Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080

Even the director of the CIA said that Morgan was old and confused, and it seemed that he really wanted to talk to the other party. The United States is not only the United States of the chaebols, but the United States of all American people. For the sake of personal and family interests, Old Morgan dared to attack the ideas of Argentine-German scientists and engineers. That was courting death.

But even if he was dissatisfied with the Morgan family, Reagan could only bear it. The presidential term is limited, but the family can pass on for thousands of years. Now offend the old Morgan, and maybe the future generations will pay the debt.

Reagan: "It's useless to say anything now, after all, things have happened. We should still consider how to deal with the aftermath. The Soviets have given us a problem. If we condemn their actions in the international community, it is tantamount to telling the people that the Soviets are shooting and killing. American nationals. Who can be the scapegoat without pointing the finger at the Soviet Union."

"If it's my personal matter, I'll definitely go to Chernenko for a one-on-one fight. But after all, it involves a game between two great powers, so I can't be impatient."

William - Joseph - Casey was really worried that President Reagan was going to trouble the Soviets, and now they must be prepared. At this time, if you fight back, even if you win, you will definitely suffer heavy losses. But if you don't fight back, you're not reconciled, and you get a headache just thinking about it. However, Reagan would find someone. Chernenko struggled to stand up, but he still had the strength to go head-to-head with him.

As the director of the CIA, you must give your own opinion, otherwise the president must have an opinion.

William - Joseph - Casey: "This time we didn't abide by the agreement before, how the Soviets retaliate, we have to endure. Just like the last Cuban missile crisis, the Soviet Union had to withdraw in the end. That's them It's a loss, so my suggestion must be treated coldly."

"Although it is weak and irresponsible to say this as the director of the CIA. But there is no better way at present. Everything must be in the interests of the United States. In the face of national interests, personal gains and losses are nothing at all."

Hearing this, Reagan seemed to fall into memory; in 1962, the Soviet government approved Khrushchev's plan, and Khrushchev attended talks with Raul Castro on July 3 and 8, A secret agreement is reached.

The Soviet Union's decision to deploy intermediate-range missiles in Cuba and provide Il-28 jet bombers began in July. The Soviet Union changed the shipments to Cuba by Soviet ships, disassembled dozens of missiles and dozens of planes into containers and shipped them to Cuba. At the same time, 3,500 military technicians also traveled by boat. Each missile carries a nuclear warhead 20 or 30 times more powerful than the atomic bomb at Hiroshima. The first disguised weapons arrived in Cuba by merchant ships in late July.

It was not until September 2, 1962 that the Soviet Union publicly announced that, according to the agreement reached between the Soviet Union and Cuba, the Soviet Union would supply Cuba with weapons and technical experts. At this time, the transportation plan of the Soviet weapons and experts was basically completed, and the deployment was nearly completed.

Kennedy felt that Soviet missiles posed a serious threat that, if not fought back violently, would tarnish his administration's image at home and abroad, stoke public distrust in him, and put the United States on the back burner. Kennedy decided to make the Soviet Union understand the determination of the United States to go to war.

At 7 p.m. on October 22, 1962, Kennedy delivered a radio speech to the United States and the world, announcing the fact that the Soviet Union had deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba, announcing an armed blockade of Cuba, and requiring the Soviet Union to withdraw the nuclear missiles already deployed in Cuba under the supervision of the United Nations. Offensive weapons.

At the same time, it was announced that any missile launched from Cuba would be counted as a launch from the Soviet Union to attack the United States. The United States will fight back, and will spare no effort to fight back. In the end, the Soviets, who felt wronged, could only withdraw military experts, planes and missiles.

There were no fatalities that time, and it ended with an American victory. Now, more than 90 American citizens have died, and they are being treated coldly, and it is difficult to explain to the public.

Reagan: "How to Cold Handle."

I am still very excited about Director Casey's plan, and when it comes to dealing with shameful things, they are definitely professionals.

William - Joseph - Casey thought for a moment and said: "All the people who died were the employees of the National Steel Company and the other staff members of the Morgan family; it can be said that they were all related to the old Morgan."

"Old Morgan may have more headaches than us at this moment. After all, the Morgan family has lost a lot, and they haven't gained anything yet."

