Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 815

Chapter 815

Chapter 815

In the evening, Jiang Xiaobai held a banquet for Zhou Guomin at the Bingzhou Hotel.

In fact, it is also taking this opportunity to gather the personnel of Huaqing Holding Company in Longcheng.

Since Zhao Xinyi became pregnant, she had very little time to appear in the Bingzhou Hotel.

Although they say that they are the boss, no one says anything about themselves, but it is inevitable that some people will feel uncomfortable.

This Zhao Xinyi has only been pregnant for more than a month, and the woman giving birth at this time is not a big deal in the eyes of everyone.

That is, Zhao Xinyi is Zhao Gang's daughter, and she took maternity leave in the name of sick leave.

"Lao Zhou, I don't need to introduce this to you. You know Lao Song, now we are the general manager of Huaqing Holdings."

"Brother Song, it's been a long time." Zhou Guomin and Song Weiguo gave a hug. He and Song Weiguo, Li Xiaoliu and other people who were back in Beijing were quite familiar.

"National, long time no see." Song Weiguo patted Zhou Guomin on the back and said with a smile.

"little six,"

"Brother Zhou."

After Zhou Guomin said hello to everyone, the seats were opened.

Everyone at a meal is still very satisfied. These days, the work is tight and the tasks are heavy. There are also some frictions among the people due to fatigue or other reasons at work.

Of course, they are all minor problems. Now a meal and a few glasses of wine are all restored.

Early the next morning, Zhou Guomin embarked on a journey to Jianhua Village.

What happened to Director Lu? Jiang Xiaobai didn't deliberately ask about it. He just heard the person in charge of China Construction talk about it. After director Lu was punished one by one, it seemed that he went to a more leisurely position and went directly to the old age.

But these things have nothing to do with Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai only knows that after Director Lu left, the Huaqing Building project speeded up.

At the same time, the pre-sale of real estate, of course, is the first time for the sale of uncompleted properties in China, but it has also achieved success.

The main reason is that Jiang Xiaobai is well-known in China in Longcheng, and he is a celebrity.

Some people are willing to trust Jiang Xiaobai, so in just three months, that is, before the date when Jiang Xiaobai will allocate 30% to China State Construction and Zhengyue Construction after three months of starting construction according to the contract.

Unexpectedly, the sale of pre-completed flats has paid back 40 million. I don't know that it will take three months.

Huaqing Holding Company has more than 10 million of its own funds. It has borrowed 40 million from a bank in Shangdang City. Now it has earned 40 million from the sale of real estate. In other words, Huaqing Holding has a total of more than 90 million on its books.

Equivalent to the funds for the entire Huaqing Building project, basically all funds have been raised.

Although it is said that if the calculation is based on debt, Huaqing Holdings is now heavily in debt. After all, the 40 million bank loan is a debt, and the 40 million from the sale of the property is also responsible.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't care at all. As long as the money is enough and the building is built, it is the assets. What is the owed money.

So on the day when the Huaqing Building project started three months ago, Jiang Xiaobai arranged for someone to prepare a celebration banquet at the Bingzhou Hotel.

And not only people from Huaqing Holding Company, but also people from China State Construction and Zhengyue Construction Company.

At six o'clock in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai stood at the entrance of the hotel to greet the guests.

At half past six, everyone who should be there was all there. Jiang Xiaobai stood up holding his glass, and the people at a few tables calmed down and focused on Jiang Xiaobai.

"Today is the start of the Huaqing Building project for three months. According to the contract, we Huaqing Holdings will pay 30% of the payment. Did you receive the payment?" Jiang Xiaobai asked when he looked at Chen Zhengyue and the person in charge of China Construction.

"I received the director of Xiaobai."

"Received," Chen Zhengyue and the person in charge of China Construction nodded. Jiang Xiaobai was very refreshing about this. Although the contract had to be compared before, the contract was very demanding for them.

But after the contract was signed, Jiang Xiaobai left strictly in accordance with the contract, and there was no problem of arrears.

It is stated in the contract that three months after the start of work, in fact, it will be a full three months after the end of today. If this is in accordance with other Party A.

Delaying you for three or five days, half a month is normal, you still have to come to your door every day to chase you.

But Jiang Xiaobai, he arranged for the black payment early in the morning, saying that three months is three months, and one day is not bad for you.

Jiang Xiaobai continued to say: It is also a day to celebrate, because the off-plan of Huaqing Building has sold 40 million as of today.

Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the scene was quiet for a while, and then Ren of Huaqing Holding Company broke out into enthusiastic applause.

All of them are full of excitement, because their family members know their family affairs and know about how much money Huaqing Holding Company has.

The people from China Construction and Zhengyue Construction also applauded afterwards.

Some accidents, it was so fast, my house has not been completed yet, and the other party sold the uncompleted property to earn back the money to build the house.

"The sale of uncompleted off-the-plan properties is close to half of the hospitality of the project, so in addition to the pre-orders, the sale of off-the-plan properties will be suspended. This will also need to be reported in the newspaper." Jiang Xiaobai took advantage of the crowd's applause and confessed to Song Weiguo.

Then he raised his head and said loudly: "So, today we are double happiness, come and do one."

Jiang Xiaobai toasted and drank it, and everyone had their first drink.

The second cup is the wine raised by the head of China Construction.

The third cup is Chen Zhengyue's wine.

This is also a big dinner for the three companies, and Jiang Xiaobai feels at ease.

At least most of the funds are in place, and there will be no situation like the Giant Building.

Even if the budget is exceeded in the later period, it does not matter. Several factories of Huaqing Holdings have expanded their production capacity this year, and they can still give Huaqing Building some blood.

When Jiang Xiaobai returned home, Zhao Xinyi was still asleep. She watched Jiang Xiaobai drinking, and she was about to pass Jiang Xiaobai after she got up.

But Jiang Xiaobai quickly stopped her. Now Zhao Xinyi has been pregnant for more than four months and almost five months.

It is the most dangerous time, how can Jiang Xiaobai dare to get fat and Zhao Xinyi wait on him.

Jiang Xiaobai made a cup of tea by himself and sat down next to Zhao Xinyi.

Gently touched Zhao Xinyi's belly, feeling the growth of this little life.

In fact, at this time, I was able to go to the hospital to do a B-ultrasound to see if it was a boy or a girl, but Jiang Xiaobai did not want to care about this.

So what Zhao Xinyi asks the most every day is whether you like a boy or a girl.

"The kid kicked me in the stomach today." Zhao Xinyi said softly.

"Let me listen." Jiang Xiaobai leaned down and put his head lightly on Zhao Xinyi's belly.

Zhao Xinyi's happy smile constitutes the most beautiful picture tonight.

(End of this chapter)