Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1176

Chapter 1176

Through discussions with aviation experts, Director William Joseph Casey could not help but pay attention; flying saucers are no small matter, even more worrying than stealth fighter bombers and ground effect aircraft. After all, the radar display surface of this thing is smaller, and the illumination is the same in all directions, and there is no dead angle at all.

Then the question comes, if the black cloud flying saucer forms combat power and flies over the White House. At that time, the entire United States will be in danger, even if Bao Zixuan dare not, it is difficult to guarantee that the Soviets will take the risk.

It's too early to say these things, but everything has to be taken care of before it happens. As the director of the CIA, all weapons and equipment that can threaten national security must be strangled in the cradle!

Even if it cannot be completely blocked, it is necessary to master the core technology. This is the bottom line. If Bao Zixuan does not agree, then he is the enemy of America. William Joseph Casey would not dare to deal directly with the Black Cloud Group. In other words, they are also the largest taxpayer in the United States, and they have not done anything that harms the interests of the United States. If you really annoy the richest man in Bao, you will never have good fruit to eat.

In the United States, there are some scruples about companies that legally pay taxes. Even the CIA, after all, these capitalists are very rich. Could it be that they go directly to the assassination, the two sides don't seem to have such a big hatred yet. Once exposed, the international influence is one aspect, and it is estimated that his own family will suffer as well.

Everyone who does business has money, and when you want to kill others, you also want to take good care of the other party's crazy revenge. Since we can't play hooligans, we must solve it through other means.

Hearing that William Joseph Casey wanted to see him, Reagan asked his secretary to bring someone in. It is not only a matter of confidants, but more importantly, the position of the other party is very memorable. As the director of the CIA, he has the right to meet the president for the first time.

The two major intelligence agencies in the United States, the CIA is mainly external, and the FBI is internal; the division of labor is still very clear. Come directly to the White House without prior notice; there must be an emergency, and Reagan did not dare to neglect. If it involves national decision-making issues, it is necessary to give opinions as soon as possible.

Regan said with a smile: "William, come here in such a hurry, is there something important!"

Reagan still knew a lot about this henchman. Regardless of the ability of the other party, but he is not a targetless person, and it is impossible to come to the White House for no reason; especially during working hours.

William - Joseph - Casey also no nonsense, showing the photo directly to Reagan.

Reagan was obviously taken aback when he saw the photo. Although he is the President of the United States, he is really not very familiar with this dish-shaped aircraft. I just know that the Germans developed it back then. As for the specific level, it is not particularly clear. The country has too many things to deal with, in terms of weapons and equipment research; the president certainly can't take care of it, and he doesn't understand it. If you participate rashly, you will also make yourself and the engineer more troublesome.

Reagan: "Is this a flying saucer! Which country developed it?"

Even if I don't understand it, I understand that this is not an American product. On the one hand, the major aviation manufacturing companies did not report, and the US military did not have a budget for the flying saucer project.

If it is a product of an American company, it is definitely not a satellite image. You can just go over and take pictures. If you show such unclear pictures to yourself, it is estimated that the CIA has no better way.

William - Joseph - Casey: "This is a picture taken by a satellite in the Xiangjiang area. It can basically be determined that it is a flying saucer developed by the Black Cloud Group for a test flight. And it seems that it should be the first test flight."

"The rise of Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan has enabled us to have two satellites dedicated to monitoring the dynamics of Xiangjiang, so unless it is night, we cannot escape our eyes."

"The flying saucer is not painted with any paint, just to form a reflection in the sun. Fortunately, our lens has a filter function, and although the effect is average, it can still be seen clearly."

Hearing that it was the Black Cloud Group again, Reagan really didn't know what to say. The Plaza Accord has just been signed with Japan, West Germany, the United Kingdom, and France, which has already caused a lot of dissatisfaction in Japan and West Germany. Could it be that the Black Cloud Group has to be sanctioned at this time, isn't that nothing?

Offending too many countries and enterprises is not conducive to the economic development of the United States.

Reagan: "What do aviation experts say and what the CIA wants to do about it."

"America's national security cannot be compromised, and that must be kept in mind."

This is to kick the ball back to him, but to let you, the president, make up your mind, not to give you advice. But there are some things that really can't be said, and the most important thing is not dare. And the president's words must be answered. This is the most basic principle of being a subordinate.

William - Joseph - Casey: "Analysis by aviation experts, it is very likely that the Black Cloud Group obtained the technical data and drawings left by the Germans. After all, this flying saucer is very similar to the technical drawings we seized, and it is said that it came from one person. Hands won't be surprised either."

