Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129

Latest website: Regarding Sharjah's succession as sheikh, there is no objection from all Arab countries, which makes Sharjah feel incredible. Jordan and Saudi Arabia pay special attention to traditions, how could they let a woman make such a fool of herself. Even countries such as Salad, Jordan, etc. do not want to be involved in the UAE side. But Abu Dhabi and Dubai are dumb, and they don't say anything.

They didn't say maybe, but the Emirate of Sharjah couldn't hold back so much. At this time in the territory of Tiga, the most fierce one was Prince De Ligt. The hatred of killing a child and the hatred of stealing a wife are all mortal hatreds. As a prince of Sharjah, he is about to become the laughing stock of the entire Middle East royal family.

The old guy also served in the army for a while when he was young, and he himself graduated from the British military academy. Often the first player in the United Arab Emirates, but not officially recognized. If it was just an ordinary member of the royal family, it is estimated that Hamad would not have married Sala to him. And there is also the meaning of handing Fucaira to him, which is considered a small strength.

The current chief, Qasimi, is De Ligt's eldest brother, and of course he knows exactly what this younger brother wants to do. But as the chief of Sharjah, he must not watch Fucaira be so nonsense. After all, in history, where once belonged to Tiga.

De Ligt: "Chief Qasimi, you must not watch Sara succeed as Sheikh Fucaira. Hamad cannot decide this matter alone. After all, Fucaira used to be part of Sharjah, we can't See where their father and daughter are messing around."

"And since Dubai and Abu Dhabi can let Fujairah go, they should not prevent Sharjah from occupying Fujairah. As the former owner of that land, Sharjah is certainly qualified to prevent the farce from continuing."

Kasimi didn't speak, but glanced at a middle-aged man next to him, who immediately understood what he meant.

The middle-aged man said: "At present, there are 6,200 elite soldiers in the country, but considering other aspects, up to 4,800 people can be dispatched to attack Fucaira."

"But Fucaira, with the support of the Black Cloud Group, already has a regular army. Although I don't know the specific size, there are definitely a lot of them. And the other party even has stealth strategic bombers. We don't have much chance of winning."

The man who spoke was named Sheikh, another younger brother of Qasimi, who was in charge of domestic military affairs and intelligence.

Hearing Sheikh say that there is no chance of winning, De Ligt certainly does not agree with this statement. So he directly replied: "What does it mean to have no chance of winning? Can you still look at this in a war. At present, Sala's foothold in Fucaira is not stable. If that woman has a foothold in the position of chief. If you want to attack, it is estimated that the international community will would not agree."

"The soldiers are very fast, and the Heiyun Group's strategic bombers are not as magical as legends, and many of them are just exaggerated. As long as our ground troops win and occupy the entire Fucaira, what can they do if they have planes? There is no airport in the whole of Fujairah, how do the planes take off. As for Dubai and Abu Dhabi, airports will be provided to them.

There is no airport to make the two feel that victory is beckoning, at least the country is a regular army, and the opposite is just a group of security guards. Sharjah has a population of more than 600,000, and Fucaira has only 30,000; the difference between the two is immediately reflected.

Qasimi: "How long until the weapons we ordered in the UK will arrive."

Sharjah itself cannot produce any weapons and equipment, it can only be purchased from other countries. Usually, the reserves of weapons and ammunition for training are still sufficient, but if it is really going to be a war. Pure consumption, no supplement is enough.

This is the sadness of no industry in this country, and there are too many places controlled by people.

Sheikh: "It has already been shipped from Portsmouth, UK. If there are no special circumstances or accidents, it will arrive in the country in 12 days."

Hearing that there were 12 days left, De Ligt was dissatisfied. It suddenly occurred to me that there is no need to be so troublesome, we can attack first, and the domestic inventory is enough to support it for a period of time. Moreover, the transport vessel came from Sharjah, so there is no such thing as a war weapons embargo.

Probably by the time the ship reaches Sharjah, the war will be over. For Fucaira, it was just a reasonable excuse for not attacking before. Now a woman took over as the chief, which gave them a reason to send troops.

