Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Speculation

Dogdan spoke again, Zheng Qingyun didn't dare to press down anymore. With so many people present, he couldn't be too obvious.

"What does Goudan want to do? Are you crazy? Report, respond to the situation, who does he want to report?"

"I don't know, so many big leaders are present, and I will talk about it later. He has to insist on reporting. Dogdan really has the guts."

"Have the courage, wait, wait for the leaders to leave, and you won't be able to clean him up."

The villagers began to talk a lot, and the eyes of the reporters on the side lit up in an instant. What the reporters liked most was the news that attracted people's attention.

Someone wants to do something now, of course he is happy.

In a remote mountain village, the villagers blocked the road and filed a complaint. What a grievance it must be.

"This comrade, what situation do you want to respond to?" Zheng Qingyun said, holding back his anger.

As for Lao Zhou on the side, he didn't say anything. Now the accident is in the county and he doesn't participate in the work.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Dogdan, frowning slightly, what can Dogdan respond to, and what things in the village deserve to be done by Dogdan.

Clearly knowing that he will suffer as soon as the leader leaves, and insist on complaining.

"I want to respond to the problems of these urban youths headed by Jiang Xiaobai. They are speculative and produce and sell canned food. This is the material I wrote. Please take a look at the leader." As soon as the dog egg was spoken, the crowd suddenly exploded.

Jiang Xiaobai's face turned gloomy, and the other urban youths looked at the dog eggs one by one with anger full of anger, wishing to eat the dog eggs.

A leader came to check today. They have quietly shut down the canning workshop in the small courtyard where they know, just don't want people to know.

But I didn't expect to let the dog egg stabbed out.

"This dog egg is really not a good thing, and this thing can be done."

"I don't usually see that this dog is a traitor. I must kill him."

The villagers were so angry and enthusiastic that the youth canned food in the village alone used more than 120 villagers. So many people worked in the youth cannery every day to get money, and they also ate and drank in the youth courtyard.

If the young people's canned food is all of a sudden, the dog's eggs are afflicted, where will they go to make money in the future?

Therefore, it is not only Huang Zhongfu and Jiang Xiaobai who offended the Gougan with this incident, but also basically offended all the villagers.

Zheng Qingyun's face also changed. He occasionally heard about this youth canned food, and he even specifically inquired about it. Otherwise, in the hospital, he would not have heard Jiang Xiaobai mention Jianhua Village.

At this time, there are not many people doing business in Zhangxuan County.

As for the canned food of urban youth, Zheng Qingyun's opinion was that he did not support or oppose it, and let the young people develop their own canned food.

No objection because he also heard about Jianhua Village. After engaging in youth canning, many villagers benefited.

Does not support it because there is no clear policy and no one dares to support it.

However, after discussing current affairs and politics with Jiang Xiaobai in the hospital a few days ago, Zheng Qingyun's heart is biased towards Jiang Xiaobai.

But I didn't expect that after only a few days, someone would stoke it out.

Huang Zhongfu's face was gloomy and dripping, and his fist was tightly clenched.

"Well, let me see," Zheng Qingyun took the material from Goudan and turned it over.

Moreover, it is not only Jiang Xiaobai and other urban youths, but Huang Zhongfu is also suspected of covering up in his materials, and even corrupted.

Since he was about to offend Huang Zhongfu, the dog didn't care anymore.

Dougan's face was uncertain, but the more he thought about it, the more it was.

When the cannery's factory, then the whole village will work for themselves.

The Zheng Qingyun who saw it was shocking. Although he had been in contact with Jiang Xiaobai, he personally felt that this material should have a lot of moisture.

Even the material may be directly fake, but since the dog egg said it in front of so many people, he couldn't ignore it.

Some things still need to be investigated before we can make a decision.

"Quiet, you follow me back to the county, the others disband, Jiang Xiaobai and other 15 city youths and Huang Zhongfu are waiting for investigation."

Zheng Qingyun pointed to the dog egg and said, he made a decision. After he said that, he turned around and got in the car, not caring about the noisy villagers behind.

As long as he improperly arrests urban youths such as Huang Zhongfu and Jiang Xiaobai, there is room for relaxation and the villagers will not fall out.

Several bicycles followed the car and left, and the quiet scene became noisy again.

"What should I do? Will the county stop it?"

"Little Bai, we are not speculative, are we? We just earn work points."

"Yes, Xiaobai, we don't understand anything, but if you say you can make money, we will come."

"Xiaobai, the county won't let young people do canned food? Will we go back to production then?"

Of course, it is also concerned about whether young people can continue to do canned food. If young people can continue to do canned food, they can continue to earn money and continue to eat meat and drink.

Although the urban youth did not speak, they all focused on Jiang Xiaobai.

"Don't worry, I will continue to work as soon as I go back to the youth canned food. I can come if I want to come. I will carry it if there is anything."

It's already like this anyway, it's better to do it openly. It's time to investigate and investigate. You are not afraid of shadows.

Of course, I just want to hide, but I can't hide it. I really want to clean myself, unless I go back and pack my things and run away.

Otherwise, it will be of no use to quit now.

Huang Zhongfu wanted to speak but stopped, but did not speak.

"Let's go away. If you want to do it, continue to produce canned food." Jiang Xiaobai waved to disperse the crowd and turned to look at Huang Zhongfu.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you."

Huang Zhongfu waved his hand, sighed and said, I'm so involved, I'm so old, and I'm afraid of being involved.

What I care about is Jianhua Village. After being poor for so many years, I finally saw some hope. Now I may be beaten back to its original form. "

(End of this chapter)