Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Planning

Early the next morning, just after dawn, the Jiefang truck from the glass factory arrived at the entrance of Jianhua Village.

"Let's go, I wish you all the best and success in your studies." Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone and said with a smile.

"Brother Xiaobai," Wang Xiaojun came over, hugged Jiang Xiaobai and turned into the car.

"Brother Xiaobai," Liu Aiguo also hugged Jiang Xiaobai. If it was said that when he was a child of the factory in Longcheng, he was a mess with Jiang Xiaobai, fighting all day long.

So when he was a youth in the city, he really learned a lot from Jiang Xiaobai.

also really admire Jiang Xiaobai and cherish these common tribulations.

Next one by one came forward and hugged Jiang Xiaobai before getting into the car. The parting mood was always very sad.

"Goodbye." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and watched the Jiefang Truck leave far away. After this, some people will probably never see each other again in this life.

After sending everyone away, Jiang Xiaobai called Li Lao San, Wang Meng, and Wang Chao into the house.

"Let me tell you, things are now completely gone, and I announce the establishment of the Youth Cannery."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three and said seriously, now the youth canned food should be on the right track.

"Papa Papa" There was a warm applause in the room.

"Now I own 80% of the canned youth, Wang Meng owns 10%, and Liu Mei owns 10%. This is what I think. Liu Mei's shares remain unchanged. We pay dividends to her family every year. Of the 80 shares, 10% of the shares were given to Li Laosan and Wang Chao, each with 5% of the shares.

Don't be too small for the two of you. Wang Meng's 10% is because he followed me to start a business from the beginning. You guys work hard, and I will increase your shares based on the actual situation in the future. "

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three and said.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaobai,"

"Thank you, Brother Xiaobai." Li Laosan and Wang Chao quickly stood up and said.

"Well, holding shares is not only to enjoy dividends, but the debt will also be borne in proportion to the shares. Of course, there are other risks. You know what happened this time, so I don't need to say more."

"We understand, Brother Xiaobai."

"I know, we know." Wang Chao and Li Laosan said.

"Okay, let me make arrangements. I will be the director of youth canned food, and Li Laosan will be the director of the production workshop. He is mainly responsible for production and warehouse storage. Wang Meng is the sales section chief, mainly responsible for sales, and Wang Chao is the deputy sales section chief. Also serves as the accountant of the Youth Cannery."

Jiang Xiaobai gave a clear dividend to the Youth Cannery for the first time. Normally, Wang Chao would definitely be more suitable for sales than Wang Meng.

But if Wang Chao is in charge of sales, there is no way to do the accounting work, so he can only arrange it like this first.

Wait when there are accounting talents, and then adjust the division of labor.

"Although the sparrow is small and complete, you can select some talents from the villagers and form your own team.

The harvest in the countryside will begin soon, and the production task will almost be over by that time, and the main thing is sales. The task of sales is the top priority of the Youth Cannery..."

"Brother Xiaobai, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down." Wang Meng promised, patting his chest.

"Well, Laosan Li, you are also responsible for developing and innovating products. Yellow peaches are definitely gone in winter, but for other fruits, can we develop canned pears and canned oranges?

During the inspection, the raw materials of these cans are inconvenient for transportation, and the output is inconvenient for us to purchase in a unified manner. These are all factors. When the autumn harvest is over, it will be a long winter. Although we mainly focus on sales, we cannot completely not producing

There is also the problem of the raw materials for canned yellow peaches. Although there are many yellow peach trees on the mountain, they certainly cannot support our expansion of production next year. We need to find new sources of raw materials to expand the scale of production..."

It turned out that I was going to college after finishing this year's canned yellow peaches. What I was going to do was a one-shot business.

So I didn't think about it too much, but I can't go to university now. At least I will stay here for a year.

Anyway, the current canned food market is still very good, at least ten years.

"If the cost of production raw materials is incurred, coupled with the cost of transportation, then our overall cost will increase a lot.

If the cost is high, then the profit will inevitably fall. If the profit is not reduced, the corresponding price must be increased a bit.

The price increase is not as competitive as the supply and marketing cooperative's canned food. How to maintain our competitiveness is also something that everyone needs to consider..."

Jiang Xiaobai said little by little, Wang Chao and the three had already taken a small book and started to write.

"Similarly, our cannery cannot stay in the youth yard all the time. Taking advantage of this winter, we are going to build a workshop to gather several production workshops and warehouses together. At the same time, the youth canned food should be officially listed..."

"There is also the cooperation with the glass factory, and we should strengthen it, and the idle trucks brought by their business decline. Although private individuals cannot buy and sell, can we rent them to transport and do business? You must learn to be flexible, as long as you dare to think, you will be able to do it..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, Li Lao San, Wang Chao, and Wang Meng nodded, looking at Jiang Xiaobai with admiration.

They have never considered these things. All they want is to do a good job of the young people.

As for expanding the scale of youth canned food, they never thought about it.

"Laosan Li, you are mainly engaged in production. You take the time to start the production process of canned food, and give me a plan for piece-rate wages.

In the future, we will pay wages according to this, and pay according to each person's daily production..."

Jiang Xiaobai has been talking about having dinner at night since the morning, and he probably had to talk to Li Laosan about all the problems faced by educated youth canned food.

As for whether they understood it, Jiang Xiaobai didn't care at all.

Let the three of them have an idea first. Keep your eyes on the long-term and don't limit yourself to one acre of land.

(End of this chapter)