe it unconditionally. The old man sees the problem much more thoroughly than he does, maybe the richest man Bao can really give this face.

Although he didn't have much contact with him, he could feel that Bao Zixuan still respected his grandfather. In fact, this is also normal. The identity and status of the old Dassault in the international aviation industry are admired by many engineers. Bao Zixuan came from studying aviation power, and he must recognize his grandfather very much in his heart.

It suddenly occurred to me that Grandpa was so sure that there were other factors involved. However, this time, the Black Cloud Group suffered a loss, even if the favors owed to Zai Zai Zai may have been paid off at one time. In order to be respected by others in the future, you must be strong enough. Although the Dassault family will be a help, it does not represent everything. If you lack your own strength and ability, there are a few people in the world who will truly recognize you.

Dominique Dassault stayed in the hotel that night, did not go out during the period, and did not have any romantic encounters and encounters. This made the Dassault engineers admire; it seems that this young man is quite clean, at least better than them at this point.

After all, the old Dassault is over 90 years old, and the company's successor has been pending. It's not always a thing. Although engineers rely on technology for a living, it is also very important for nobles to support and stand in line. If you are on the wrong team, you may be in vain after so many years of hard work. Therefore, many people have not made a choice. They are not only waiting for the price, but also want to protect themselves.

However, if you don't work hard before you get rich, and wait for others to take over the company; it is unrealistic to want to get too many benefits, which is a very contradictory thing. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and France is no exception.

Hearing that Dominic Dassault still wanted to meet with him, Bao Zixuan knew; the old Dassault had already made a choice, and the Black Cloud third-generation aircraft project was carried out smoothly.

Any product developed before is a reference; plus the richest man in Bao is guiding the direction, but there is no detour. However, the third-generation machine is a complex project without complete technical reference and actual data; it is not impossible to rely on the independent research and development of Heiyun Group, but it will take a long time.

The technical information of the f-18 fighter jet obtained at McDonnell Douglas before is just a little bit of fur. After all, McDonnell Douglas is not stupid. If it learns that the Black Cloud Group has all the technical information of the f-18 fighter jet, the US military will never increase the purchase volume.

The technology handed over by McDonnell Douglas, and the dismantling of the f-18 fighter several times, the Black Cloud Group can master it. It is simply unrealistic to rely on this to develop a third-generation fighter. However, Dassault's technical information is completely different. Bao's richest man asks for all the technology.

Then as long as the production line is completed, it can be put into production directly. Everyone is a professional. I believe that as long as Dassault is not stupid, they will not dare to deceive Heiyun. In order to survive in the gap between American and Soviet enterprises, it is more beneficial for the two companies to cooperate with each other. If the only allies are offended to death, then Dassault's life will not be easy in the end.

Moreover, Heiyun also needs to provide UFO technology and production lines. If you play tricks on technology, don't you worry about people waiting for revenge. In the end, it can only be a lose-lose situation, and it will seriously affect the business reputation. It will be difficult to find a partner in the future.

Originally, the richest man Bao wanted to skip the third-generation fighter and directly develop the fourth-generation. However, it was later discovered that the technology was not mature at all. There is no relevant experience in fighter planes at all, and the final outcome will not be good.

It is not without reason that science and technology must be done step-by-step, and it cannot be encouraged. I can't even walk, and I still want to go to a running competition. Getting the last one is one thing, and it will definitely be ridiculed by everyone at the end.

The French weapons and equipment are not bad at all in terms of technology, otherwise it would be impossible to obtain so many international orders. Although there is no political appeal, the fact that many countries can pay the bill is enough to explain the problem. No one is stupid. At critical moments, it is still necessary to rely on products. If the price/performance ratio is not high, I believe that country will not purchase.

Still at the headquarters of the Black Cloud Group, Dominic Dassault came to Bao Zixuan's office this time. As for other engineers, they arranged to visit inside the black cloud. Many things are inconvenient for subordinates to know, and it is easy to cause criticism. Moreover, Bao Zixuan was always alone, and the French side had to deal with it equally.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Mr. Dassault, I don't know what you think of Bao's opinion."

