Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158

At this time, Bao Zixuan was still very excited, and he couldn't calm down for a long time; especially when he picked up the child with his own hands. I used to feel that everything was not so real when I came to this era, but now I find that I am myself, and I am no different from other people in this world. And with children, life should not be lonely in the future.

It's hard to say whether he can be a good father, but he thinks of the terrifying dowry when Huaxia married his daughter in later generations. It is estimated that his daughter will not worry about money for several lifetimes. In the future, he will surely become the father-in-law of the nation in the eyes of later generations of netizens, maybe even all over the world.

Zhang Youran was very relieved to see her husband giggling. In any case, he helped Bao's family to have two children. Although it was not so perfect, it was just the beginning.

The reporter got a red envelope, and the richest man in the package has arranged for a bodyguard to come out, adding the tone he just said. Even knowing that a baby photo was taken is sure to boost newspaper sales. That would completely offend the richest man, and let the bodyguard lose his job. Bao Zixuan's bodyguards are not low in salary and treatment. Anyone who dares to let them lose their jobs will never make you feel better.

There is really no one who is so oblivious. All the reporters left, and none of them chose to stay. It's one thing to report on Bao Zixuan. Anyone who makes a hype with a newborn baby is no different from courting death.

The baby needs to be breastfed, but fortunately there are two mothers; and Zhang Youran insists on breastfeeding, which is rare among the wealthy families in Xiangjiang. In fact, it is not only the problem of biological children, but also wants to show it in front of her mother-in-law. Li Yulin relied on breast milk to raise her child back then, and as a daughter-in-law, he couldn't do anything wrong.

At this time, in the house of the Xiangjiang chartering king, Mr. Bao was listening to the report of the housekeeper Wu Yonglu.

Wu Yonglu: "Master, Mrs. Bao Zixuan, Zhang Youran, gave birth to a pair of twin daughters half an hour ago. At present, Zhang Yuliang and his wife, Bao Zixuan's mother and son are all being taken care of at the Sanatorium and Hospital."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan has a child, although it is a daughter, is also a happy thing. Mr. Bao said with a smile: "Very good, choose a few pieces of children's jewelry to send, don't care about the money; the more expensive, the better, if you can see it with your own eyes, it will be even better."

"Alu, you have been in Bao's house for 50 years; I have never regarded you as a person. Go talk to Li Yulin and see if you can let me see the child before I die."

Hearing this, Wu Yonglu knew that it was difficult to do, but he absolutely could not refuse the master's order; he could only bite the bullet and execute it.

At the same time, Huo Yingdong called Bao Zixuan personally after learning that Bao Zixuan had a child. Although the relationship between the two was not as harmonious as before, Bao Zixuan would give gifts every time he came over. Now that people have children, they should send blessings to the public and private, and also organize the women of the family to visit.

Hearing that it was Huo Yingdong's call, Bao Zixuan answered and said, "Hello, Mr. Huo!"

Huo Yingdong: "Everyone in Xiangjiang knows that the Bao family is happy to add two daughters. Of course, as an old friend, you should call to pay attention. I didn't drink wedding wine before when I got married. This time I added two daughters to my family, but I can't make it too shabby."

"I have already prepared the red envelope, so I can't keep it at home all the time."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan immediately understood what he meant. This is to ease the relationship, after all, it was not very pleasant in China before. It is not a problem to be so tense all the time. If you want to make money in the future, you still need the mainland market.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Thanks to Mr. Huo for his concern, and I will definitely invite you when the child is 100 years old."

When the full moon was full, Bao Zixuan was not ready to handle it, after all, the child was too young. In case if you are tired, it will be too late to regret it. And before the Plaza Accord is signed, neither the Black Cloud Group nor itself can make a high profile. Any disturbance will affect the nerves of the Japanese, but it cannot be neglected.

Hearing that Bao Zixuan had no plans to prepare a full moon wine, Huo Yingdong didn't say anything. The two sides just exchanged a few words and made an appointment to get together in two days.

Just as Huo Yingdong hung up, Li Zhaoji called. The two have a lot of cooperation projects, which can be regarded as a gesture of goodwill.

In short, there were a lot of people calling today, and all of them were tycoons. Even the president of Xinhua News Agency, Li, called and conveyed the blessings of the top management in Kyoto.

It can be said that Bao Zixuan's daughter has already become the focus of attention since she was born.

Gu stayed in the hospital for another three days before returning home.

