Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1199

Chapter 1199

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Hearing Iron Lady's report, he combined the other party's expression. Of course, I know what's going on. This is to pull the royal family together. If something goes wrong, I hope the royal family can help resolve and coordinate. The greater the ability of a person, the higher the position; the corresponding responsibility is greater. The image of the British royal family has finally been restored. Do you want to take risks and help the country introduce technology?

However, the Queen is also a resolute person. Since the country needs this technology, it must be obtained. Isn't the wealth acquired by ancestors to help future generations survive the crisis? In World War I and World War II, Britain spent so much gold, isn't that the same reason!

Moreover, some of the cultural relics in the British Museum may never have the opportunity to be exhibited, and the exchange of technology has also played a role.

But you can't just let the government and the people contribute, and the royal family should also show it. Even if you pay very little, it is more or less an attitude.

The Queen said very seriously: "Take out some jewelry, jewelry, and cultural relics from the royal family's treasury; the responsibility that the royal family must take must not be turned away."

Hearing this, Iron Maiden somewhat admired the person in front of her. Although a part of the jewelry was spent, it also won the favor of the public. And this money is absolutely worth it, at least it has improved the image of the royal family by more than one level.

In case the news is exposed one day, even if the public is not satisfied, there is absolutely nothing to say. And she will also think that Her Majesty the Queen is selfless, and silently pays for the strength of the country.

Iron Maiden: "Thank you for your support, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

The royal family has been dealt with, so the next step is to communicate with the staff of the British Museum. It would be better for the magistrate to take care of it now. Without the nod of this group of people, it would be almost impossible to transport the cultural relics out quietly.

Fortunately, Buckingham Palace is not very far from the British Museum, and there is no waste of time.

The current director of the British Museum, Jimmy Sloan, is a direct descendant of Hans Sloan, the museum's donor. The British are indeed commendable in this area of inheritance.

In 1753, after the death of the collector Sir Hans Sloane, he donated all 71,000 personal collections and a large number of plant specimens, books and manuscripts to the country according to his will.

After the opening of the museum, a large number of precious collections were seized through various activities of the British in various places. The early British Museum mainly focused on natural history specimens, but there were also a large number of cultural relics and books.

It can be said that the British Museum has achieved its current scale only by the continuous donation of British people; if the donors know that the British government actually sells cultural relics for money, or in exchange for high-tech. It will definitely be very disappointing, and it is very difficult to say whether it will continue to donate in the future.

Therefore, Bao Zixuan thought that he needed the kind of cultural relics that would never see the light of day, so that the pressure on the British government would be less.

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