Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 609

Chapter 609

Chapter 609 Institute of Medicine

"Not only the pig farm, but the educated youth cannery also needs a cold storage, otherwise there is no place for the canned food."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Our educated youth cannery does not have much inventory. Basically, it is pulled away when it is produced." Li Laosan said.

"That was before." Jiang Xiaobai answered four words and stopped talking.

Laosan Li also understood some of what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

"Director Xiaobai, you mean we will have big moves in the next year." Li San asked in surprise.

It has been three years, and it has been three years. The whole Jianhua Village is nesting and shrinking.

The business of each factory has been severely affected.

Three years now, not advancing but retreating, that is, in this era, this will happen if we change the future generations.

Several companies simply cannot survive.

Now listening to Director Xiaobai's meaning, it seems that there must be big moves.

"Yeah." Jiang Xiaobai nodded faintly, but it was just such an action that made Li San suddenly excited.

If it wasn't for Li Laosan who was driving, he would have to jump up excitedly.

"The Little Bai Director..." Li Laosan asked again.

was interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai.

"Let's talk about specific things when the meeting is held at the end of the year." Jiang Xiaobai said, now he just has an immature idea in his heart, and there is no specific plan yet.

Still need to plan carefully.

In history, the next year, 1984, is called the first year of our company.

1984 is a special year, this year private enterprises began to be active on the stage of history.

This year, the word "going to the sea" has become the most mentioned thing.

This year, the focus of domestic work has shifted to economic construction.

The beginning of all this stems from the famous saying, "Whether it is a black cat or a white cat, as long as it can catch a mouse, it is a good cat."

The starting point for all this is that Bu Xinsheng was controversial in the newspaper.

Everything indicates that the wave of reform and opening up is about to come formally.

The golden age is calling the lucky ones of this age.

A variety of rash heroes began to rise, regardless of birth, writing their gorgeous page.

The wheels of history are rolling in. No one can stop them. They can only adapt to the times and stand on the wave of reform and opening up.

But Jiang Xiaobai hasn't thought about it yet, and doesn't want to say more.

The car drove all the way to the city. It set off in the morning and it was noon in the city.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the time, it was just right noon.

"Go directly to the government, if time is right, you can still run into Zheng Qingyun." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay," Li Laosan responded, then turned the front of the car and drove towards the government.

"Comrades, who are you looking for? The canteen has changed the food delivery, why don't I know?" Jiang Xiaobai was stopped at the concierge.

"I'm looking for Leader Zheng," Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Leader Zheng, what is your name, I'll ask." The porter said.

"My name is Jiang Xiaobai..." Jiang Xiaobai said a little longer, then turned around and waved vigorously towards the distance.

"No need, Leader Zheng is here."

"Little Bai, why are you here?" Zheng Qingyun greeted other people who followed with a briefcase, and then walked over.

"Brother Zheng." Jiang Xiaobai reached out and shook Zheng Qingyun.

"Pass by and take a look." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Fart, your kid has nothing to think of and come to see me." Zheng Qingyun scolded with a smile. This is the case at the grassroots level. Everyone is not used to it if you don't say a few vulgar words.

Zheng Qingyun, a college student is doing this now. This is called going to the village to do whatever it is.

"Haha, Brother Zheng understands me, let's find a place to eat and talk." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay," Zheng Qingyun nodded.

"By the way, Brother Zheng, this is the director of our pig farm, Laosan Li." Jiang Xiaobai pulled Laosan from the side to introduce him.

Li Laosan actually knows Zheng Qingyun, but he has never really contacted him.

"Leader Zheng." Li Laosan quickly said.

Zheng Qingyun smiled and stretched out his hand, Li Laosan was flattered and quickly stretched out his hand.

"Hello, Director Li, I've heard about it a long time ago, and the pig farm in Jianhua Village is doing a good job." Zheng Qingyun said.

"Leader Zheng passed the award, passed the award," Li Laosan said quickly.

The three exchanged a few words, and then they got in the car and walked towards the hotel.

Opened a very big restaurant in the city, which is well decorated.

The two opened a private room inside the hotel, and then sat down.

"Let's talk about it, what is your kid asking for me?" Zheng Qingyun asked.

"It's like this. I have something to ask the research institute in the city for help. The formula I collected in the Miao Village near Rongcheng some time ago, I want to see if it is of any use."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"The formula, what formula do you need to use the medical graduate students in the city?" Zheng Qingyun asked curiously.

At this time, there are many research institutes across the country, and even larger units have their own research institutes.

"It is the prescription of some health products, I want to see if there is any effect," Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay, no problem. In the afternoon, I will accompany you to the city graduate student to find the director and help you ask questions."

Zheng Qingyun directly agreed. Although he said it was to help ask questions, as long as Zheng Qingyun spoke, the director of the city research would definitely not refuse.

"Okay, thank you Zheng," Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Why did your kid think of formulating health care products again? Do you want to do health care products?" Zheng Qingyun asked.

"Nor, just make two by the way. There is no such plan for the time being. The few factory directors in my hand are enough for me to work."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Yes, you kid just stay a little longer, the situation in the past two years has not been very good." Zheng Qingyun said.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and didn't say much.

In the afternoon, Zheng Qingyun accompanied Jiang Xiaobai to the city research institute.

The city research institute is located in a small independent building, and the environment is relatively good.

The graduate student is a middle-aged man with glasses, with a gentle appearance, but with Zheng Qingyun, he is still very enthusiastic.

I heard that Jiang Xiaobai wanted a few formulas of health supplements and wanted to test the effects.

I agreed without thinking about it.

"No problem, it's all trivial things. The formula is fine. Leave it to me." The director of the research institute smiled and said.

"Okay, then I will trouble Director Zhang." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, and then opened the black leather bag under his arm.

took out a mess of formula, the smile on Director Zhang's face slowly solidified.

"So many are all?" Director Zhang's voice was a little trembling.

Zheng Qingyun beside was also stunned.

"Hmm, no, there's more." Jiang Xiaobai said without embarrassment, and then took out a bunch of them from the bag.

(End of this chapter)