Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070

Latest website: Heiyun Group suddenly came to the door, so that Hawley von Walton has not fully reacted. But what the other party said really made sense. If a family can find him, it will not be difficult for other powerful institutions and organizations. It's just that some intelligence personnel are careful, and the time will be faster.

Another important point is that 40 years have passed since World War II; the United States and the Soviet Union may soon forget them. Heiyun Group acquired a large amount of sodium metal, which led to the exposure of the Sun Cannon project. Then Dr. Hermann-Obert was mentioned, and other German engineers and technicians who escaped naturally followed the tide.

The Black Cloud Group and the Morgan family are trying to find them, so what about the CIA, KGB, Mossad, MI6!

It may be the best choice to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group. To cooperate with the Americans is to lose freedom. In cooperation with the Soviets, not only will the freedom be lost, but the treatment may not be so good in all aspects. Cooperating with Mossad, it is estimated that even his life will not be saved. As for cooperating with the British, it was difficult for the arrogant Germans to accept from the bottom of their hearts.

Although Heiyun Group is a Xiangjiang enterprise, everyone knows that Xiangjiang will inevitably be taken back by China. Moreover, Bao Zixuan himself is a businessman, and the employment does not look at all aspects of the background; as long as it can create benefits for him, other aspects of the inspection are not very strict.

Argentina can no longer stay, perhaps Germany is the best destination.

Hawley von Walden: "Of course it's best to be able to return to Germany, but why do I believe you can do it; even if it can be done, will there be any changes in the middle?"

Although the Black Cloud Group is an enterprise, the large capital has that bloodless. As a veteran German nobleman, there are not many such things. As a fugitive from World War II, no matter how powerful he is, Bao Zixuan will have some estimates when he uses himself, and he will not reuse it at all. In addition, it has not been engaged in R&D in related fields for nearly 40 years, and the technology is completely behind. The only advantage may be that the German scientists expected that part of the data. After the Black Cloud Group gets it, see how much it can achieve.

But that is only for the Black Cloud Group, if it is a developing country such as Argentina or China. After getting these technical information, it will be regarded as a treasure. In terms of turbojet engine technology, developing countries may really not catch up with the level of Germany during World War II. I don't know what Heiyun Group did with these materials, but these are not what he should ask.

The staff of Heiyun Group said with a smile: "We have no grudges in the past, and no grudges recently. There is no need to hurt you because of this trivial matter, and you have no other choice."

"The boss just wants technical information and doesn't care about other things. Mr. Wharton should know the strength of the group in East Germany, where many systems are not perfect, and there is a lot of room for manipulation."

"I will forge a West German identity for you, and then go to East Germany to surrender. You can get East German identity in an instant, and I can guarantee that. When the time is right, I will return to West Germany. I think it will still be in West Germany. Some old friends, they won't die. And you're risking your life to bring back a lot of information from East Germany; you're a real German with a conscience."

"Of course, if you feel East Germany is good, you can always live there. But whether it is East Germany or West Germany, it is more suitable for you than Argentina."

I heard the other party's arrangement, although it was very confusing. But the operation is quite reasonable, at least the identity problem can be solved. Although the name has been changed at present, it can't stand the inspection at all. The German in Argentina, at his age, is still too memorable.

Who is willing to wander abroad all the time if they can return to the motherland; especially someone like him who has aristocratic blood.

Hawley von Walton: "I wonder how much money I'll get."

Hearing this, the staff of Heiyun Group were very happy. If you can negotiate the price, it will be much easier. It shows that the old boy has been tempted by the identity arrangement. So he said directly: "As for the price, it is entirely up to you. You have to see how valuable the technical information is, and then you can make a corresponding quotation."

No one is stupid, they lie to people with outdated old things; maybe they can be deceived, but Bao Zixuan will never be fooled. In terms of aviation power alone, no one in the world today dares to say that he is stronger than him.

Although he has not been engaged in scientific research for a long time, as Bao Zixuan said. Born as an engineer, he will instinctively pay attention to new technologies in his professional field. Even if you change careers or retire, it will not change.

