Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1178

Chapter 1178

After the two MIIT agents got the screws, they went straight back to the hotel without stopping. Poland belongs to the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union, and it is very dangerous for Americans to leave the country overnight.

And in order to be absolutely safe, I also replaced the two screws on my suitcase, and camouflaged the screws with the German marks of World War II. They seem to be two ordinary businessmen, even if they know they are secret agents; they are not carrying any prohibited items, so it is not easy to overdo it. Now is not the time to be happy, at least not too high-profile. It is even more impossible to connect with the country, and the possibility of exposure must be reduced.

Early the next morning, the two checked out and left; before leaving, they went to the border trade market to buy a lot of goods; everything seemed very normal.

After successfully returning to West Germany, he immediately reported to the country. Defense Secretary Weinberg did not expect that, Ian Wright guessed completely correct. Although two ordinary German screws do not mean anything, but when they appeared in the basement of the Olsztyn Observatory, and by coincidence, Bao Zixuan had stopped there. Before leaving, I also bought a lot of products, and there were also boxes and other items for customs transportation.

The U.S. Department of Defense is not a court, nor is it a trial against Bao Zixuan. It is enough to know where he got the technical information in the past. No wonder Heiyun Group has developed so rapidly in recent years, not only because Bao Zixuan is a genius, many well-known scholars have joined, and he has also obtained German technical materials. Then the development of flying saucers, ground effect aircraft, stealth bombers and other products can all be explained.

There must be more than this information, Bao Zixuan must have obtained more. For the United States, these must not be let go; they must be obtained, even if they turn their face.

Weinberg asked people to send two screws to Washington and Hong Kong respectively, one he took to report to President Reagan in person;

Wimber came to the White House with President Reagan waiting for him. The Secretary of Defense still has some privileges if he wants to meet with the President. As long as the other party is not meeting with foreign heads of state, they will basically make time.

Weinberg is an unusually calm person, who usually does not come to disturb him; being able to come directly shows that the matter is not trivial. In addition, Ian Wright's past to Hong Kong may be directly related to this matter.

In the White House Office of the President, Reagan said with a smile: "Secretary Weinberg, come here in such a hurry, is there any emergency?"

The two had a good personal relationship, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to work together for so long; it could be said that Wimber was an absolute confidant, after all, when Reagan was governor, the other party was his staff.

Without hesitation, Kasper Weinberg took out a screw and put it on his work.

Reagan, though curious, picked up the screw anyway. Weinberg is a very calm person who never makes jokes at work. Although it is just a screw, there may be a big secret hidden inside.

Even if I don't know the situation, I understand that the screw in front of me comes from Germany during World War II; is there any unknown secret here.

Reagan: "What does Secretary Weinberg mean, or what is different about this screw."

Kasper Weinberg: "General Ian Wright has arrived in Hong Kong, and he found out when he was researching the data on the plane; Bao Zixuan's behavior in Poland in 1981 was a bit abnormal, not like his style of behavior. And Poland Austrian Kirsztyn once belonged to East Prussia, the cradle of German officers."

"In the late World War II, it's not surprising that Germany was defeated and buried any technical data. I didn't expect it before, but as the Black Cloud Group continues to successfully develop new weapons and equipment, it can't help but make people suspicious. Bao Zixuan is a genius, and it is impossible. I understand everything. It is mainly the products developed, which are too similar to the weapons and equipment of Germany in those days.

"So I immediately arranged for MIIT agents to investigate, and their efforts paid off; they found two screws in the basement of the Olsztyn Observatory."

"Although there is nothing but two screws. But the staff of Heiyun Group used to be stationed at the observatory for a period of time. Plus when Bao Zixuan left Poland, he transported a lot of big boxes."

"There is absolutely no such coincidence in the world. The Black Cloud Group must have obtained the technical materials left by Germany."

