Rebirth: Pampered Wife's Counterattack - Chapter 707 - Raising Her Voice For Justice

Chapter 707 - Raising Her Voice For Justice

Chapter 707: Raising Her Voice For Justice

Of course, considering Jiao Yang Gaming Companys accomplishment today, this matter would not be easily achieved.

Our Jiao Yang is not lacking in money. Its impossible for you guys to become a shareholder. If there are no other matters, please excuse me now. Yi Jinbin did not give her any more attention as he left to greet the other guests.

Hey Bai Jingrou wanted to continue.

However, the other party had already left to speak to another companys old CEO. He was completely uninterested in speaking to her further.

At this moment, a young man could be heard speaking agitatedly to the employees at the entrance. I am a loyal client of your companys games. Why wont you let me in?

My apologies. But we cannot allow you into the venue if you do not have an invitation. The employee handled this matter professionally.

I dont care, Im going in! The young man forcefully pushed his way in. The employees had no choice but to hold him back and a scuffle immediately followed.

My apologies, Sir. There were over ten thousand experienced players who were interested in partic.i.p.ating in our event. The guests were selected randomly through our system. If everyone is allowed to enter the event without an invitation, this would be extremely unfair to the other guests. I seek your understanding on this. Were very sorry. The employees kept explaining.

You guys are too much. Im already here, yet youre still trying to stop me! The young man was extremely angry. In fact, he was not a gamer whatsoever. He had been called here by Bai Jingrou.

When Bai Jingrou saw this, she rushed over to ask. Whats happening?

The young man spoke in anger. This cheap company refuses to let me in because I dont have an invitation!

Bai Jingrou suddenly raised her voice. Jiao Yang Gaming Company is too discriminatory. They dont have any morals to speak of. Are they intent on going back on all their promises?

The entire event hall fell silent. The guests turned to her in confusion.

Yi Jinbin rushed over. Miss Bai, what happened? Why do you say so?

Bai Jingrou pointed at the young man who was being stopped at the door. Everyone, please take a look at this young man. He is a gamer who is loyal to Jiao Yang Gaming Company, and came to attend this event with good intentions but was stopped outside the door. No matter how he pleaded, they did not give into him. But what about Fang Xinxin?

She then pointed towards Fang Xinxin, who was in the midst of tasting a gla.s.s of red wine.

Yi Jinbin rushed to ask her. How is this related to her?

I asked Fang Xinxin. She similarly doesnt have an invitation. You guys claim that no one is allowed to enter without one Yet you did not even bother to check before letting her in. At the end of the day, isnt it because she is Madam Bai? Bai Jingrou criticised loudly. Is your Jiao Yang Gaming Company this discriminatory?

In any case, Xing Feng Company was not strong enough. It was clearly impossible for them to acquire the Jiao Yang Company. Hence, Bai Jingrou was not afraid of offending them.

After speaking, Bai Jingrou suddenly noticed Bai Qinghao seated in one of the booth seats in the corner of the event hall. His cold gaze was directed at them.

My G.o.d, why was Bai Qinghao here?

If she had known he was present, she wouldnt have spoken that way.

However, she was truly angry. Fang Xinxin had stolen her position as Madam Bai and taken the ten percent of Long Groups shares that belonged to her. She felt that she would go crazy if she did not humiliate Fang Xinxin in some way!

Some of the reporters raised the cameras to snap photos. She is Long Groups only lady, Bai Jingrou I didnt expect this to happen. Is she standing up for justice?

The Bai familys adopted daughter is attacking her cousin-in-law. Were in for a good show.

The young man, who was being kept outside the door, watched this happen.