Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 822

Chapter 822

Chapter 822

When it was dark, Jiang Xiaobai finished arranging work and sent away Zhang Weiyi and Chen Zhengyue.

The next day after returning, on January 1, 1987, Zhang Weiyi chose to hold a meeting on the Shangma Beverage Factory.

Huaqing Holding Company's personnel execution ability is still okay. After the personnel are selected, they immediately start to act.

From the factory to the project, then to the planning, then to the design drawing, and then the construction site started, and it was carried out in an orderly manner.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was the end of the year, and Jiang Xiaobai attended the company's year-end summary meeting in Binzhou Hotel.

At this time, there is no saying that there is an annual meeting, that is, everyone has a meeting and then have a meal.

Part of the backbone and department leaders of China State Construction, plus the backbone of Zhengyue Construction also followed, and the three gathered together.

"This year-end summary meeting was supposed to be held in Jianhua Village, but for special reasons, everyone gathered here first, and then Manager Song would go back for me for the rest."

Jiang Xiaobai first explained the reasons, and then said: "First of all, thank you for your hard work throughout the year. We formally established the Huaqing Building project this year, and it has been carried out smoothly. The progress of the construction period up to now is compared with what we expected. The construction period is much faster,

Originally, the Huaqing Building was expected to be completed by the end of next year, but according to the current construction period of the Huaqing Building, it is expected to be put into use in June and July this year. First of all, I would like to thank China Construction and Zhengyue Construction."

Jiang Xiaobai said and applauded, and there was also warm applause from the audience.

The person in charge of China Construction and Chen Zhengyue stood up and bowed to the crowd, and then sat down.

"Of course, this is also inseparable from the efforts of our Huaqing people, thank you."

Jiang Xiaobai said, and applause rang again in the conference room. This was also the first time Jiang Xiaobai said the term "Hua Qingren".

But everyone didn't feel anything at this time.

"The clothing store has also achieved significant results this year. With 50 franchised stores, plus the original flagship stores and direct-sale stores, we basically have our Jiang Xiaobai clothing store in all capital cities and some large cities..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, in fact, the main focus this year is on the Huaqing Building project, but the clothing factory also has big moves.

"In the next year, I believe everyone will know that the most important thing is still the Huaqing Building project, but it is after it is put into use. There is one more thing before this, that is, our Huaqing Building project will enter the beverage industry. The health products industry..."

Jiang Xiaobai is summing up his work in 1986, and he is also arranging work for the new year.

There were bursts of warm applause in the conference room from time to time.

"Okay, let's invite our partners China State Construction and Zhengyue Construction's responsible persons to speak on stage," Jiang Xiaobai applauded and said.

The person in charge of China Construction and Chen Zhengyue stepped onto the rostrum.

"First of all, thank Huaqing Holding Company and the director of Xiaobai for choosing us as CSCEC..." The person in charge of CSCEC made a set of diplomatic rhetoric and made official speeches on the scene.

But relatively speaking, it's relatively sincere. When it's Chen Zhengyue's turn, it's more straightforward.

After thanking Jiang Xiaobai and Huaqing Holding Company, it is just a determination and a low attitude.

Jiang Xiaobai finally took the microphone and said with a smile: "Okay, now please move to the restaurant and prepare a sumptuous dinner for everyone in the restaurant. If you are not drunk or return, then go home tomorrow for the New Year, OK?"


"Okay, thank you, Director Xiaobai." There was a warm applause now.

"This afternoon, the applause and applause are loud this time, let's go, eat..."

Jiang Xiaobai made a joke, and everyone laughed.

When the dinner was over, Jiang Xiaobai just didn't want to drink too much, nor did he drink less.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Weiyi and others, Li Xiaoliu drove Jiang Xiaobai home.

The end of the year is over. At this time, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi both spend the New Year in the Jiang family courtyard, but this year Zhao Xinyi's health is inconvenient.

Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi will not go back, but if they don't go back to the New Year, Jiang Xiaobai still took things home on the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.

After the three sons of the family got married, Jiang Tieshan also felt that the pressure on his body was relieved all of a sudden, and only Jiang Xiaomei, a daughter, was still in school.

There are so many brothers and sisters, not to mention these children are still promising.

Working in the unit, doing business on their own.

There is also Jiang Xiaobai, the director of Xiaobai, who can help.

So Jiang Tieshan doesn't fight like that anymore. After the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, Jiang Tieshan is resting at home.

When Jiang Xiaobai entered the door carrying things, Jiang Tieshan was sitting on the threshold and smoking.

Today's weather is nice and warm, Jiang Tieshan smokes lazily, while squinting his eyes to look out the door.

Seeing the youngest son who hadn't come back for a long time, he brought things into the door, Jiang Tieshan subconsciously wanted to stand up, but just sat back after leaning back.

Holding the pipe, he knocked **** the threshold, made a "frame" sound, and then asked: "What to take when I go home, I don't need anything at home."

"Dad, I told you to stop smoking. Didn't you buy that cigarette for you? I'm done smoking, I'll get it for you again,"

Jiang Xiaobai said.

Jiang Tieshan shook his head and said, I can't get used to that cigarette, so don't buy it anymore.

"Why can't I get used to it? Didn't I see your ear clipped in the hutong mouth that day and one in your mouth?"

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, this old man is obviously too expensive, so he has to say he can't get used to it.

"Keep rolling," Old man Jiang became irritated. He didn't want to say a word to Jiang Xiaobai. He took what Jiang Xiaobai was holding and carried it into the house.

"My son just came home, what are you scolding your son for?" Mother Jiang complained about Father Jiang, and greeted her from the house.

Then he looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Why did you provoke your dad when you came back? He is very stubborn now."

Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Mu talked and walked into the room.

Eldest brother Jiang Zijun and sister-in-law Ding Xiaorong heard Jiang Xiaobai's voice coming from the house.

After a while, Jiang Zijian and Gu Li also came over.

Ding Xiaorong asked about Zhao Xinyi's situation and said that she would go to see her younger brother and sister Zhao Xinyi in the afternoon.

Gu Li heard her sister-in-law say this, she must follow.

When I returned to my natal family, my father had no idea how many times he had told him to make a good relationship with Jiang Xiaobai.

After she got married, the relationship between her and Ding Xiaorong's two wives, although on the surface, it seemed that they loved each other and the family.

But where it is hidden in the dark, the struggle has never stopped.

And Jiang Xiaobai is now the most prosperous in the Jiang family. How can she fall behind Ding Xiaorong and let Ding Xiaorong be more beautiful than that of a good relationship with Jiang Xiaobai.

(End of this chapter)