Hawley-von-Wharton: "All the technical information about jet aircraft in Germany during World War II, as well as the expected design drawings. Although many of them are imaginative, isn't your company developed with technology beyond the times!"

Hearing this, the staff of Heiyun Group were very excited. I didn't expect the old boy to have such a great ability to take away so much technical information. How do you say that the old boy is also from a noble family. If he doesn't even have a way back, he will be really bad.

Black Cloud staff: "If it is true, the price should start at least ten million dollars. If the price is too low, it is an insult to German engineers and technicians. Although we know that its real value may reach one billion dollars, or even more. But what? I haven't seen it, so it's really hard to give a specific price."

In fact, there is another point that the Heiyun staff did not explicitly say that they are private transactions, and the price is already very reasonable. Thinking about how smart the other party is, these questions will come to mind. A lot of things are too straightforward to say, but it will make people disgusted.

Hawley von Walton: "I can accept the price of 10 million US dollars. I believe your company is not bad for this amount of money. Too much money is hot, and everyone is uncomfortable in the end."

"You should also understand that I don't dare to deceive the two at present. After all, Germany's legal status still needs to rely on your company."

What the old guy said is very reasonable, the initiative is indeed on the side of the black cloud.

Heiyun staff member: "People from the Morgan family may come over at any time. Would you like to show us the stored technical data first? Money can be transferred to the account at any time, and we won't be fooled with this amount of money."

Hawley von Wharton knew that it could only be the case at the moment, and the Black Cloud Group was really not bad for his money. So he said, "There are a lot of things, but I think you can still ship them out."

"All technical information is under our feet. These are not my personal property, but the hope of the whole of Germany. But now it can only be handed over to you, hoping to make it a reality."

Then he took the Heiyun staff into the basement and saw the storage method of technical data and drawings. It is really very German as always, not to mention the past 40 years, even 400 years, it will not necessarily be damaged.

The size of the box adds up to more than 40, is it a chartered ship that year? It seems that for the nobles, the Allies will still give some preferential treatment. That country must pay attention to the sophistication of people, and Europe and the United States are no exception.

Hawley von Wharton: "These are the scientific research results of more than 1,000 top German engineers. I hand them over to your company today. Please tell the boss and be sure to treat them well."

It is completely to treat technical data as human beings, maybe this is the persistence of German engineers.

Peng Yifei didn't expect such a huge surprise when he made his first shot. It seems that the boss's speculation was right. After checking it out in person, it will be packed and shipped to Brazil. Then take it directly back to Xiangjiang by special plane.

Argentina was not long after the war with Britain. At this time, trade between the two sides was pitiful. If you go directly to Hong Kong from Argentina, it will definitely attract the attention of both parties. No matter how powerful Bao Zixuan is, he would not dare to do so; he is saying that there is no need for that, and the safety of technical data is the first priority. It doesn't matter if you mess around a bit, it's been 40 years of waiting, is it still a few days away.

Hawley von Wharton did not Under his explanation, Peng Yifei got the details of many German scientists fleeing to Argentina.

Immediately arranged for the staff to act separately, we must get things done in the shortest possible time. The Morgan family has already come, and there is not much time left for them.

But even so, it was still a beat. When the staff of the Black Cloud Group arrived at the house of a tank engineer, they found that the Morgan family intelligence personnel had arrived first and took control of the situation.

You can't lose the big because of the small. After all, the Black Cloud Group is now in the dark, and it is easier to do things. If it is discovered, the Morgan family will definitely be alert. Away from the homeland to fight against a powerful enemy, the final result can be imagined.

Peng Yifei directly ordered the staff to withdraw, and must not panic.

At the same time, I also understand in my heart that from this moment on, the battle between the two sides in Argentina is about to begin. If you want to complete the task given by the boss, sooner or later, you will meet the Morgan family intelligence personnel. I just want to let the other party know when evacuating, although it is a little difficult; but to maximize the benefits, this must be done.

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