Gudericht: "Don't be so troublesome, you must fight quickly at this time. Before Fucaira can react, suddenly attack them."

"When the weapons and equipment we purchased are shipped back to China, people will be unprepared. In fact, it only takes 3,000 people to wipe out the entire Fucaira. At first, the British did not agree, and then it became Abu Dhabi to support them. Now who Neither will continue to protect them, and this is our chance."

Seeing the state of the two brothers fighting chickens, Xie He wanted to say something. But his identity is rather embarrassing. After all, he was not born by his wife, and the two of them are brothers. Being able to manage intelligence and military systems is not only because of Qasimi's trust, but also because he knows that there is no threat to his dominance. Of course there's another point, De Ligt doesn't like to be tied down by chores; maybe indulging in flowers is what the old guy wants.

Now that the situation has changed, it is really hard to solve the hatred in my heart if I don't take revenge with my own hands. De Ligt wanted to let Sala know what would happen if he refused him. At this point the old guy was thinking about grabbing the salad and singing about the feeling of conquest.

As for Bao Zixuan of the Black Cloud Group, he wouldn't make that kid any easier. Dare to grab a woman with him, without looking at how much he weighs. Let this kid come out with billions of dollars, and then slowly torture him. If the UK and China were to come forward, they would put him back.

Killing Bao Zixuan directly, he is not so bold. After all, that kid has a lot of influence in the world, but tormenting him is not a big problem.

De Ligt said solemnly: "Chief Qasimi, how about letting me lead the army this time; I must let Fuzaira know that even if he has left Sharjah before, who is the real owner of that land. "

Of course, Chief Qasimi knew what his younger brother meant, but it would be better for him to lead his troops to attack Fucaira. The old boy is not interested in politics, maybe because he is too much energy involved in women. The Sheikh itself has no blemishes, and if the attack on Fucaira is successful, or the direct annexation of Fucaira, it will be a huge boost to prestige. The lack of a threat to dominance in the past does not mean that there will be no opportunities in the future.

Without giving others a chance to speak, Kasimi said directly: "De Ligt, you haven't brought a soldier for 20 years. Are you sure."

Hearing this, De Ligt knew that it was the elder brother who was giving him a chance. So he said very stubbornly: "I am a graduate of the Royal Naval Academy of the United Kingdom. Although I have not served in the army in recent years, I have not been idle. I have been studying how to recover Fucaira, after all, this is left to us by our ancestors. land."

The Royal Naval Academy of the United Kingdom is the main institution for training junior naval officers in the United Kingdom, and is known as the "cradle" of British naval officers. The college was founded in 1863 and is located in Dartmouth, so it is also known as "Dartmouth Royal Naval Academy". The hospital is led by the Naval Homeland Command. The admission requirements are: 17 to 19 years old, healthy, high school students and outstanding soldiers. The school system is 1 to 4 years.

The main courses are university liberal arts subjects, naval common subjects and professional training. University graduates can be assigned jobs after 1 year of common subject training and are awarded the rank of second lieutenant; high school students are required to stay in school or be sent to local universities to study for 2 to 3 years of university and then After returning to the school to receive professional naval training, he was awarded the rank of second lieutenant trainee after graduation. After half a year of traineeship in the fleet, he could become a qualified second lieutenant.

Many children of the royal family in the Middle East will enter the school to study. De Ligt was one of them, but not the top student he was talking about.

After he didn't get a salad last time, he really found someone to study the terrain of Fucaira. As the prince always has some henchmen, it is still easy to draw a military offensive route map.

Seeing that De Ligt was so well prepared, he had already made relevant plans. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, and the commander-in-chief of the attack on Fucaira must be none other than this.

Qasimi: "Since De Ligt has already made relevant plans, he will be in full command of the battle. Sheikh will assist from the side. I hope that the two of you can show your family prestige and let Fucaira know who is who. is the ruler of the land."

The chiefs have spoken, who dares to say more. Even if you don't agree, keep it in your heart, this is not the time to be strong.

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