Rebirth Of A Dragon God - 11 I'm 18, And I Gotta Go To School Now... // Fixing A Problem

11 I'm 18, And I Gotta Go To School Now... // Fixing A Problem

Kuini's eyes widened in shock as she gripped her son's golden dragon. She could feel the veins pulsing as she failed in her attempts to fit her whole hand around its girth.

"You-! PEAK MORTAL REALM!?" She shouted out as she felt the power pulsing from his dragon. Normally children would only reach this level at the age of 28 to 30, and that was after devout cultivation. Even she - a genius - only achieved this at the age of 21, and that was after ten years of grueling suffering.

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Her son however, achieved this result after a few hours of fun and pleasure... at the age of 18. She didn't know whether to cheer or cry.

'What a wonderful cultivation technique,' she thought. What she didn't know was that by only using the womens' b.u.t.thole, he was restricting his gains. If he had used their dripping gardens to gather their virgin yin Qi instead, he would have broken through to the body realm.

Slowly stroking the majestic dragon, her brain began grinding. 'Hmm, with his power, he would have a good chance at becoming a big name at the next Four Queendoms compet.i.tion, and perhaps even join the Moon G.o.ddess Alliance's academy.'

She sighed lightly. 'It's about time we made him known to the world, but those three nasty emperors will probably go into a rage after finding out I have a son...'

Unnoticed by her, Da long was especially turned on by his mother's touch. She unconsciously stroked him while she thought, resulting in him blowing his yang all over her face.

Reacting quickly, she shut her eyes as she felt the warm liquid hit her face. With a laugh she began to rub it out of her eyes.

"Ok now Long'er, put that guy to sleep, we have things to plan for."


Currently Da long was resting in the bath as his mother lovingly washed and ma.s.saged the golden dragon.

"Long'er, mommy thinks its about time you start training. You are definitely powerful, but you need to be able to use that power properly."

She then began turning his dragon around, making sure it was perfectly clean.

"I've decided to send you to the 'Frozen Fairy Academy' outside the capitol. It's the best school we have to offer, and they only accept 10,000 of the most gifted each year... Frankly speaking, they are independent from from our queendom, but I'm sure I can entice the dean into accepting you under special circ.u.mstances."

With a confident smile, she let his dragon dangle again before pulling him off to bed.

So here Da long was, his ma.s.sive dragon rising to the heavens, and his naked slumbering mother right next to him. The golden light from his dragon dimly illuminated her body allowing him to watch as her amazing b.r.e.a.s.t.s rose and fell with each breath.

'G.o.dd.a.m.n, I really need to create a technique to control my d.a.m.ned soldiers!'

It was a rough night for Da long as he was unable to reign in his rising dragon. He was intently thinking of solutions as he felt each and every pulse. His instincts were telling him to just give in and bury his dragon deeply into her garden.

'd.a.m.n, even my jewels are aching.'

He let out a heavy sigh, and began thinking of just giving in.

His eyes popped open.

'G.o.dd.a.m.nit, why didn't I think of that? The problem is my jewels!'

Closing his eyes, he activated an ability most cultivators possessed; inner sight. Some use it to look inside their physical body, some their soul and dantian.

For him, it was the perfect solution. Quickly, his inner sight moved into the sack that held his jewels.

'If i'm not wrong, this is where my soldiers are made... so if I block it, or prevent it from working, I should be able to my soldiers from coming out...'

Looking closer, he watched as what looked like little dragons wormed around. There seemed to be hundreds of millions of them.

'd.a.m.n. are those the little f.u.c.kers that are stopping me from cultivating to my fullest? Hmph, little b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, see how I treat you!'

He began releasing the tiny amount of divinity he still possessed, and directed it at the little troublemakers. Very quickly, each one disappeared until only the yang Qi was left. He then directed his divinity to encase his jewels and prevent the production of more. He had noticed that even as he killed all the tiny dragons, more kept popping out.

He grinned, pleased with himself. Now he would be able to fully enjoy the whole dual cultivation process, and he noticed, only 5% of his yang Qi volume reduced. In other words, his soldiers only made up 5% of what he shot out.

While he was busy being pleased with himself, his mother woke up next to him with a start. She felt an incredible power near her that acted as a strong attacking force, making her sit up. She quickly noticed the strong glow coming from her side.

She was surprised. Da long's dragon was glowing stronger than before, and this time, the jewels beneath them were glowing just as brightly.

Her gaze was transfixed, and unbeknownst to her, her garden began drooling.

Snapping out of his ravelry, Da long looked at his mother beside him, looking hungrily at his dragon. With a smile, he realized that his divinity caused women to to loser their rationality. Although she was never shy of it before, she had never looked upon it with a l.u.s.ty gaze.

Catching her son's eye, she smiled and turned around facing her b.u.t.t towards him. She planted her face into the bed and closed her eyes as she used both hands to spread her cheeks. She a.s.sumed he would once again go for the b.u.t.thole, and began pulling the small hole wider.

But Da long? He had been suffering here for several hours. Like h.e.l.l he was not going to partake in the main attraction!

His fast actions made Kuini's eyes pop wide as a long moan left her lips and her eyes rolled into her head.