Rebirth Of The Best Businesswoman At School - Chapter 1366 - 1366 Sorry

Chapter 1366 - 1366 Sorry

Chapter 1366 - 1366 Sorry

1366 Sorry

The next day, the sun shone brightly.

Jian Ai slept exceptionally well until she woke up naturally.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw an unfamiliar roof. For a moment, she couldnt react. Jian Ai was stunned for a moment.

Youre awake?

Jian Ai only came back to her senses when Ji Haoyus voice came. She had unknowingly fallen asleep at Ji Haoyus house. The scene of the kiss last night and the two of them hugging in the end appeared in her mind. After that, Jian Ai could remember nothing else.

She must have fallen asleep suddenly. Perhaps Ji Haoyus arms and smell made her feel at ease.

Without waiting for Jian Ai to respond, Ji Haoyu half-squatted down and placed a hand on the side of her head. His perfect handsome face magnified, and he kissed Jian Ais forehead. He said gently, Get up. I made something to eat.

After the impulse last night, Jian Ai couldnt help but feel a little shy. Hearing this, she nodded with a red face, and her heart beat faster.

When she sat up, she realized she had slept on the sofa that night. Fortunately, the sofa was big and comfortable, so her body did not feel sore.

After was.h.i.+ng up briefly, Jian Ai went to the dining room and sat down. Ji Haoyu poured her a gla.s.s of milk and sat opposite her.

When did you come back?

Ji Haoyu looked at Jian Ai and asked casually.

It happened so suddenly last night that the two of them did not have a good chat.

Jian Ai took a sip of milk and answered, A few days.

Hearing Jian Ais words, Ji Haoyu pretended to be unhappy and blinked. Then, he said, Youve been back for a few days? Why didnt you look for me immediately?

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Haoyu narrowed his eyes and whispered, Or did you just decide to like me yesterday?

Jian Ai looked at Ji Haoyu and shook her head. She said seriously, Ive liked you for a long time. I just decided to tell you yesterday.

If Jian Ais words of I like you last night made Ji Haoyus heart flutter, then Jian Ais serious admission that she liked him made him even more ecstatic.

Holding back his smugness, Ji Haoyu controlled the corners of his lips that wanted to curl up. He said, Then youve made me wait too long. Do you know I havent been in the mood to work every day for the past month? When my phone rang, I reflexively expected it to be you.

Ji Haoyu was not lying. The long month of waiting had exhausted him mentally and physically.

Although he could predict the results, he would not feel at ease until he received a definite answer.

In fact, Jian Ai felt guilty for ignoring Ji Haoyu for the past month. How could she not miss him? However, she could not be distracted by what had happened before. Moreover, she should have solemnly said this response to him in person, not inform him with a phone call.

Therefore, Jian Ai arranged everything and came to look for him in a relaxed manner.

Seeing Jian Ai suddenly fall silent, Ji Haoyu couldnt help but panic. He quickly stuck his head out and said, I dont mean to blame you. Dont

Before he could finish, Jian Ai interrupted him. Jian AI suddenly raised her head and looked straight into Ji Haoyus eyes. Ji Haoyu, what would you do if I say that I still have to leave for a while?

This sudden question stunned Ji Haoyu.

Because there was no foreshadowing or cause and effect, such a blatant question was thrown in front of Ji Haoyu for him to answer.

Ji Haoyu was slightly stunned. When he came back to his senses, he couldnt help but frown slightly.

Because he knew Jian Ai well. She wouldnt ask a ridiculous question for no reason. She must have asked this because she wanted to do so.

Ji Haoyu instinctively asked, Where are you going?

Jian Ais lips moved, but she suddenly didnt know what to say.

She could tell her family, friends, and Jian Yichen that she was leaving, but facing Ji Haoyu in front of her and looking into his eyes, Jian Ai could not say it.

Seeing her like this, Ji Haoyu already knew the seriousness of the problem. His expression immediately changed, but his tone was still gentle. What happened?

Jian Ai lowered her head slightly and took a deep breath. Then, she looked up and met Ji Haoyus eyes again.

Ill still leave, and for a long time, Jian Ai said, but with every word, her heart hurt as if a knife had stabbed it.

At this moment, Jian Ai felt like an evil person. She had just given the other party a promise to be together, but she was leaving him.

Not that Jian Ai had never thought of expressing her feelings to Ji Haoyu when she came back in the future, but she did not do so.

Ji Haoyus liking had already made her unable to wait a moment. She also knew that Ji Haoyu could not wait.

The two of them were eager to have each other, so Jian Ai put down all her concerns and lived bravely for love last night.

However, the problem would not disappear because of their bravery. After a night, the two of them still had to face this problem.

If she wanted to leave, what would he do?

Ji Haoyu knew that Jian Ai was not joking. She said that she wanted to leave. Why would she leave? Where would she go? Who would she leave with?

Countless questions surged into his heart. Ji Haoyu urgently wanted to know what was going on, but in the end, he suppressed those questions and only asked, How long?

I dont know

Looking at Ji Haoyu, Jian Ai knew the turbulence and struggle in his heart, but he asked nothing. Jian Ai couldnt help but smile bitterly. I cant give you the exact time. The shortest will be a year and a half, and the longest will be three to five years

A year and a half sounded like a blink of an eye. It was not a long time.

However, only Ji Haoyu knew how unbearable a year and a half was when you were waiting for someone in your heart. Just this short month had already made his days feel like years.

A year and a half was already unbearable, let alone three to five years!

Ji Haoyu looked at Jian Ai and was silent for a moment.

He didnt know why Jian Ai wanted to suddenly leave, but he didnt ask because he knew that if she could tell him the reason, Jian AI would have done so just now and not let his imagination run wild.

Since she did not say it, it meant that she could not say it or he could not understand.

However, this news came too suddenly. Ji Haoyu was caught off guard and did not know how to respond.

He wanted to say, Ill wait for you to come back, but Ji Haoyu knew that what he wanted to say more in his heart was, Dont leave, okay?!

In the end, he said nothing.

Looking at the dejected and helpless Ji Haoyu, Jian Ai could not help but feel her heart ache. She blamed herself for not being able to think of any other good way to tell him about this. She also blamed herself for being selfish and putting Ji Haoyu in a dilemma.

Standing up, Jian Ai walked behind Ji Haoyu and wrapped her arms around his neck. She placed her head on his shoulder and whispered, Im sorry.