Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 616

Chapter 616

Chapter 616 Two Brothers of Zhang Family

Jiang Xiaobai is staying in Jianhua Village, on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, he has booked his tickets and is going to go home on the day of the new year.

But I didn't expect that villagers would come to the door early in the morning.

is the villager Zhang Baofeng and the villager Zhang Baoguo.

Jiang Xiaobai also recognized the two people. They turned out to be old bachelors in the village. The parents of the two brothers died early, and there were no relatives in the village.

But basically, I grew up eating a hundred families. The two brothers slept in an adobe house that was about to collapse.

It leaks rain in summer, and wind leaks in winter.

The poor jingle at home, of course no girl wants to marry them.

It was just two brothers who grew up in this environment, but they didn't have a trace of ills, but they worked steadily.

The two of them can be said to be the first batch of employees hired by the educated youth cannery.

In the first batch of new brick houses built in Jianhua Village, there are also two brothers. The family is divided into land, and the two work in an educated youth cannery.

In the past two years, I have slowly saved some money. I have money and a house. Finally, someone comes to help with the matchmaking.

The two brothers are not under the control of their mother-in-law. They can be in charge as soon as they get married, but they are a bit older after all, like they are thirty-five and six years old.

Basically, those who are able to marry are already married, and those who are still single either have physical problems or are already married.

Although the two brothers live in poverty, but their spirits are not low, they humbly refused to give the matchmaker.

The other half buried his head and worked hard to change his life.

For these two people, Jiang Xiaobai still appreciates it, so Jiang Xiaobai, who was planning to go out with the bag, put the bag aside and sat down.

"Brother Baofeng, Brother Baoguo, why are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai made tea for the two, and smiled and asked them to sit down.

The two of them put the two bottles of wine in their hands on the table, and sat down nervously.

"Director Xiaobai, don't be busy, let's just say a few words and leave." Big brother Zhang Baofeng said.

"It's okay, don't worry, if you have something to say slowly, how is your family's life now? Is there anything that can help, just say it? It's not that you two are getting married, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, the two suddenly came to the door, are you going to get married and ask yourself to be your witnesses?

I just don't know which day I will be able to come back in time.

"No, no." The brothers waved their hands and said, their faces flushed.

Although they are a lot older than Jiang Xiaobai, they are still very nervous in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Although Jiang Xiaobai was smiling all day long, he did not reduce his prestige in Jianhua Village.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in confusion. Apart from this, he really couldn't figure out what else the two brothers could do if they wanted to.

The two brothers looked at each other, and then Zhang Baofeng said, Mr. Xiaobai, didn't you say that you will grow an orchard outside the pig farm after the new year? We want to contract the orchard in the village. Do you think it will work?

After speaking, Zhang Baofeng looked at Jiang Xiaobai nervously. Jiang Xiaobai decided in the village without saying a word, but if Jiang Xiaobai disagreed.

It's really not easy for other people to do it, let alone something related to Jianhua Pig Farm.

Since Jiang Xiaobai said it during the meeting that day, the brothers were thinking about it. After discussing for several days, they finally made up their minds to do it.

"Contract the orchard?" Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment. He really didn't expect the two brothers to be so determined.

The villagers of Jianhua Village, although they all made money with the several factory directors in the village, and Jiang Xiaobai was particularly supportive of what he wanted to do.

But it was the first one to propose to do it on his own.

"You should go to the village and Party Secretary Huang for this matter." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Although Jiang Xiaobai decided on this matter, Jiang Xiaobai was going to hand over this time-consuming and labor-intensive matter to the village.

Then buying fruits from the village can be regarded as an increase in income for the village. Otherwise, the people in Jianhua Village are rich and rich, but the village is poor.

It's not like that if you spend a penny looking for a factory.

Furthermore, this is a small advantage, Jiang Xiaobai also looks down on it, but it will distract the energy of the pig farm.

"We went, and Party Secretary Huang said that he agreed in principle. Let us find you. If the factory agrees, the village will agree."

Zhang Baofeng said.

"Hmm." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, which is indeed the case. It is true that Huang Zhongfu will not directly subcontract out.

"The orchard has a long return period, and the investment required is not small. It also needs to buy saplings. It is usually easy to take care of, but if you don't live, you can lose it."

Jiang Xiaobai did not agree, but asked instead.

"We know that if we want to try, we will lose if we lose. Our brothers are still young and want to try." Zhang Baofeng said.

"Okay, then I have no problem, but you must ensure that the fruit trees are alive. If the fruit trees are not alive, I have to replace them at any time."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem, don't worry, Director Xiaobai." Brothers Zhang Baofeng and Zhang Baoguo stood up and bowed gratefully to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Don't, I didn't help much, but in this way, if you don't have enough money, I can lend you some." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"No need, no, we have enough money, and Mr. Bai, there is another matter. We would like to ask you to advise us."

Zhang Baoguo has a big mouth.

"What's the matter? Orchard? You guys tell me." Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"No, our brothers still want to set up a processing plant in the village." Zhang Baoguo said, Jiang Xiaobai jumped.

Damn, these brothers have a big appetite. Not only do we have to contract an orchard, but we also have to set up a processing plant.

In this action, Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to launch two projects at first. One made money, and then he did the other.

"Do you have enough money? Can you get back to life by doing two at once?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in surprise.

"We have borrowed the money. My brother is the main worker in the orchard, and I am a processing factory."

Zhang Baoguo said.

"That's it, Director Xiaobai, I thought about it. The traffic in Jianhua Village is relatively convenient, and the roads are well repaired. Now that there are big dry bags in the countryside, there are more money to eat white noodles, just eat coarse grains. The flour made from Shihuzi is too coarse to eat.

It turned out that there was no way. Now that people have money, they definitely want to eat better. If you open a processing plant, I think you can still make money. "

Zhang Baoguo talked about his thoughts. Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Baoguo in shock, but he really didn't expect that this shameless Zhang Baoguo would have such ideas.

(End of this chapter)