Gu Ligan: "This clue is very important, no wonder the Heiyun Group is developing so fast. Moreover, the intelligence shows that they have refitted many old German tanks and machine tools. This shows that there are already detailed technical drawings; Bao Zixuan himself is a genius. Fake, but the development is so rapid, but also with the help of strong external support."

"Let Ian Wright find out what good things Bao Zixuan got in Poland. The United States can't let go of any opportunity to strengthen itself. If this kid is smart enough, he should know how to do it."

The United States can lead the world in the field of science and technology, especially in the field of aerospace; it has a direct relationship with the German scientists who brought it back. Relying on domestic engineers and technicians alone, they wanted to open up the gap with the Soviets, and

It's not that easy. Reagan was well aware of the role and influence of German technology, and Bao Zixuan could not be monopolized by himself.

It is impossible to restrain the other party now, after all, the Black Cloud Group has been researching technical data for a long time; but there is still no problem with sharing.

Reagan had his secretary call CIA Director William Joseph Casey and have him come to the White House immediately.

Although I have seen the capabilities of the Military Intelligence Agency, I can work on intelligence; especially the intelligence work involving enterprises, it is better to leave it to professionals.

Hearing President Reagan called William Joseph Casey over, Weinberg was a little disappointed, but didn't show it. It is impossible for the president to recognize the capabilities of the military intelligence agency in a short period of time. As long as it is made clear that the MIB is very effective, it is enough. Moreover, when investigating Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan, there is still some scruples; it is not bad to let the CIA wipe their ass.

After receiving the call from the White House, Director Casey did not dare to hesitate, and rushed over immediately. Although he didn't know what was going on, President Reagan was meeting with Secretary of Defense Weinberg, and he knew it. The two must have something important that requires the cooperation of the intelligence department. This is also a good opportunity to perform.

Reagan didn't talk nonsense and handed the screw straight to William Joseph Casey. At the same time, let Weinberg introduce the situation again, and let the CIA director know the ins and outs of the matter.

Hearing that the Black Cloud Group obtained German technology from Poland, Director Casey agreed. In fact, the CIA has been thinking about why Bao Zixuan will take the initiative to participate in the military exercise, and will go to Olsztyn after the military exercise. There are many cities in Poland, and there are many places to invest; Olsztyn does not have much advantage.

Now it seems that people's purpose is technical information, and investment is just an incidental thing. The behavior of the Ministry of Defense made him a little unhappy. Now that there may be a problem with Olsztyn, the CIA should be notified. Now that I'm doing the work myself, it means the CIA isn't that important.

Now that people are the heroes, he doesn't say much, but he can only knock out his teeth and swallow in his stomach. But this ugliness will not come out in vain. When there is a suitable opportunity, we must find the place back.

Reagan was a master at educating people, and of course he wanted his men to compete with each other. The premise is that under his control, the current situation is very good. If the Ministry of Defense is too powerful, the Secretary of Defense will threaten his position. The CIA is too powerful, and no one can say whether it will be the next Hoover.

Therefore, it is absolutely not possible to let one department go silent, which is very detrimental to the whole country.

Reagan: "It seems that Bao Zixuan must have brought back a lot of technical materials from Poland, and I hope the CIA can figure it out. Also, the technical materials left by the Germans must be carefully sorted; Shine bright."

Reagan thought more thoroughly than them. Before, he just thought about how to get the benefits from Bao Zixuan and get what he wanted. How can I forget that the United States also seized a lot of technical drawings from Germany. It seems that he gave up on his own imagination, maybe there is really good stuff in it; it just hasn't been discovered by the capable people.

The Ministry of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency do have such technical data in the warehouses, and they must be sorted out; it is a serious waste of resources to continue to put them there.

In fact, William Joseph Casey also thought about exposing Bao Zixuan's access to German technical materials; not to mention ruining his reputation, it would at least reduce his international influence. But Reagan didn't benefit from it, and he couldn't make his own decisions. He could only investigate it clearly.