Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1123

Chapter 1123

The latest website: Since everyone has already arrived, there is no need to stand outside. Not to mention the danger, the conversation is not very convenient. The British were definitely the presence of the emperor in the United Arab Emirates. As the residence of senior officers, the manor not only covers a huge area, but also other architectural facilities are very stylish. Zayed also wanted to buy the place for a holiday.

But the identity is not suitable, the place where the colonial officers stayed, and now the king lives in it is easy to cause reverie. Therefore, in order to avoid suspicion, the locals did not choose this place, which made the Black Cloud Group a bargain. As for the state and expressions of the local people, I can't care so much at this time.

After a few people were seated, the waiter started serving the food. Today, I specially prepared a meal of the most Chinese halal food. When you come to the Middle East countries, you should pay attention to the national traditions.

Since they were invited, neither of them took the initiative to raise the topic; they both wanted to see what medicine was sold in the gourd in front of him. Although I know it better in my heart, I still want the other party to say it in person. Only in this way can they maximize their interests. As long as Bao Zixuan does not want to seek the rule of the entire country, then for the UAE, his arrival is definitely a matter of benefit and no harm.

Arabs don't drink alcohol, so there is no atmosphere to eat. And as the country's number one or two, he doesn't talk about things at the dinner table.

In less than an hour, the three of them finished their meal.

Bao Zixuan is also inexperienced, making dinner and chatting with the head of state like an ordinary business banquet. As everyone knows, there is a lot of knowledge here, and they say a lot. It's just that due to their terrifying financial resources, the two of them didn't say much. And the royal family in the Middle East does not have so many rules compared to its head of state.

If this happened in Europe, the royal housekeeper or other staff would definitely stop and remind it.

The two followed Bao Zixuan to the living room, and the highlight was next.

After the three of them sat down, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "King Zayed, Sheikh Rashid; thanks to the two of you for coming to the appointment during your busy schedule, Bao is very honored. This time I came here mainly to ask for something. , I hope that the two of you can give a thin face in the next one."

"After the completion of the event, I must be grateful. At the same time, Mr. Bao is absolutely unambiguous about the requirements of the two."

In a typical exchange of interests, at least the attitude must be expressed first.

Zayed said with a smile: "Mr. Bao is a distinguished guest in the UAE, and he is also the largest investor. If you need anything, just say it straight, and we are not only partners, but also friends. Arabs treat friends as long as they are each other. I will do my best to help if you need it.

In one sentence, Bao Zixuan's status is clear, you are just a guest and an investor; you must clarify your identity. Anything that is in line with the identity of the guest is easy to discuss. If you want to make demands of yourself as your master, you shouldn't.

Rashid followed closely and said: "His Excellency said that Mr. Bao is a distinguished guest. If there is anything we need to cooperate with, Dubai will definitely assist."

Hearing that Rashid kept calling himself president, Zayed felt a little uncomfortable. The king represents a high status, and the president is a symbolic head of state. It seems that the old boy in front of him still refuses to accept it. Sooner or later, one day he will have to take care of him. But the most urgent thing is to see what Bao Zixuan has to say, and can only put these things aside.

Bao Zixuan: "The matter of Fucaira must be clear to both of you. Chief Hamad has no son, and he is in poor health. It is too late to be alive, so he can only choose his daughter to succeed him. Although it goes against tradition, But there is no way out.

"This is the internal affairs of the UAE, and I, an outsider, should not be involved. But Princess Sarah has a good relationship with her, and it makes sense to help as a friend."

"I hope that the two of you can look at the past friendship and agree that Sarah will inherit the position of the chief. They must obey the leadership of the entire country, and at the same time lead the clan to prosperity and strength."

A businessman actually wants to interfere in the internal affairs of a country, no matter how small the country is. To directly let a woman succeed the throne, is it really a dead man in the United Arab Emirates? It seems that this kid is very ambitious, and the two of them know exactly what Sala has to do with him. I slept in the same bed last night, not so much that Sara wanted to inherit the throne, but that Bao Zixuan wanted the control of Fucaira.

