Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser - Chapter 1719 - 1719 Bad Luck

Chapter 1719 - 1719 Bad Luck

Chapter 1719 - 1719 Bad Luck

1719 Bad Luck

No matter how Chi Shuyan coaxed him the entire night, the man next to her didnt reply. He closed his eyes as if he was really asleep. After a long while, Chi Shuyan wasnt sure if the man really was asleep or not. It wasnt good to wake him up in the middle of the night, so she could only obediently go to sleep and think about coaxing him the next day.

Who would have thought that the man would wake up so early the next morning? Chi Shuyan woke up especially early at 7am, but the man was already no longer by her side and his side of the bed was already cold.

Sure enough!

She went downstairs and didnt see him. In the end, she could only obediently go to school first and talk about the rest later.

Things were still relatively calm on Chi Shuyans side. On the other side, Yuan Yuan had just returned home from the hospital in the middle of the day and was scared out of her wits because the doll in her safe had gone missing. When she sensed that someone had entered her place last night, Yuan Yuan almost went crazy with anger. Her eyes were red and her face was filled with madness.

It was just that no matter how she thought about it, she couldnt think of anyone who would enter her apartment, open the safe in her room, and steal her treasure.

Yuan Yuan wouldnt care if she lost some money, but she had lost her treasure Yuan Yuan itched to immediately find out who the culprit was and skin them alive.

Chi Shuyan found out about this from Brother Feng after school in the afternoon.

Shuyan, you dont know, but that Yuan woman is really a little crazy now! Fortunately, you destroyed her treasure last night. Otherwise, given her crazy nature, who knows how shell harm someone else next! After gossiping, Feng Yuanlin asked, Shuyan, are you coming over now or in the evening?

Is she still with you? Chi Shuyan asked.

Feng Yuanlin immediately replied, Mm, shes still here. She no longer has that harmful thing. At first, she pestered Xiao Shan and the others to help find the thief, but when she saw Yang Ji and the others just now, she said they were the ones who stole her treasure!

Feng Yuanlin snorted coldly and continued, That woman still dares to blame Yang Ji and the others after causing so many deaths. Yang Ji and the others havent settled accounts with her yet. Speaking of which, when we asked her exactly what sort of treasure she lost, that woman couldnt say a thing if thats not guilt or fear, what is it? Can she say that shes hiding some treasure that can hurt people?

There were a lot of homicides recently, and the culprit was this Yuan woman. Knowing that this woman had taken so many lives, Feng Yuanlin itched to arrest her and bring her to justice right away.

It was just a pity that this woman had used some supernatural method to harm people. They didnt have any substantial evidence, so even if they knew that this woman was behind everything, they couldnt arrest her. They could only hope that as Shuyan said, this woman would get her retribution for all the evil deeds she had done.

Chi Shuyan hesitated for a while. Since she had said that she would explain things to Brother Feng last night, the sooner the better. She immediately said that she would go over immediately after lunch.

Okay, okay, Shuyan, Ill have to trouble you one last time. After this is over, Ill treat you to a meal! Feng Yuanlin said.

Chi Shuyan naturally refused and said that it would be her treat. She hadnt fulfilled her promise last time to treat him to a meal, and would do so after this matter was over.

Feng Yuanlin didnt stand on ceremony with Shuyan, and immediately replied, Okay, no problem!

Before hanging up, Feng Yuanlin acted pitiful in a rare moment. He brought up the fact that he had gotten into a car accident last night, and said with fake self-pity, Shuyan, you were so close to never seeing me again after last night. When you come over later, it would be good if you can help me take a look at my luck. If my luck really is bad these days, its better for me to go out less.

Chi Shuyan was shocked by Brother Fengs car accident. Her face changed slightly and she immediately asked, What happened?

Despite what Feng Yuanlin said just now, he didnt actually feel that his luck was bad; he just felt that it was easy for him to be unlucky when he was with Gu Yunzheng. No, it should be said that Gu Yunzheng brought him bad luck.

Shuyan had asked him to drive Gu Yunzheng back, but not long after that, he hit a fence on the side of the road, which scared him.

Not only that, Gu Yunzheng even wanted him to drive a wedge between Zhenbai and Shuyan. He wanted Zhenbai and Shuyan to break up, and said that if they didnt break up, Zhenbai would drag Shuyan down. Feng Yuanlin was so angry last night that he almost wanted to smash Gu Yunzhengs head in.

He didnt believe a word that kid said. Conversely, Feng Yuanlin felt that the other party had ulterior motives and was deliberately using him to hone in on Zhenbais territory. As he had suspected, that guy had ulterior motives toward Shuyan.

Feng Yuanlin had forgotten about this matter earlier. Now, he hurriedly exhorted, By the way, Shuyan, after spending some time with that Gu person last night, I realized that hes the typical villain. He has ulterior motives and isnt honest with others. Its best for you to stay as far away from this kid as possible. He doesnt mean well.

Chi Shuyan:

Afraid that Shuyan wouldnt believe him and wouldnt take his words to heart, Feng Yuanlin emphasized again, This person kept saying bad things about Zhenbai last night. He wanted to use me to drive a wedge between the two of you and make you leave Zhenbai. Shuyan, remember what I said. Besides, this person is unlucky. Its best if you stay ten meters away from him in the future and ignore him.

After seriously exhorting her and making sure that Shuyan had absorbed everything he said, Feng Yuanlin hung up.

After listening to Brother Fengs persuasion, Chi Shuyan fell into deep thought, especially when she thought of Brother Fengs sudden car accident last night.

Of course, Chi Shuyan wasnt narcissistic and would think that Gu Yunzheng had ulterior motives toward her. On the contrary, what if he had sensed something wrong with her man, which was why he advised Brother Feng to stay away?

It seemed that she had to have a good chat with Gu Yunzheng!