The more Bao Zixuan looked at the stroller, the more dissatisfied he became. After all, many products in this era have not yet been manufactured. The richest man's child, and he himself has a father who studied mechanical manufacturing, how could he use such an unreasonable product.

But now the most urgent task is to give the child a name. I can't call the eldest and the second child every day!

The third lady did not shy away from living in her daughter's house. Although I know that there are many servants at home, but as a mother, I still have to do my part. And she is only such a daughter, and now that she has a granddaughter, of course, her mind will change with it. As for the Zhang family, when his daughter married Bao Zixuan, it was more of a relationship in name and situation.

Li Yulin: "Axuan, you already have a daughter, so you need to name the child. Otherwise, it's not a problem, and the child's identity certificate and household registration are also required. Do you have other ideas?"

Hearing this, the richest man Bao felt that it was very reasonable; every day he knew how happy he was, but he even forgot about the big event.

As a man in science and engineering, when it comes to research and development of products, it may not be difficult for him. But when it comes to choosing a name, it's a bit difficult. Fortunately, the third lady gave a note, saying that the names of girls are mostly based on Chu Ci.

It can be said to wake up the dreamer in one sentence, and the method is very feasible. Bao Zixuan didn't want the children in the family to be ranked according to their characters. Seeing like that, they are people who have ulterior motives in the future; they may also use their names to sway and deceive them, which will add a lot of trouble to themselves.

, is the first collection of romantic poetry in the history of Chinese literature, and is said to be a new style of poetry created by Qu Yuan. The name "Chu Ci" existed in the early Western Han Dynasty and was edited into a collection by Liu Xiangnai. Wang Yi of the Eastern Han Dynasty wrote chapters and sentences. Originally collected from the Warring States period Qu Yuan, Song Yu and Huainan Xiaoshan, Dongfang Shuo, Wang Bao, Liu Xiang and others in the Han Dynasty, a total of 16 poems. Later, Wang Yi added to his own works, making them into seventeen chapters. The whole book is mainly composed of Qu Yuan's works, and the rest of the chapters also follow the form of Qu Fu. With the use of Chu's literary style, dialect rhythm and local products, it has a strong local color, hence the name, which has a profound impact on the poetry of later generations.

There is no such literary works at home, so I made a phone call; Heiyun's staff in Kyoto began to act. No matter what version of Chu Ci on the market, they were all snapped up and shipped to Xiangjiang by plane overnight.

In fact, there are also Chu Ci sales in Xiangjiang, but Bao's richest man doesn't feel authentic. After all, traditional Chinese literature is still more profound in Kyoto. In fact, some fuss is made, and my mind is still very floating at this time. If someone says that there are the most authentic Chu Songs in Qu Yuan's maybe the richest man in the package will ask people to dig out Qu Yuan.

For a while, the major bookstores in Kyoto felt inexplicable. Why did so many people buy Chu Ci all of a sudden? Could it be that there is some mystery in it? However, it is definitely a good thing to have a business, and it is something that should not be inquired; you can't ask too much, and you must pay attention to confidentiality when doing business.

The employees of Heiyun Group purchased Chu Ci with such a big fanfare that they even spread to the highest level. The old man smiled and said, "It seems that Mr. Bao cares about his daughter's name very much, but his approach is a bit extreme. After all, he is a young man who likes simplicity and directness."

The secretary was confused, but the leader didn't say anything, so he didn't dare to ask more.

When Chu Ci is in hand, you must study it carefully.

So in the next period of time, the richest man Bao ate every day in addition to eating, he was studying the poems of Chu. Whether it is at home, at work, or even on the road, they are unwilling to let it go.

A week later, the names of the two daughters have been chosen.

Bao Zixuan said to Zhang Youran, the third lady, and his mother Li Yulin: "The eldest is called Bao Yingrong; Ying originally means illuminating; reflecting, illuminating and showing. As a person's name, it has the meaning of light, brightness and warmth. Refers to tolerance, permission, appearance, joy. When used as a person's name, it has the meaning of tolerance, calmness, joy, and auspiciousness."

"As for the second child, it is called Bao Xinglan; it means the end of the night. It is from the poem of Xie Lingyun in the Southern Dynasties Song Dynasty: Birds return to the boat, and Xinglan is ordered to serve."

He is the only man in the family, as the father of the child; he was named after him. The name isn't bad either, and the three women certainly won't have any opinions. So far, the two daughters of the Bao family have names.

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