"Since they all obey the Morgan family, then the number of people that Old Morgan said died is the number of people. As for the family members, everyone is already dead. No matter what you say, you can't survive, and maximizing profits is more practical."

"Let Old Morgan compensate according to the highest standard, and you can also add a hush money; the family of the deceased will not say much, and no one will have a hard time with the money."

"Let's just say that there was a gang fight in Argentina, and 8 employees of the National Steel Corporation were unfortunately killed. Even if there is someone who is not convinced and wants to make trouble, there should be no more than 8. Even if it exceeds, it can be said that the injury was serious and he died in the end."

The meaning is obvious, let old Morgan spend money to buy peace. Although it makes sense, Reagan really didn't want to do it, and it was against his original intention.

But if we don't do this now, is there a better way? The Morgan family's money is better than the government's money. For such a large expenditure, I really don't know how to balance it.

Reagan said suddenly: "Then I will leave this matter to you, and talk to old Morgan in person. If he is a smart man, he will definitely do what the CIA wants."

Reagan did not want to take any responsibility for what it meant to do according to the CIA. There is no airtight wall in the world. If the news is leaked, I want to let myself take the blame.

Who asked him to do the job, and sharing the worries for the leader is also part of the job content.

At this time, old Morgan was also thinking about how to deal with it. This time, more than 90 people died. If it was a hundred years ago, it would be easy to spend a little money. But now that the media industry is so developed, in case the report goes out, the Morgan family will save lives; even if the strength is strong, it may not be able to withstand it.

Nearly 100 lives, the American people will not agree. The White House must intervene, and the Morgan family must pay a huge price. Moreover, I had already had a very unpleasant quarrel with Reagan last time. Whether the other party will take advantage of the topic this time is an issue that needs to be considered.

Old Morgan was able to get the news because there were also family intelligence officers among the Argentine hotel staff. Even though the Argentine side has kept it strictly confidential, it is inevitable that there will be oversights and loopholes. And they are all professionals, and it is still very simple to pass information.

Coming out of the White House, William Joseph Casey, reluctantly, dialed an encrypted phone number with the Morgan family.

He also didn't want to take full responsibility, and he didn't know what to say or how to control his emotions when he saw old Morgan. The expression is angry, I am afraid I don't have the courage.

The Morgan family has been able to prosper in the United States for a long time and control the world financial order for hundreds of years. It is definitely not as simple as it appears. I don't know how many interest groups surround the Morgan family, but there must be high-level executives in the CIA who are under the command of the Morgan family. If this had a falling out with Old Morgan, maybe his subordinates would shoot him black guns that night.

Chief Casey didn't dare to take the risk, and it wasn't necessary.

Hearing the call from the director of the CIA, I immediately understood what it meant. It seems that Reagan dare not come forward, which is also a good thing for the Morgan family.

Old Morgan smiled and said, "It turned out to be Director Casey. I don't know where I can help you."

The old guy can still laugh, he really has the demeanor of a general. William - Joseph - Casey knew that the Morgan family must have been informed. It's not so easy to do that in Argentina where complete secrecy is desired.

William - Joseph - Casey: "Don't bother Mr. Morgan, you should already know about Argentina."

"This time it's our For the fugitive scientists and engineers in Germany, no one between the US and the Soviet Union can participate in the arrest. The Morgan family has already touched the bottom line of the Soviets, and retaliation is also expected. middle."

"The CIA will do a good job of keeping secrets, and at the same time will put pressure on Argentina. However, for the families of the victims, the Morgan family needs to settle, and it is nothing more than a matter of spending more money. I think this is simple for the Morgan family. ."

"Unanimously speaking, there was a firefight between Argentine gangs. During this conflict, 8 employees of the National Steel Corporation who were investigating in Argentina were unfortunately killed."

"This is the end of the matter. I hope Mr. Morgan doesn't think about revenge for a short time. The Soviets must be ready, maybe waiting for us to take the bait."

After hearing the CIA director finish, old Morgan finally felt relieved. As long as it's a problem that money can solve, it's not a problem.

Although I am unwilling, I can only express my gratitude. At the same time, old Morgan knew that Reagan didn't take advantage of the problem because he didn't dare. But I will definitely remember this thing, at least the knot is difficult to open.

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