Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser - Chapter 1605 - 1605 Testing Xia Mingcheng

Chapter 1605 - 1605 Testing Xia Mingcheng

Chapter 1605 - 1605 Testing Xia Mingcheng

1605 Testing Xia Mingcheng

After what had happened, which couldnt be explained with science, Xia Mingcheng now half-believed in some things. Hence, when he heard the young ladys words, his face changed drastically. He couldnt figure out what rotten peach blossom he had provoked.

Xia Mingcheng didnt ask, but he took her words to heart. He casually ordered a cup of coffee and was about to ask why she was looking for him, but couldnt remember how to address her.

Chi Shuyan seemed to know what he was thinking and said, My surname is Chi!

Xia Mingcheng nodded. Miss Chi, why have you looked for me today?

Chi Shuyan got straight to the point and didnt keep him in suspense. I want to learn more about Miss Yuan from you. What do you think of her?

When Xia Mingcheng heard this question, his expression was a bit strange, but he quickly replied, Actually, Yuan Yuan and I arent that close. Shes Lilings friend. Linling should be more Familiar. Before he could utter the last word, he seemed to remember that Liling was dead. For a moment, he lost his composure. His hand trembled and he almost spilled the coffee he was holding, but he quickly calmed down. Sorry!

Chi Shuyan could tell from this answer that the other party was an extremely reserved person. He likely kept everything, including his feelings, to himself.

Chi Shuyan actually didnt like this sort of especially reserved person. It was fine if they had a strong mentality, but if they werent mentally strong enough and couldnt take it, they could easily fall into depression.

Chi Shuyan didnt want to jab his sore spot, but there were some things she had to figure out before she could save them, such as finding out what Yang Ji and the others had provoked.

Also, when everyone left the police station, she didnt forget that only Xia Mingcheng and Yuan Yuan had their shadows, unlike the others. At first, she immediately suspected the two of them.

But seeing Xia Mingcheng today and looking at his physiognomy, she guessed that he likely had nothing to do with this matter, but it was definitely related to him.

Chi Shuyan hesitated for a moment before she asked directly, I heard from Yang Ji and the others that you had an especially good relations.h.i.+p with your girlfriend. Were the two of you as close with Yuan Yuan?

Xia Mingchengs face was a bit unsightly at that moment; he obviously didnt want to answer the question. After looking at her a few times, he still nodded and said coldly, Mm, Liling and I were already planning to get married. As for our relations.h.i.+p with Yuan Yuan, my girlfriend was closer to her! I dont know anything else!

Chi Shuyan ignored the other partys cold tone and continued, Did you invest in a movie for your girlfriend back then?

Xia Mingchengs face was stiff and unsightly. He pursed his lips tightly, as if he was extremely repulsed by this topic. Chi Shuyan pretended not to see his livid face, and continued naturally, Actually, I ran into your girlfriend once before. I have to say that you have good taste. Miss Yan had a particularly good personality and even took the initiative to talk to me!

Sure enough, as soon as she said that, Xia Mingchengs complexion improved a lot. It was just that when he thought of Yan Lilings death, his face was still especially pale and he was especially silent. After a while, he said in a daze, Mm, Liling had an especially good personality and was especially good to everyone. If my mother hadnt objected

At that point, Xia Mingcheng suddenly stopped talking and looked at her warily. Chi Shuyan felt some regret; it could only be said that the man in front of her was pretty on guard.

Someone who didnt trust you wouldnt reveal everything to you.

Chi Shuyan sighed and didnt plan to probe him indirectly anymore. Instead, she told the other party the truth. I did meet your girlfriend once, and I gave her a talisman to protect her life. Besides, dont you want to know how your girlfriend died? The reason I asked you out this time, Mr. Xia, is to find out if you sensed anything strange before something happened to Miss Yan. Can you tell me anything?

Chi Shuyan didnt have much hope when she asked this question. She felt that the other party was too wary. If it really didnt work out, she could only offend the other party and use her abilities to look into his private affairs directly. Who would have thought that the other party would suddenly stand up, an extremely excited and pained expression on his face. After a while, he squeezed out, Wait, you said that you gave Liling a talisman before? When?

Chi Shuyan recalled the date and told him. Xia Mingcheng sat down again. His att.i.tude was obviously much better this time. Not long after, he took out a talisman from his pocket and placed it on the table. Is this the talisman?

Chi Shuyan glanced at the very familiar talisman on the table and recognized that it was indeed the talisman she had given to Yan Liling before. As for why it was in Xia Mingchengs hands now, she guessed that it was most likely from Yan Liling herself.

Their relations.h.i.+p had probably been really good.

She nodded. Xia Mingcheng stared at the talisman on the table with an especially pained and conflicted expression and said, Liling pressed this talisman on me a few days before her accident. She said that this talisman was especially effective and had been given to her by a Master during filming. I didnt think much of it at that time and didnt take it seriously, but after Liling gave me the talisman, something happened to her.

Xia Mingcheng still didnt dare think about Lilings tragic death. Every time he thought about it, his heart hurt as if it was being dug out of his chest. He didnt dare think about anything. Most of the time, he even acted as if there had been no one like Yan Liling in his life. Only then did he feel better.

The young lady in front of him suddenly picked up the talisman and opened it. Thinking that she was going to take away the last thing which Liling had given him, Xia Mingcheng panicked. He hurriedly said, Wait, this is the last thing Liling gave me. Can you leave it for me as a memento?

Xia Mingchengs tone was low and pleading, and his posture was especially humble. Chi Shuyan narrowed her eyes and stared thoughtfully at the charred corner of the talisman, then asked, When Yan Liling gave you this talisman, was it already charred?