Even if he doesn't directly **** the throne, his son must succeed him in the future; how can this kid think about good things.

At the same time, the two also have to admit that the Black Cloud Group's visit to the UAE will inevitably lead to economic development. If you just seek Fucaira, it is bound to increase the country's comprehensive strength. But no one can guarantee that this kid can be so honest.

Seeing that Rashid didn't speak, he was forcing him to speak first. After all, Zayed is the President of the United Arab Emirates, the head of state. At this time, letting the chief of the emirate come forward can avoid direct conflict. But Rashid made it clear that he didn't want to offend Bao Zixuan, so this villain could only do it for him.

Rashid said very seriously: "If Mr. Bao asks for anything else, the UAE can agree to it. But when it comes to the issue of the succession of the sheikh, then things are a bit difficult. In the entire history of the Middle East and Arabia, there has never been a country where a woman has appeared. Kings and sheikhs. And the UAE constitution also says that women cannot take part in government work.

"This has happened before. Although Sheikh Hamad has no son, there are many people in the UAE who are related to him by blood. Usually, a male member who is closest to the throne will be found to succeed him. This is in line with tradition and also Be responsible to the people of Fujairah. Please forgive me for the inconvenience of women ruling."

This is outright disagreement and thinking of a solution; didn't you say there is no male member to succeed! Then you can just find someone who is related by blood, this time there is nothing to say!

Zayed gave a look, it was obvious that you were talking! Rasheed didn't want to be involved in this matter. After all, the Black Cloud Group had already invested so much in Fucaira, and Bao Zixuan would definitely not be willing to make wedding dresses for others. Open opposition is something that offends people. Dubai is no better than Abu Dhabi, and many things still need to rely on this man in front of him. The construction of Dubai International Airport and Dubai Airline is inseparable from others at this time.

But now that Zayed wants him to speak, he can't continue to act stupid and be stunned, and his attitude must be made clear.

Rashid: "Mr. Bao, women in the Arab region are not allowed to inherit the position of chief. I hope you can understand. Usually, it is to find children with blood relations to inherit, and let Sarah directly inherit the position of chief. The people may not agree."

Hearing this, Abu Dhabi Sheikh Zayed's nose was almost crooked, what is the usual situation; the people did not agree. This is not to tell people that there are special circumstances and what to do if the people agree.

Rasheed made it clear that he did not intend to offend Bao Zixuan, it seems that some things really can't let him participate.

How smart is Bao Zixuan, it seems that the purpose of calling two people over together has been achieved. So he said bluntly: "It's human, it is inevitable to encounter special circumstances."

"As for the people, the people of Fucaira still support Sarah to lead everyone forward. After all, they have been used to it for so many years, and it is really not so appropriate to change someone in the past."

"If the two don't believe it, a general election can be held. If more than half of the people disagree with Sarah's succession as then this matter is not mentioned.

Zayed glared at Rasheed, and it turned out to be a pig teammate who stepped back. Although the chief of Abu Dhabi is nominally the head of state, he is not very binding on each emirate. Otherwise, Dubai does not dare to always come out to find trouble, and often cooperate with other emirates to force the palace.

Good people let this old boy do it, he must think of a countermeasure. As the President of the United Arab Emirates, you must have an attitude. Rashid can stay out of it, but he can't, and he has to come forward to stop it.

Zayed: "Mr. Bao, the public is one aspect, but it is indeed against tradition to let a woman succeed the throne. As for the successor, Princess Sarah can be appointed. After all, Sheikh Hamad is still alive, so he is not in a hurry."

It is absolutely full of sincerity, which means that if Sala wants to support a puppet, Abu Dhabi will not have any objection.

But the richest man Bao certainly couldn't agree, and when Sarah succeeded, his son would have a chance. The matter of relying on the emperor to command the princes is not suitable for modern society. Only by becoming a chief can many things and projects progress normally. As the saying goes, don't be afraid of 10,000, but be afraid of what happens. What kind of crooked thoughts are the support chiefs will harm the interests of the country.