"After 40 years, even if the two engineers can think of one piece, there will be a little difference. After all, they can't be the same person. Then the question is, where did the Black Cloud Group get the information, and the analysis believes that it may be the Soviet Union."

"The Soviet intelligence department has a very good relationship with Bao Zixuan. It is not difficult for them to secretly sell some technical information."

"You must know that during World War II, most of Germany's most important cutting-edge weapons production bases were occupied by the Soviets. It is not unusual to obtain the technical information of flying saucers."

"And it is reasonable to change some funds back when you know that you have no ability and technical strength to successfully develop it."

"At present, this flying saucer has not yet formed combat effectiveness, but the time given by aviation experts is only one year. In other words, after one year, the black cloud flying saucer will be a fully mature product and a huge threat to the United States."

William - Joseph - Casey reported the analysis of aviation experts to Reagan. Don't say it's really like it, at least Reagan thinks that the director must have used his brain; he knows the ins and outs of things.

But analysis alone is not enough. As a president, any decision-making must safeguard the core interests of the United States; it is an exaggeration to say that you cannot make mistakes, but at least you cannot let the people pick out faults.

Reagan: "Then what do you think is going to be done? It's not good to let people hand it over directly. You must think of a surefire way."

It seems that there is no position, but in fact, it is telling the CIA; don't go too far, and don't go too far. If someone is really bold, let Bao Zixuan misunderstand. It may not matter now, if it really is after retirement, it is really uncertain whether it will be able to die peacefully.

William - Joseph - Casey is not a fool and certainly understands what Reagan means. I don't want to offend Bao Zixuan, is this kid so scary! Or there is something tricky between the two, and this possibility is not ruled out. Running for president requires a lot of money, and Reagan also needs the support of major financial groups and companies.

Apparently, a subsidiary of Heiyun had provided funding for the Reagan campaign, but the two did not seem to have much friendship in private. Reagan's remarks caused the CIA director to misunderstand, but it didn't seem to be a bad thing for both parties.

Now that Reagan has expressed his attitude, William Joseph Casey did not want to be a villain, and said directly: "The best way at present is that the United States must also have flying saucers, and try not to let the Soviets get them."

"Although this idea is a bit naive, it is really not difficult to operate."

Hearing that the Americans got it and didn't let the Soviets have it, this kid really has such great skills. You must know that Bao Zixuan has a very good relationship with the Soviet people and has cooperated on many projects together. Does the United States dare to openly challenge the Soviet Union on this matter? It is estimated that the final result will not be very good.

Reagan: "Director Casey has any good ideas to come up with, and as long as it's appropriate, follow the CIA's plan."

William - Joseph - Casey: "Share the information with the military and let them send someone to negotiate with Bao Zixuan. The most suitable candidate at present is General Ian Wright, who has some friendship with Bao Zixuan; plus he is in charge of the military The purchase of has been very suitable in the past.

But this time, it is not just to buy a flying saucer, but to get all its technical information. Although difficult, America has no other option.

"If you don't get all the technical information, then there will be conflicts in the future. The saucer-shaped aircraft was not detected by the radar and bombed the White House directly, and it will be too late to regret it."

"The opinion given by aviation experts is that only by mastering a full set of technical information can a counter-radar system and corresponding weapons and equipment be developed."

"So in the past, the negotiation with Xiangjiang was a good choice, at least it wouldn't be easy to break up with the other party. And Ian Wright's ability is absolutely nothing to talk about, and Bao Zixuan can still talk to each other."

Reagan finally understood why the other party came to look for him. The report was on the one hand, and he might also be worried that Ian Wright would not listen to the command of the CIA. This kid really has a lot of hearts. Fortunately, it's all for the United States. As for personal gains and losses, I don't care that much at the moment.

Reagan: "Just signed the Plaza Accord with Japan, West Germany, France, and the United Kingdom; Japan and West Germany must have opinions on this. Next month, they will meet with the new Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss the destruction of medium-range ballistics. The missile thing. The only one who can maintain the security of the Soviet Union is their army. The Soviet military must be disintegrated from the inside. It is still difficult to defeat this polar bear by force. Therefore, for other things, we must not do too much. ; clearly remember that the Soviet Union is the greatest enemy."

Hearing this, William - Joseph - Casey certainly understood what it meant. Perhaps this is the pattern of the president, and the problem is much more profound than his; otherwise, how can someone become the boss of the country!