Hearing that the other party went straight to the subject, Dominique Dassault found that his grandfather guessed right. The Black Cloud Group needs third-generation fighter jets, and it needs Dassault.

In fact, this is not entirely true. If the Soviet Union disintegrates, there are more ways to obtain the core technology of third-generation fighter jets. But that will take time, and there will be huge risks. Even if a huge country disintegrates, the successor is not weak. It is also a hassle if the family slows down.

There's no problem with taking advantage of something, everyone is opening one eye and closing one eye. But if you go too far, Lao Maozi is not easy to mess with. In the future, I will continue to mix in which area, and I have to take into account some affection.

Dominique Dassault: "Dassault headquarters does not object to this transaction, and for convenience, the evaluation steps can be omitted. Mr. Bao should know Dassault's technical strength in fighter jets. Heiyun Group, as well as Mr. Bao The achievements in the aviation field are also obvious to all.

"So what we mean is to directly exchange the full set of UFO technology with the full set of Rafale fighter technology. As for the production line, the Black Cloud Group provides a list. If France can produce it, we will produce or buy it in France; if the French equipment can't meet the requirements The technical requirements are to buy from Heiyun. But I hope that Bao Zixuan will give the market price, not a premium, this is a prerequisite.

Hearing the conditions offered by Dominic Dassault, the richest man Bao understood that the other party still came with sincerity. On the surface, the black cloud may suffer a little, but the actual value is similar.

The United States buys technology and a complete production line, which is to fool Ian Wright to go back and start a new business and make it himself. Before that, I had no foundation at all, and I was worried about the technical blockade of major domestic aircraft manufacturers, so I had to buy it from Heiyun.

As for the United Kingdom, it is because of British Aerospace, which used to be more about the production of aircraft accessories. For the production and assembly of the whole machine, there is no experience, and the equipment is not very complete.

Dassault does not have these problems and can produce multiple models of aircraft itself. The inside of the factory is profound, and apart from some customized machinery, it really doesn't need anything from the Black Cloud Group.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Does Master Dassault also have the same opinion!"

This question is the same as not asking. If the old Dassault doesn't make a decision, who dares to decide. The most important thing is that even if the contract is signed, there is no way to perform it. But Bao Zixuan still wanted to confirm and see what the other party said.

Dominic Dassault: "That's what Grandpa meant, he said you'd agree, I'm just an enforcer."

This kid is not stupid at all, since he can use his grandfather's charm and fame to complete the task, he doesn't need to be competitive. The first contact between the two parties was completely unfamiliar. It's not realistic to want people to recognize you. It's better to admit it directly than to try to please; this will also allow you to complete the task earlier and return to France.

And there are only two people at this time, and the confidentiality of the negotiation is still very high. The engineers who came over were all thrown away, just because they were worried that these people would not be able to keep their mouths shut and go back and talk nonsense. The help of the family is also another manifestation of strength.

Relying on the relationship of grandpa, it is not very shameful to reach a cooperation with the other I'm afraid that I won't be able to keep my face down, and I won't get things done, and I'll be laughed at when I go back.

Bao Zixuan said very seriously: "Since it is Master Dassault's intention, Bao must naturally give this face. The matter will be done as you said, and Heiyun will show the greatest sincerity."

Sure enough, as the old man expected, it seems that I really need to learn from the scriptures when I go back.

Dominique Dassault: "Dassault will not let Mr. Bao disappointed. After all, there is still a long way to go. American and Soviet companies are a huge threat to us, and there will be many opportunities for cooperation between the two sides in the future."

The matter has been negotiated, according to Bao Zixuan's style, he must invite people to dinner, which is the most basic politeness issue. At this time, the father and son of the Cantonese restaurant have become accustomed to it. Recently, the number of visits by the richest man has increased significantly; and each time he is with foreigners.

However, when they open the door to do business, they should not ask things; they never dare to ask more, so as not to arouse the disgust of the guests.

Dominique Dassault and the French engineers left with satisfaction after eating and drinking. But the matter is not over yet. After all, the movement caused this time is not small, and many people in the world have to find the Black Cloud Group for negotiation.